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Showing posts from August, 2020


The heart-rending cry of a childless father From the deep of a solitary ocean, Whoe'er can hear save the heart of his daughter And dare the seas to save the shipwreck'd human ? Alights the angel on godforsaken isle -- Impossible sans filial sacrament -- As resurrects the moribund exile Before he succumbs to self-banishment. A father when gets back his missing child Surprises God with Creational resurgence; Yet dazzled is his daughter of the yield He's made for her even in her absence -- A wonder world of puppets, dolls, images Which mirthfully start talking with her touches. -- N P SAMAL 


On inhuman divides of the humankind, Amidst hustles of hedonist' living, If the Pandemic came, Do not put on it whole blame. We've been doing the same it is doing. That its committing of genocide-- The spine-chilling horror its spreading worldwide-- Is nowhere at the bottom Of the criminal spectrum Of the -cidal waves humans do ride... Yeah, the bug is offending, of course: In afflicting the poor no remorse; The deprived and the hungry All by Viral decree Are decaying no work, none to nurse! Nor is it to the rich, kind and sparing, It does humble the mighty with its fatal sting; For it knows it's a virus And all humans are its nosh-- Be they rich or be poor, out it's even-ing. Anyway, it is going. (Who comes shall go.) And the Bug shall soon go with its crime show. But shan't rise the downtrodden Now that bent more, more broken-- To be eaten up by the highbrow. Yes, the rich will rise up on the burglary, On the feeds from illicit foundry, And on the ebb of the Viral...


I fathomlessly scan the bottom if On prop of God does stand this universe, Then up into the heaven peer I if It hangs by strings from His artistry fingers. The depth in dark, the height in glare do show There's nothing yon the bottom and the top; Like a balloon does float the Whole no tow, As Nothingness has got it swallow'd up - The facts, the fictions... all inside th' Unknown; Wanders the tiny drop of human knowledge In th' ocean of bottomless and topless Creation Attach'd no way to Acrobat's appendage. And life grows, dies in this undying gymnasium,  Its levitation, suspension's a conundrum. -- N P SAMAL 


 I am what I am until you inflict  On me a shock with your feat of distinction; 'Worthless!', somebody in me does indict  Me, as I forget my own recognition. An overwhelming envy shatters my shape Into a shapeless ghost - 'lone in the planet Of facts, desire, fulfillment, love and kinship. More I look at your feat, more wither'd I get. But envy's 'so its magic of advantage, Which soon tricks me to dust the instant of shock - My bouncy ego breaks through heaps of wreckage, And head in heaven, I stand as strong as oak. I look down on your feat with mine a lot; I am what I am, envy me or not. -- N P SAMAL


Strange that death does rescue you from death ! But it does - many times when life does 'wane'; Its helping hands pull you out of the depth Of gloom, ferry you ashore the mortal main. On steps of death does rise the life that's fallen Being vital 'gain by your eternal being - The seer immune to malign'd affliction    Of deprivation, sickness, disgrace and failing. That's the death of the others - who did rule The life, who consumed fortune by their sheer skill, And that the death they died not minuscule  Of wretchedness your life does deathly feel. On each 'famed death', your death to life upends; The mighty die; to the humble, death bends. -- N P SAMAL


Can e'er a doll abuse, and utter curses? It can't to you till you have broken her dream, Smother'd her freedom to express her sinless glees And yourself posed as corrupted and mean. Condemn me; villain is none else than me. For me, my Doll is sorely suffering, The loss of grace and pain that's bearing she. Condemn me; for my sin my Doll is crying. The Doll with me does hate me as the worst: Doll of my daughter who will ne'er return To this unfortunate, unfatherly ghost -- The loss I till my death will densely mourn With me at my Doll's feet till sinks the wreck'd yacht The causes of my sin buried in my heart. -- N P Samal  


The yawning cracks of ice threatens to swallow, As leaning crags will any moment crash; But faith is climbing up with each axe blow -- Dauntless so, evils tamely allow the pass. The victory point bobs up on mountain top With Climber's courage bloating further yet, Soon there will fly the winner's flag and flap The glorious exploit deep down the State. All of a sudden, a snowy storm down does bear And hits the mounter with its rocky squalls, But tight his faith and grit holding together, Sneaks 'way the storm 'neath his victorious  smiles... Courage that carries faith does glorify life, Whereas fear gives effect to causal trip. -- N P SAMAL


 The self-imprison'd mind feels not the bliss Of freedom, its delights in dark confinement But the enlighten'd, free from avarice, Do get all zest of life from little, being content. Insatiable hunger of mind is desire  Which leashes you to utter subjection, Your craving suctioning you tighter ever To resistless enslavement and abjection. The human bent acquisitive that runs Minds not its friction 'gainst inherent objects Of truth before it into ashes burns, Yet it ne'er its own fatal path rejects. The more illusive charm inflicts more pain While a small glebe's all stars, moon, sun and rain. -- N P SAMAL


No doubt the love that roars rebounds as hate And plummets fast downward till it does smash; The hell-bent maniacs spiral passionate And roar in the air ere tragically crash. The more the trekking goes up, more the love  Engenders hate, as summit of extremes Being uneven and steep does disapprove The lasting of the belligerent dreams. Extremes of love fatal no fail do kill The self and fix the soul to an utter pain; The table-top passion being blindly mobile, Its over-shooting meets the fated bane... Love lasts not long where vulgar show abides, As each in the other's fate lethally resides. -- N P SAMAL


The 'midway fits' have held me back, With their unpredictable hidden attack; Grounded am I with sudden jerk, As castigates me my question'd luck. Can't I touch the finish line ? Can't change the flows of bad adrenaline ? But there's no pride in giving in, Atonement deathly yet more in retreating. There's many a bend ahead of me As I down my stare from what I do fancy That I see. Looking back with fear, I find I've trodden the path no straight either. The movement up the road does pose The same impassable as what down does. I  wonder in kind of dismay How I have beaten the challenges of th' way ! In my caprice to move ahead Have I walk'd over dangers unafraid -- Have flatten'd bumps and straighten'd curves Untiring, unperplex'd for treasure troves. A swing again I get right straight Toward the jackpot beaconing yet bright'. I find my legs getting agile, Heart pacing fast and mind on rapid rail. I soar and soar ahead unfazed The tra...


Who forgets that they came ? Those times, those acts, those names ? And who doubts they all went ? With times, with all things they meant ? We know they came, but we didn't. Hercules came, but we didn't. Aristotle came, but we didn't. Leonardo came, but we didn't. Napoleon came, but we didn't. Newton came, but we didn't. Mahatma came, but we didn't. All others came, but we didn't. And they all went, but we didn't. For we didn't come, so we didn't  go. Now that we've come, we'll go. Even we wish not to go, we'll go. With all things we mean, with our ego. We'll go. We'll go. We'll go. Again we won't come, again we won't go. Some others will come, some others will go... Thus, life on earth does last on ours coming and going. And we're a mortal link each on ours living and dying. -- N P SAMAL


At long last the Pandemic is retreating And our patience has started repaying. As the dark dissipates And our hope re-emerges, We do notice our victory is looming. What if we have escaped the onslaught Of the marauding virus if life is unsafe lot?  For the bug when it goes  Will return our own foes -- The invisible, visible all on the trot. Perhaps Corona came to instruct so-call'd humans That the moderner's fads can't provide them insurance 'Gainst the force of caprice, That there's death at the cast of the dice, That their vices precisely ensure their own sufferance. But our learning does never encashes, Now that Corona goes, here are we to replace Our bethel with our den, All sinister devices made full again, And restart our brandishing of arms of self-indulgence -- We the cannibal humans will munch on Our own tissues and drink our own blood for recreation; On the corpse of the virus Will be placed our own corpse; Like before, our own viruses freely will thrive o...


They came all with their span 'midst merriment To live and let all live by what's ordain'd, And grew on each subjected to own extent; Some broke through, some in their limit remain'd. The times of past did house them all, But gone are they with times one after one; The past is dead in pyres and burial Each lap complete with the end of the span. The span that's transient on death expires, So does your lap if well-perform'd or ill, But liberated you're from what transpires; This is alone to God yours do reveal, That deeds of yours if virtuous and austere Are placed on the lap of God forever. -- N P SAMAL 


The raze of swollen sea to thunderings Of monstrous clouds to quakes of withdrawing earth... And pandemics to fatal human failings - Whose life is it that dreads not face of death ? But death 'lone shocks the one who celebrates The gains of body in absolution, As life to death in matters sole relates; The more possess'd one is, more trepidation... And who renounces 'life of joy', collects Pearls from oceans, stars from heavens and ever Remains in transcendence - beyond connects Of fatal forces death does swiftly fire : Renunciation is the embodiment Of life - unbeatable, undying, unrent. -- N P SAMAL


Is the virus in my backyard lurking ? Or, has it in my body been homing ? I do hear constant sirens, And do feel glottal pains. Whate'er, Bug can't on me so enforcing ! Does the virus have rights o'er my life ? Is this life so thin-skinned to its mischief ? No way, I am indebted ! Nothing, I have inherited ! Why should I be afraid of this rascal thief ? Yet, sometimes, aches my throat, chokes my nose. The house shakes with my coughs, nasal blows. But as habitual I've been, I quaff tea ginger in, Exercise, 'so vitamins, the Vice goes... Many times, thus, the virus has risen, Many times, thus, the virus has fallen With the sirens outside, With the roars inside, But my life is too safe to be bitten ! Yet, a creature can't utter immortal. Like those numberless dead, I'm 'so mortal. Yet so, I do not worry; . Ere the virus kills me, I've already arranged my burial. -- N P SAMAL 


The Expandable vilely expands And bone dead does it bury that stands In its course of mass-killing, Of exterminating Of all earthlings - be simpletons or brigands. Its far-reaching tentacles do spread As the king of all creatures does dread If a ghost in the sight In the dead of night - All in urine and stool 'neath their bed. But unsparing's the apocalyptic - The unseen, impish, creepy and cryptic - And will raid every hideout From the bunker to dugout, Before blighting all humans to 'septic'. This's how pessimists think from their shell Hugely shock'd in the face of the 'hell'. But there're optimists 'so, Who are hopeful and know That the human 'heroics' shall never fail. -- N P SAMAL


I've died many times but each time I've fallen, Death has raised me with his immortal hand And life's numberless deadly blows have spun To fun by the touch of his magic wand. The thought of death does resurrect my corpse, Inspirit my soul and inspire me to rise And brave the life's relentless jagged course; As I walk 'gain no pain, no tear, no bruise. With death holding up a beacon over yonder, I notice in that lighting all do perish Under his feet - the evil, the good - forever My being left with no bias or grudge to nourish... And endure I my plights thus submitting To death's absolute bearing on my whole being. -- N P SAMAL


Who thinks life is a pleasure knows not death, That one obsess'd with comfort wastes delight Of death which life that's pledg'd to work does 'queath - Like labour of the day makes up the night. Life is the life of action sans ego And dedicated in the name of God As with my lustfree spirit's workful brow, I can imagine death's deathless abode  That death's the extended sleep I sleep each day - The state of rest in perpetuity; My body lying all 'cross the earth and sky And head in Heavenly lap of Almighty; For my exhausted life, there lies ahead Infinite peace in the Creator's Bed. -- N P SAMAL


The 'self'-possess'd fanatics run the course Of violence n vainglory o'er th' innocent And wreck sore havoc on them no remorse By force of money, muscle and armament. Marauders do proclaim invincible  Are they. But has it ever been proved so ? All powers of the mortal formidable  However, crush'd are all by The Ultimate's Blow. The might of death is mightiest of all mights; From hell to heaven, devils and despots - all In graves are buried, whoe'er inflicted plights  And wish'd to hold the fortune of the whole... Live as you may, but death does triumph always. And gospelic forebodes this 'mortal presage'. -- N P SAMAL


The truth of death is never what you know That it is th' one who forces you to perish And robs you of all things you own and grow, Your life, your honour - all you love and cherish. But none of yours in fact is lost in transit As God redeems all things of yours on death That makes this 'delegated life' complete; You rest in Heaven and lasts in God your breath. Then He does wake you up from your 'repose' If He finds your work well redeemable, And sends you back to earth and does impose A new mission for The Incorruptible. He gives you life for work and death for rest; So life is, death is - both at His behest. -- N P SAMAL


You hate to die as love for life builds up  Your soul being serviced by the order'd Nature And humankind singing your paeans atop, On corpse of death you wish to live forever. How can what God has order'd for Creation, Creatures disown, denounce, de-canonise ? If life as a fact you licitly do own, So death is no false either to despise : Death is as sacrosanct as life reveals, Irrelevant, ungot is life without; Salvation gets the soul in death when dwells, For the life that's for death remain'd devout... Life for Experience, death for Resurgence; Both life and death are parts of Providence. -- N P SAMAL


You wish to run away from life when gather Its tests and trials with loads of frustration, Then hits death head on your absconding humour And you bounce back with fright and trepidation - Back into 'hell' where you can't live nor die, For there's no third home that exists beyond The obvious - in life and death, and lie These heavens in living and in dying, no yond'. Commandment bids : Live your life to the full Through 'built-in' shares of shocks and sufferings And 'so accept death it being the ordain'd rule Equally formulated for all earthlings. And pains the more you get, the greater worth Of Paradise death for your soul brings forth. -- N P SAMAL