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Beauty is lost! Acid has burnt the face,
But doused the fire on the perpetrator's heart:
The two destined mortals got what meted.
Did anyone listen what the souls said?

"I find in me an undying sorrow; in her
A saboteur's diabolical rapture!
My heart is into pieces cruelly rent,
And eyes bleed tears in heavy torrent;
But the sadist is revelling boisterous
On the carcass of my soul that ceaseless mourns...
My life is mine, and lorded I over,
For love, though, I made her a free-holder;
But off she sold my propriety to another,
In my own fief, I am an outsider...!
She's turn'd a renegade, me a rebel
Against hers putting on me a death knell.
And with my life and rights entrench'd in here,
I can't be an absconder, or pardoner--
I shall torment the ruthless tormentor,
And for the betray'd be a crusader...",
Swore wildly the unmentor'd character
For whom the State is just a punisher.

"I am absolute. I am free to live
By my own choice and values unrestive.
I can never be made a slave to force,
Or sell my peace for the sake of others..
To choose what makes me happy and secure
Is my birth right none to dispute, whoever...",
Dared the other character with a jeer
Unaware of the peril in the rear!

Hostile neuronic bonds cross'd each other:
One to live with, and one without the other;
One to re-own, and one to cede the other;
One by insanity, one being selfish;
One with vengeance, one with defiance;
One for lovesickness, one for hatredness...
And so, the comeuppance each is to bear,
Whom to blame, or spare, sees the Condoner.

The heart is home for love, peace, and humour.
Yet strongly flammable with indignant's anger
Lit up by the mindless act of the betrayer...
Human are all--some do appear, some within;
Betrayed, not a renouncer each one is;
And each mourns not, nor is a forgiver;
Then face pariahs, or acid attackers!!

Resides there violence in every blood.
Emotions grow humans, instincts conquer.
Of vengeance, acid is an indicator.
Survival instincts shall desist never:
This crime, our crime, crimes against each other
Shall go on and go on, un'bated, forever...

Do educate the mind, calm down the heart.
Yet Mind and Heart oft-times deny a merger;
Of Truth of Life, the lovers do remain un'ware;
This crime, our crime, and crimes against humanity
Shall go on undeterr'd till the Changer...

                                                         -- N P Samal


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