Wildly, I've reveled at the sight
Of blooms and berries,
And sailed down swift streams
With no worries.
Gayly I've played up and down
The bubbly rocks,
And swung by the banyan roots
Over swamps and crocks.
I've enjoyed songs of birds
From trees and hedges,
And chased down butterflies
Among reeds and roses.
With joys and zest, I've guzzled
Junks, drugs and drinks
And sweared heavily at others
Round, round my swings.
Sitting on the big cat's back,
Standing on summit,
I've shouted, I've dictated,
By right, by conceit.
From dreaming by the day to
Dreaming by the night,
Many a promise I've made to
Break through the limit.
From land to sky to sea, like
Ruler of The Three,
I've looked down upon others
All and sundry.
If I'd conquer time and death
And live forever,
I've, so, grown, glorified me,
Defiant to future.
Today, I'm shocked at me as a
Phantom on mirror,
Body shakes, heart shrinks,
In fatigue and fear.
Ground are my age and bones,
Ground is my ego;
How swiftly my time did flee!
How long will I go?
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