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Showing posts from August, 2023


Adam did know no other woman than Eve, Nor any man else than Adam did Eve know; As the first spouses on this earth to live, Sent by God to carry out marriage vow. And they did honor the Divine Commission  And lived in Paradise immortal ever,  Till they consumed the fruit by God forbidden And were banished to hell to mortally suffer.  And you, who marry, enter Paradise And for your spouse, you are the Eve or Adam, You both are made to God's Decree oblige, If erred, can't get rid of Eternal Harm.  Wealth, allures and lust are Devil's enticements Which demolish the Creational Sacrament. -- N P Samal 


God or science? perhaps no brain was there To notice when the question popp'd its head out As humans wielded stones to generate fire And flagg'd off Re-Creation on this planet.  Since then, the wheels of human odyssey Have been relentless and creating wonders, In the land, in the sea, and in the sky, If Goal's to re-create whole universe.  Not sure if humans hate the Creational plans That have confined them into a stuffy corner  With death, diseases.., many a fatal occurance; So for a perfect world do they manoeuver.  The question then--who fashioned the Creation? The answer's growing with human Re-Creation. -- N P Samal 


Birds have not left the boughs and fish the water For as long as their life on this planet, But how did humans if not by desire Escape the wild? Now on the moon to inhabit? How do they create what's yond works of God-- Bulbs, drugs, computer, genetic engineering..., And for their Ultimate Being churn the world, While others just to fur, food, nest and nestling? Desire does grow from want, want from perception, And human mind with these three in its clutch Usher them by the light o' imagination, Untill desire does find the reality touch. And more the touches more desires do grow, As humans more and more create the new. -- N P Samal 


Do you know how when we do fight for living, Socrates could with pleasure gulp down poison? And how Jesus could bear the nails all smiling While we for a little pinprick raise a weapon? It's in our hate does lie the difference;  While love has magic to transform the body To gayly bear the most afflicting pains, Hate does make a prick a punch of fatality. Love is life's essence, the Maker's Tool Placed in our hand for metamorphosis,  And when we love Humanity, the mortal Decamp our body with destructive forces.  Thus by the Tool the greats could win o'er death,  While, for hate, all deathly pains we live with.    -- N P Samal 


The clock is ticking; Time is hurrying on And does not rest when I am resting or While in the halted night asleep have I fall'n. And Time is hurrying on, has halted ne'er, Ever since I did know as it first did Slip from the holding of my childhood plays, Then broke through my youth all firm and solid, As I did fail to tame him by my pledge... Now, too, my learned brain can't hold him back, Though I do beg, "O Time, I'm yet not complete  Of what my life is made to give and take. Please stop and let me be ere my retreat!" But Time is hurrying on; the clock is ticking; As shorter each instant my life is running.  -- N P SAMAL 


Love is the bond between two souls we know, But what does make the souls attract each other And bond? As bonds of love ahead do row, How does one bonding ageless move, one sever? From one's committing suicide to one's killing,  What do the bonded souls surrender to To break apart; what then stands in the passing  That the souls do find it naive to break through? For answer, I look'd up and ask'd the 'legends' What made their souls attain the heavenly place. "We could defeat", each soul replied in silence,  "The pulls of ego, wealth, pretence and prowess  And had existence in the other's spirit,   Beyond our mortal body's selfish limit."   -- N P Samal 


Hasn't violence an end? has been the question Since when some humans reasoned they were humans, And as began opposed to beasts to live on, The others went on rolling in violence. From hammerstones to swords to guns to atom bombs, The arms of violence have fiercely bloodlet  The humankind, with devilish aplomb, Tearing and maiming all, the old and neonates...  Where is the end? The question is hard to answer, As we've evolved less humans but more beasts-- More Neoliths, Aztecs, Timurs, Khans, and Hitlers, But less Muhammads, Buddhas, Rams, and Christs. Thus thrive the race in the civilized wild, And ends not violence--the savage yield. -- N P SAMAL  


Do you believe your love has wither'd you And dragg'd you to the baleful arms of doom? Has it yet robbed you of your piled up values, As folk do scorn you as pariah and loathsome? Blame not love, for love is blameless, sacred, And causes not sores or sufferings to the lover; Love is emancipator for the oppressed, Lessor of life and to renown torchbearer. But not each one can be the lover, of worth, Nor each that's loved can be worthy of love; And love, when finds two lovers, true are both, Does with the grant of heavenly boons approve. If love of yours as banes on you have fallen, Ere death does strike, to your domain return!! -- N P SAMAL 


Life is on move--like time--through you, through me, Through all alive now on this mortal Earth,  And has been ceaseless from the belly of the sea, Aeons ago, and moves through deaths and births. And microbes who first grew knew not why they grew  Long after the creation of the universe, And died, as life moved on passing through Animals, plants, bees, birds, to lastly reach us. Yet life's on move and cares not who is living  And how, and moves through fortunes, fames, and pleasures,  'So, kindlessly, through plights, pains, sorrows,  sufferings, And stops not even at deaths of mightiest masters. Comes one from the womb, to grave one goes, But whither life does move no body knows. -- N P Samal