"Ice-cream! Ice-cream!",
Shouted the hawker in luring rhythm,
"Cup, and cone, and crunchy waifer,
Eat up, eat up, it's now or never."
"Ice-cream! Ice-cream!",
Shouted Mama if woke up from dream,
"Mom, mom, gimme money, gimme money,
I'll eat Ice-cream crunchy and coney."
"Ice-cream! Ice-cream!",
Shouted mommy in angry steam,
"You can't eat, you can't eat, you bad girl,
You've grown portly, your teeth do fall."
"Ice-cream! Ice-cream!",
Shouted Mama in tearful scream,
"Papa, gimme money, gimme money !
I'll eat Ice-cream crunchy and coney."
"Ice-cream! Ice-cream!",
Shouted papa with doting gleam,
"Give my daughter, oh cream vendor,
The whole of ice-cream and crunchy waifer."
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