There was a boy called Loon in
Mama's neighborhood,
Who habitually did wrongs
And was very crude.
He would use foul words and
Behave vulgarly
And make sundry mischiefs
Daily and nightly.
He read in Mama's school
But was a truant
And moved here and there
Like a vagrant.
With bad older boys, he'd take
Ganja and heroin,
In his tiny belly, he'd guzzle
Litres of wine.
He'd harm animals and birds
And destroy plants,
Over no reason, he'd quarrel
And create disturbance.
A nut, loon, idiot, foul-up...he
Was every bad figure;
Because he was a small boy,
People would endure.
His doting parents were blind
To his wrongful acts
And would brazen it out if
You made complaints.
Because he was their only child,
They'd pamper him,
And provide nourishment to his
Each destructive whim.
Suddenly, one day, Loon fell
Seriously I'll;
Despite all treatments, his
Illness wouldn't heal.
And he died in hospital after
A long suffering;
Many years has past, his parents
Are still crying.
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