I see your smile...
I see your smile each day -
Many a time a day...
I see your smile in floral blings
Gleefully flying with tiny wings..
I see it settling on shrubs and on trellis
Then gliding around with scents of
roses and lilies...
I see your smile...
I see your smile near and far,
Everywhere in nature's innards -
On breast of mountains
At foot of fountains
On sands of summer sea
On turf of autumn lea
Along the dark wood's skyline
Along banks of sweetly flowing riverine...
I see the flights of your smile
In cheeriness of solar light
In tranquillity of starry night
With tender breaths of spring
With freshness of jasmine...
And so you smile..Everywhere..
Everyday..Many times a day...
And then,
I see your smile
Before my very eyes
I see your smile
In my courtyard's foliage...
I see its labial gesture
Of love, of charm, of rapture
As blooms of smile frolic in pleasure
With dance of waves of sweet zephyr...
And I behold - spellbound
This wondrous gift of Creator --
With warmth of wintry sunshine
With sacred custom of a shrine
Its piety is so pristine
That primal drives in mine
So naturally I confine
As hands deny to reach out
For any mortal touch of profanity...
And so, your smile ne'er dies
And so, your smile ne'er flees
On fall of my shadow
By blows of my whisper...
You raise your eyes and see me smile
With you I smile, with me you smile --
No wanness.. No wryness..
No calculation.. No craftiness...
It's all blissful.. It's all glorious..
It's all transcendental.. It's all truthful...
I see your smile reaching the sky
I see your smile permeating through
Mountains and hills.. Fountains and woods..
Rivers and seas.. Billows and breeze..
The rains.. The stars.. The sun.. The moon...
I smile...
I smile again and 'gain
My visage stuck upwards
My body melting in the soul...
I get absorb'd in vast of nature -
In deluge of indefinable, unfathomable,
And absolute pleasure...
--- N P Samal
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