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Showing posts from October, 2020


Do you take note of humans rolling in filths And do subsist on means of their tireless labours  - Deprived of 'elements of life' - with kiths  And swarming in morass of urban gutters? I do, and see their beaming smiles e'er ain't  Less glorious than light of the sun and faces Laced with impressions pastural and quaint  Less serene and genuine than heavenly graces. So feel their soulful heart in love with things They have as gifts of God while mind does sight Modern desires as endless sufferings The day denying not food and peace the night. In paradise of life, they stately inhabit With limitless bliss, in fief of their limit. - N. P. SAMAL, POET, AUTHOR, ACADEMIC 


Fear not if love of yours will one day be wreck'd  Off vessel and drown will you no help, forlorn; Vessel may go, shan't you to die be left, For love is never friendless and alone.  E'er wakeful to save you are love's companions If ship does sink to navigational bane Of maritime marauders, swirls and cyclones, Or like republics, cuddles a new captain.  Yet upon you, firstly, rests on the fame Of your love-sharing voyage spoil you may  But fret not, there are friends to take the blame  And lifeboat you across the troubled bay. To name them are hope, hatred, tears and anger - - The four Samaritans of the love-lost lover. -- N. P. SAMAL


Now on your head does fall a rain of boulders -- In tolls, denials, or pitiless tirade; Then in beatifying love do breathe the showers Of petals singing balmy serenade.  In pleasure you rejoice and buckle in pain  As through the Chequer does your life go on -- Being held 'long crisscrossing of loss and gain -- By brace of love for something or for someone.  And love that holds your life may be as best As you or as unwarranted as you But love for life and life for love are blest Together and than God more pure, more true. There's a supreme soul in each one who loves, And each supreme soul is dearer than Heaven's troves. -- N. P. SAMAL


Life is design'd to live in anything  Or all  things at a time -- with love of course -- In lives,  non-lives, things we feel or feel nothing,  If  there is soul of God in universe.  There is no  life wherein love not resides -- Be it love for  what transcends the mortal limit, Or like  blossoms on a love-knot, briefly abides -- There's love always as natural legit. But life possess'd with love for one and the same Is prisoning the self in a far-off isle That nourishes the life till fall of the frame, Or proves too strange for self to stand the exile.  Yet love is love as sacredness of soul; Lovable are all -- from a grain to the Whole. -- N. P. SAMAL


 Life is not just what you are made to deal - By culture, convention, by rights and  duties Or reading how pleasures and pains  we feel - But love in you for humans, birds, and bees. And love at peace with self is life attained, But life is unattainable like the height  The sky presents howe'er you trek and tend; Enroute, love fades for some, for some,  grows bright : Inevitable are shifts in love with stages As you ascend when darlings upon you chance, That, love you lose or love you gain on changes Or love till death ferry you in a trance. And life held by hard love is e'er a fun, While life sans love is blindness in the sun. -- N. P. SAMAL, POET, AUTHOR, ACADEMIC 


I've grown among my bloods, neighbors and mates And seen all - same of body, bones and bearings,  Same humans of true virtues and same cognates For one another sharing same belongings. But all this oneness like a tattered necklace  Has broken into fragments of odd mobs By vices of trendy fads and meanness  Of modern day arena's cut-throat hubs. Can journey of the living earth be boss'd By humans who are split with diverse dreams? Aimless is life's progressive course and tossed  Up its existence by our straying memes... Men are men, one class, women so equate - God's two Divides; each else a fake syndicate.  -- N. P. SAMAL, POET, AUTHOR, ACADEMIC 


The peacock prins itself in lustful courtship  And dances spreading his iridescent tail In his attempt to win the hen's belief That he's 'mong all the most attractive male. Thus do all males to every hen they see And spend their youth displaying what they have; With hen being lost for choice who could her mate be, They spread their sperm in open for wretched hen's hap. They go. They come. But they've not changed their wings Of manly-chauvinistic conceit ever; While body never etches stand out carvings, But by brain we get our Creational partner : If humans e'er evolve, it's not by emotion But by the few who function their cognition.  -- N. P. SAMAL, POET, AUTHOR, ACADEMIC 


Sometimes you look up to others in esteem : How heads of theirs are rising to the stars! Sometimes 'so yet, you look down upon them Those who've been flatten'd to the feet of yours. But looking straight at your own life you see Nor height nor depth, but on guardless flotation  That it is drifting toward death precisely  Enroute a devious course of fluctuation.. Life for each one is what to you is visible - Beyond the difference of a king or pauper - That, within, it is purely frail and breakable  To plagues, pile-ups, or sword of misadventure... We see each other with whatever view, But none is vital - neither I nor you. -- N. P. SAMAL, POET, AUTHOR, ACADEMIC 


Can things the mind aches for sustain the base Of life all 'long the body does traverse ? How, when the lustful mind devours the hapless  As live th' elite on their blood, toil and tears ? You see your problem of comforts to own. So you can't see the problem of another To get a loaf of bread thrown off your glutton And block the recourse for food to starving hunger. The sprouts of human wants desires do tend - Synthetic all and weed through modern mind Of block of vagaries that floats to cursed end -  And grow to models of a baleful kind - Under the civilized cloak, all are aliens; Possess'd with hominids are all homosapiens. -- N. P. SAMAL, POET, AUTHOR, ACADEMIC 


If humans are what their mind makes them of Or, like non-humans, form'd of earthy matters - Too subtle a fact to find; there's myth enough - As we do rise and fall, so do all others.  Yet lives of kinds all own do fairly tell The human mind ain't engineer'd to change  The cogwheels of the life's cradle and hell, Rather fill'd with a genocidal melange While plants and plumage, honeybees and herds, All flourish side by side in peace and quietude - Unterminated e'er their shared accords - O'er th' arty mind of human multitude.  And mind that constructs life so to destroy it Is worse than life sans mind, malice and bullshit. -- N. P. SAMAL, POET, AUTHOR, ACADEMIC 


The grave of past has held each corpse from yores And swells as each one falls from living guild, If universe sustains on lives of ours - Grown and consumed - for its superior build. Emerge do lives from nowhere, beaver 'way All through to self-aggrandize with their piles, But sink into Nether and melt away  Fore'er, strpp'd of things earned by rights or  guiles.   Life is, to guess, an action manifest By lot ordain'd by cosmic automation On move with each stage run that comes to rest  Continually in some benign direction; For static's ne'er the universe we live in, Momentum gain'd with momentry propellin'.   -- N. P. SAMAL, POET, AUTHOR, ACADEMIC 


Doesn't life adorn itself with hues to show  As it does grow to an ego-vested soul? And say if you do not know this self glow  Belongs not to the spirit of the whole? If paints of life by livers of the earth  In myriad notes of visions and,too,vagueness Not carry facts real that pour down from  birth - All sketches vocal of Nature's genuineness? Life is subjected to the Whole that owns, Though lone all way through goes from fun to   fear - All portray'd touches of emotional crayons  Deliver an image the life does bear. And portraits of each distinct bloom and blot, That after death of beings, some fade, some  fade  not. -- N. P. SAMAL, POET, AUTHOR, ACADEMIC 


Comes the sun from night, to night returns, Yet darkness as abortive thrust of Nature  Sometimes does terminate its diurnal course- The light,  energy breathes out sunset ere. However, sun denies not its essence  To come and live the full day no alarm; So comes each life with lease of permanence Though full or little, it forfeits its charm... Life all an ardent glow, like firefly's moment, In dark infinity's star-studded girth Does visit as insatiable mortal bent And dies un'ware to vagaries of death. Yet death that's life's inevitable companion  No human should blaspheme or fear The  Clarion. -- N. P. SAMAL, POET, AUTHOR, ACADEMIC 


The leaning boughs of great souls spread the shade Of kindness, love, truth, and non-violence, That 'neath the canopy of holy crusade Sustains the planet's human existence, While rocketing of selfish growth does rise, In one-upmanly, defiant course to heaven, But hell to which decompose all vain-glories, Pull'd down by the forces of inhuman bane. The loftiness of virtuoso stranger  To common good bears not humanity That seeks the civilizing shelter under The true soul's lush foliage of charity... There's hardly any that bows not to one Who tends in him the soul of a true human.                                                       -- N P SAMAL