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There dwells a giant in me.
Feeds he in me, breathes he in me.
On nourishment of self grows he in me.
Sleep i, sleeps he; wake i, wakes he.
Goes he with me, comes he with me.
There dwells a giant in me.

The giant is rude to hear, and weird to see,
and in me lives although estranged from me.
Of envy, conceit, wrath, lust, greed in guild
Of savage sins, is made his hideous build.
His breath is hatred, violence his creed.
He loves to drink blood and eat flesh with greed.
In the blaze of intolerance he boils.
His lava of revenge spreads extreme bales.
Unkind, unsparing; thrills him deathly throbs.
A carnival he fetes over human corpse...

I know not when he came to me.
I know not when he enter'd me.
I know not how he turn'd the most of me.
And how in times of action he dictates me.
Appears or not, the giant is up in me.

He sees you when you come to me.
He reads you when you deal with me.
Regard me high, he'll love you hard.
Regard me low, he'll hit you hard.
Obey me, bow to me, unjust or just.
Do me a harm, he'll pummel you to dust.

He sees not limits; cravings are insatiable.
And wars on me if i'm restrain'd or pliable.
He wants i dominate, and hold the whole -
Immovables and movables, each thing sole;
Have clout over each land, each bird, each brute
With none of mortals daring to dispute...

Yet there are times when creeps in lassitude,
Drowns me ennui in unearthly solitude;
When blows of outbreaks crack me down to earth
Reminding me of treading sinful path -
That i defy the giant subdued by shock,
And sinks he deep by the unforeseen knock.

A beauteous world beholds my giant-less soul -
The abode of the Supreme Being turns the whole.
Get i the pure and wholesome touch of Nature
And find o'er the grave of the giant real treasure.
Wish I to bathe in God-lent benefaction
Of light, air, rain - each thing under the sun.
With love of heart when come i out in the open,
I'm shock'd to see a giant in you, in each one.
Then springs out of the grave the giant in me
And all the giants confront like fury be.
Affronts, attacks, bloodthirstiness and other
Afflictions cave in on the human culture.
Prevails the doom in fondly raising Nature.
Thus I and you and all are damn'd to Hell forever...
                            - N P SAMAL


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