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When work frees me to solitary gaps,
Get I some liberating aerial flaps;
With clutches of desires brush'd off my form,
Supremely reigns in mind a perfect calm.

The silence mutes down all and sundry rows
Of conceit, cant, slang, slanders, and guffaws;
So shrieks of torture, or cries of distress,
The rumbles of struggles, roars of vengeance.

Then shines the firmament over my head
With messages of peace and wishes laid;
In great enthusiasm I look at the yon,
That drenches me in glow of fascination.

I see the sky expands away and open
And feel its touches deeply on me quite often,
Fervently I wish to capture the distance
And crave to hold the blue in my embrace.

The azure abode of the spatial panache
Houses the known, unknown in its expanse,
Pervades the transcendence thoroughly over
And hang all tawdry worlds in vacuuous inner.

In tranquil spread of the cosmic abstraction
Out come the chromatic illumination -
Celestial marvels like the flying broom,
The nightly blossoms and the lunar bloom,

Prismatic rainbow's fluidly gradience,
The setting sun, its tawny radiance,
The auroral lights of the North and South,
Supernova, or ecliptical mouth...

From top of hill up I look at the sky
And run my eyes round the horizons by,
Down still I find the same all as the upper
Whole things are bellied by infinite Nature.

Though billows blot the welkin glory out
Or deep's the earth in nocturnal black out,
Exists the ultimate stately forever
Where truths of beauty eternally appear.

Permeates the Absolute subtle force all through,
The empyrean vast that poses solely true;
Dissolve thoroughly in, keenly I wish to
And endlessly get peace, immortality too...

    - N P SAMAL


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