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You are 'long no line while wait I and pine,
As tears hide your imprints from sight of mine !
O my dear love, wherever have you gone ?
And gone like a 'fay' - unheard, unreach'd, unknown ?
How cruel time play'd its gambit and you quit,
While I was world, and this world at your feet !,

Your disappearance like that of the sun
O'er winter'd earth, has drop'd me woeful, lorn !
Endures the ditched soul banishment's each sting,
Will i see hearty ingress of the spring ?
Unsure, yet runs my morbid love with flight
Of moments of sheer longing day and night !...

You love me you no more, nor let me adore !
Why made promise ? Why yet then you ignore ?
And all for, being a human, I just err'd !
Why forgiveness then so divinely law'd ?

If tiger ate me, I would tell in mirth
How timid a pray I was to your wrath !
If I was run o'er, how careless, you would guess,
A wanderer was I to your rashness !
Yet crave I your philanthropic return,
And back in me as Hercules lies lone;
A thousand lions' strength your love in me builds
To upturn universe for human yields !
Do womb this soul in your vast sanctorum,
See how this saint emancipates whole 'cosm !
A moron, yet, am I from you apart -
So attrition'd to perish to the last !

My tears will drown me, so my grief will do in !
But how can e'er I die alone, or live in ?
Be merciful, my 'unkindly' mistress !
Please stop your cruel retreat, for godliness !
Feel me, for goodness' sake, nor a foe nor a creep !
Do stop your exit ! Do come and see me deep :

A civilisation that is my life --
The purest, noblest, safest any stripe;
All with prosperity's perennial run
For nature's most divine institution !
And look how works my heart assiduous;
No empire could be so ambitious !
And heavens will envy my heart's splendours
With all its sublimated characters,
And lest your gracious soul should pity me,
Adorns itself my heart pleasantly charmy...

Scented chrysanthemums in thousands lay
Velvety floors for your return, each day.
A hundred ladies fine and fair on wait
To nurse your body and being day and night.
World's best connoisseurs have gather'd for you
To create richest delights under the blue,
And hungry populace have laid their bowls
Lest your generous hands should feed their souls.
Avante garde crew - musicians and dancers
Are striking chords in their heaviest postures
In a bid to regale their noblest empress
So, lest Her Grace may feel any little stress;
And lest your tenderest body should suffer,
Feted experts 'been commission'd to care for...
Should any devils or foemen waylay,
Should any cannibal for your blood bay,
All-powerful infantries, fatal fleet
Wakeful at best to guard your graceful feet...

Survive thus I with trust, yet desperate,
As moments scurry by in bereavement;
And wander I for my fortress to meet
Coz I'm nothing, but with her I'm complete... 

                                         --- N P Samal


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