How people for life do vilely vie,
When each one will one day die!
How people be spiteful and selfish,
When they live on common service!
How people think themselves wisest,
When wisdom comes from the rest!
How people crave for worldly things,
When the things have short lastings!
How people make gangs and foes,
When each comes alone, alone goes!
How people do have evil biases,
When they believe in divine graces!
How people turn against others' soul,
When soul belongs to Supreme Soul!
How people madly laugh at others,
When they do shed their own tears!
How people don't forgive others,
When they themselves do all wrongs!
How people break laws, and truth,
When none has true rights and ruth!
How people commit inhuman deeds,
When they rejoice over human breeds!
How people do endlessly wish for,
When dreams come, then disappear!
How people wish for immortality,
When they kill the Soul of Divinity!
How people draw a foolproof life,
When life is fitful, weird and brief!
How people fight for time and space,
When life is just a bubble with no base!
How people are mad for what appears,
When none knows why is this universe,
Why birth, why death, why Creation grows,
Why sun shines, water flows, wind blows!
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