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They are selfie-ing.
Let them selfie.
Let crazy fellows leave their imprint...
There grows in them a self 
so indomitable --
Prostrate it not in veneration,
Bows it not in genuflection,
Nor in approval falls it at
the feet of the idolised... 
Behind each selfie looms the self
More tall, more large, more glorified
and fancier --
The only soul immortal than
the dead-alive others...

They are selfie-ing.
Let them selfie. 
In hands of theirs is universe,
In it are they, with them are matters --
The sun, the moon, the yon above;
Lands, seas, and organisms below...
Absorb'd are they inside;
Inside they rise, inside they fall --
Their credit none to clone,
Their blemish none to share...
No matter how unnoticed travel they
in the wilder,
No worry if the lens of fame
accosts them never;
Their attics they do light,
Their rot 'so do they fight,
And them they selfie 
with the time's each flight,
By Nature's every low and height:
On brinks of cliffs,
On roofs of reefs,
In the mouth of the man-eater,
Down a melting glacier,
In front of speeding trains,
On fins of flying planes...

They wish to prove no mean are they,
Ignoble are they not by any means;
Yet nobler wish they them all notice --
The 'kissy face', or the 'fish'', or the 'duck's',
Or likes of 'model pout',
In shake of hands or fisty bout...
The wink of lustful eyes,
The curve of coated lips,
The postures of millennia,
In rips, in frays, in full regalia;
Their fashion statement 
So unique, so un-quotable, so sole;
So worth-some feel they 
if relevant are they to eternity...

They are selfie-ing.
Let them selfie. 
In their selfies, they find their pastures
In their selfies, they hide from discomfiture --
From drudgery or denials a 'smart' departure...
Their mind's made dry,
Autumn clouds are not let to spray,
So sprouts not their hope,
So vaults not their confidence;
So content they get of their measly bowl
So overboard they soar by their forward soul...

So let their gadget icons guzzle
the rightful globe
And their pic-perfect statuettes
supremely rise above...

Let them selfie.
Let them do it.
Let them survive and die by own merit;
Rightful are they to live with their identity
however low, however little...

                                                    -- N P SAMAL


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