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With the innocence of a school boy, I'd wonder
About the things apparently hidden under
The frock of my playmate, different from mine,
And clueless I would sit to roughly imagine.

Being curious of the difference to explore,
One day I found the breed quite strange to appear,
As something great a pleasure surg'd through me,
And I couldn't help marvelling at the fanny.

Games I did play not, books I open'd neither,
Aside put I all for body of hers;
Latch'd on to the conceal'd delightful sight,
I grazed my look on her by day, by night.

In gave the soft tissues of a teenager
As body fetish held me in amour;
I touch'd her, differently a first, in zest,
As throb'd her body, mine, in certain quest.

It's not morals or mind, but body, however,
On hers daub'd I most of my character,
Her in favour, each norm we did flout,
On pretexts, made we each place a hide out.

Did grow my mate, with hers being demure,
Reserved, as grew her clothing longer, tighter;
Age intervening us, the distance got bigger,
Our hawk-eyed parents forc'd the drifting further.

The robes, the walls, the darks hid her from eyes,
As vainly I essay'd to lift the guise,
The urge of body so irresistible grew,
Insufferably I was left to stew.

My body lack'd assets like those of her,
Yet stared she at me, her eyes longing for,
Secretly through the doors, the mesh of windows--Some passion-laden flashing glows in shadows.

Evolved I round her hub, the moon like,
With eyes of a voyeur for the gold to strike;
The longer I remain'd from her apart,
The stronger went on craving of my heart.

Existed all with her, or none sans her
If she, her body, made the whole of the Nature;
And pining started I for her pour'd heavy,
As people call'd our love a legend be...

Can love be fabled with the bodily contact?
Can it be immortal with a mortal pact?
However, sought I salvation in our love
And bided time to acquire the treasure trove.

A consequence, or miracle, turn'd the affair,
And patience paid the fruition of my desire;
Once I did find her lying, with her nude corp,
And me all naked, hungrily atop.

So overwhelming was the orgasm,
So gratifying was the young-age coital spasm,
That made the absolute worth of my birth,
My body most eligible on the earth.

Supreme I felt of me the conquest own'd,
Her territory got Adonis cloned;
With full virility, machismo ran riot,
And countless trots, the stud was never fraught...

So many years has fled, adroitly since,
With many tales of creditable vigour,
Our worn-out, achy body of old age wince,
Although; yet fondly look we at each other,
With cares, in our bodies live our love yet more.

                                                       -- N P SAMAL


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