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                      🌎   THE NUANCE   🌎     
                                 A Verse of
                                     3 4 0 0
                       Human Immortality 

                                 N P SAMAL 


         To my daughter Rashmirekha (Mama).

                   I also dedicate this book to
                                each human                        
                       who has died and dies
                               on this planet. 



A great work comes once in a long while, to admit, and a great friend is an invaluable resource. I feel uniquely gifted to have a resourceful friend in Prof. N. P. Samal, the one who has impressed me, as well as others, so convincingly with his powerful insights on life philosophy, in different professional platforms like seminars, conferences, loop discussions, etc., even during campus walks and social get-togethers. We share our views and debate over different dynamics, but Prof. Samal has always had the last laugh as he silences me as well as others every time, with his disarming questions that are so cryptic and ruminating. His merits are also soundly reflected in his blogs, and, where I get copious touches of life philosophy as well as literary distinction. I have read his beautiful book, The Sermonic Verses: 100 Sonnets on Life, Living, Love and Death, which influenced me so much that I spontaneously wrote a literary criticism on the book.

This time, I was literally excited when Prof. Samal handed me the manuscript of his book, The Nuance : A Verse of  Questions Toward Human Immortality, and asked me to write a foreword for the book. I knew the task was too big a responsibility, but I was so intrigued by the  title of the manuscript that it tickled my curiosity to know Prof. Samal's suggested wisdom for human immortality in the book. 

Another important thing is The Nuance, to the best of my knowledge, is the world's second book of versified questions in English after Nobel laureate Pablo Neruda's book, The Book of Questions (translated by William O'Daly in 1991), but in its form, style, content and length, Prof. Samal's book claims to be the world's first of this kind.

The Nuance, which is a verse of rhetorical questions, caught my imagination from its very beginning and literally held me captive till the end. The questions kind of pursued me one after another and I kind of enjoyed their pursuit. The verse delineates life in a superb philosophical art, questioning with a profound sensibility, on the myriad things of the Creation and the earth with life and death, with a strong approach toward a scientific revolution against death and for immortality of human species. The verse is a treatise on a possible deathless life, through a new literary approach. The poetic construct 3400 questions in 1700 heroic couplets is a futuristic verse with a deep rooted reflective imagination of the poet. Sequenced with both rhyme and reason and fine fluidity of order, the verse acts as a catharsis for death-trapped human beings. 

 The verse has been divided into 18 no. of cantos and they coherently create a strong consciousness about what the poet postulates about life and living vis-a-vis mortality and immortality. The verse with its rhetorical questions profusely doles out nourishment to the mind sickened by sundry vague, yet harmful, emotions which are largely detrimental to the survival of the human system on the earth. The division of the epic poetics into eighteen parts,  while building up on the concordance of multiple premises, aids our pleasant comprehension of the poem's holistic postulation of the fact of human immortality. 

Essentially, the poetic panache questions about  the mortal existence of life and how death is undeciphered yet in our common wisdom and conventionally conscious mind. The poet justifies that the human brain holds the key to solve the mystery behind death and bring the humans an ever-sustainable life force. The verse through its strongly logical and scientific presentation advocates the inbuilt immortality of life in the cosmic system and states that eternal existence of each human being is the objective of the universe. 

The quest for immortality in the verse breaks open from its reservoir of a vast logic with the very first couplet:

What if questioned what's the objective of Life?
Will we than Death supply one with belief?

... and gushes down with its thrilling flow to end at a demarc with the final couplet:

Must we not let our Brain to flourish with Science?
Must Mind not quest for The Creational Nuance?

... that forthwith sets off the mind to start a crusade against death and discover the hidden path to immortality.

From The Epic of Gilgamesh to Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray to Natalie Babbitt's Tuck Everlasting, immortality has been themed in a countless number of books, in different depictions like immortality via regeneration, immortality via resurrection, transcendental immortality etc., but all in the domains of science fiction and mythology and all  in the fantasy of a deathless life. Different philosophers
and theologians have suggested immortality
differently, such as, in 'idolizing of youth and beauty' at the height of 'aestheticism and superficial nature of society', just with aim to entertain human soul. Even Plato's doctrine has defined that the soul is indestructible and the essence of immortality is indestructibility of the soul. But Prof. Samal's book, The Nuance, which has been inspired by scientific facts and empirical evidences, propounds biological immortality, the theme of many science bestsellers, and has established its inevitability, in fine poetics of lucidly narrative structure of rhetorical questions. 

I would love to quote some of the soul-searching versatile content lines of The Nuance as to why the verse is so resonating with its intense appeal to my mind:

Lines of Unity :-

Isn't Soul subjective sense, a formless figurine?
Haven't we subjected Soul to Self as Divine?
Isn't Soul, like God, untouched, intangible?
Why's through the intangible put what's touched, tangible?
How's in our Life made lifeless intervention?
Don't we forfeit Real Shape of Life to abstraction?
Isn't by abstraction different same Human?
A Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, Sikh, or Christian?Don't by abstraction I hate you, you hate me?
Aren't we diverse from what we really Be?

                                        Canto 3 : Intervention 

Lines of Humanity :-

Is every child not born angelic, pure?
How do they grow satanic and impure?
How some become betrayers, some bigots?
And some emerge misfits and some perverts?
Why some roll in wealth, wellbeing and luxury?
And some subsist on litters, alms and drudgery?How some die sprouts and some with colors  flourish?
How 'gain in dying Body does Soul languish?
How's Soul smiling in you, in me Soul mourning?
How can I see your smile, you can't my suffering?
How does your Soul blind you of Soul of mine?
Who's other than your Self that stands in between?

                                            Canto 7 : Liberation 

The Nuance deals with whole gamut of human life analyzing it by the term of death, from early civilizations to the present and from cavemen to contemporary humans through multiple living systems, and challenges how we have been living fanatically for what the poet calls 'mortal pleasure' by our age-old beliefs and practices and taken the mortal life for granted, while desperately fighting to devour the whole things of the planet before death. So, the death-bound mind has never stopped frolicking in the backyard of death, too blind to peer into the deceptive appearance of our artificial surroundings behind which, the poet divines, is kept the key to our immortality. 

The Nuance through its persistent reasoning develops a massive judgemental undertone that our sole objective of living has been how to entertain self to the maximum by our economic, political or cultural achievement and material
possession and consumption and thus justifying the self worth of our few years' mortal life on this planet. And in such pursuit, we have firmly cultivated a deceitful mind which breeds grotesque imagery of gods, demigods, devils and other myths, fairytales and fictitious cultures of living which encourage power struggle, gamesmanship, infighting, dysfunctional behavior, low morale and sins and defilements that have clogged the vision of our Third Eye, the pineal gland in our brain, rendering the brain sitting idle while it has power to make us biologically immortal and truly blissful if we rein in our mind and train it to usher the brain in the right path. 

The Nuance urges the human beings to break free from the mortal cell of id and subconscious, which promote the primeval mundane instincts, and rise to super-conscious, the Supreme state of human consciousness that lies in the sphere of non-physical and psychic mechanisms. The book is critical of gods and religions as well as communities and their mutually antagonizing cultural and customary practices, while preaching 'one humanity, one god, one religion, with science and scientific practices at core'. 

The Nuance has a didactic approach toward human immortality and questions the natural phenomenon of death which sets the reader for soul searching. By its death-defying arguments, the verse hoists immortal life as Supreme and states that, human immortality is the objective of the universe. The first-ever questions, in poetic formation, have unleashed an unflinching sense and sensibility on the ultimate phenomenon (i.e., immortality) which makes the verse an epic of the time.

I feel so great recommending The Nuance  to the world readers and strongly wish the book a journey beyond eternity. 

Prof. Dr. Biswajit Das, Ph.D, M.A.(Eng), 
MBA, M.A.(Pub.Adm), LL.B.,
Dean, KIIT School of Management, 
Former Dean, KIIT School of Languages & Literature, 
KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India 
Mob. 9438064555



The Core Message of the Book
The Core Wisdom of the Book
Canto 1 :-    Life and Death          
Canto 2 :-    Human Difference    
Canto 3 :-    Subjection 
Canto 4 :-    Life and Soul
Canto 5 :-    Confusion
Canto 6 :-    Imperfection 
Canto 7 :-    Liberation 
Canto 8 :-    Body and Spirit
Canto 9 :-    Extinction 
Canto 10 :-   Stagnation 
Canto 11 :-   Continuum 
Canto 12 :-   Limitation 
Canto 13 :-   Exploitation 
Canto 14 :-   The Human System
Canto 15 :-   Disillusion
Canto 16 :-   Dream Civilization 
Canto 17 :-   Transformation 
Canto 18 :-   Re-Creation
Wisdom credits 



I am eternally grateful to my daughter Rashmirekha (Mama) who has made me a rebel against death and who has been my divine spirit and my chief source of inspiration, motivation and wisdom for this book.

The others of significance, who I am extremely thankful to for this book, are Mrs. Jayashree Beura, my wife; Mr. Jyoti Ranjan Sahoo, my best student; Dr. G. C. Nayak, my principal mentor; my two best friends, Adv. Arabinda Rath and Comm'r Sanjay Kumar Rath; Prof. S. K. Joshi (my principal critic and mentor), Prof. Biswajit Das (for Foreword and technical support) and Prof. Sachidananda Panda (for critical analysis of the work).

I am equally thankful to the following eminent personalities from relevant fields, who spared their precious time in sharing with me their great knowledge relevant for the book:

Prof. Leon Monroe Miller (Strategy/Planning), Prof. Damodar Suar (Psychology), Prof. Priyadarshi Patnaik (English Literature), Prof. Tapan Kumar Pati (History), Prof. Debashis Banerjeee (scientist),

I also give credit to The Blogger Team of which issued a warning to the readers, declaring my blog-published work, The Nuance, to have contained sensitive content and thus helping me edit and improve upon the content. 


The Nuance : A Verse Of  Questions Toward Human Immortality is the book of questions and contains 3400 versified questions in 1700 heroic couplets and an ending monostich. The verse which is a single long discourse in 18 no. of cantos begins with the essence of human consciousness of the universe vis-a-vis the earth and life vis-a-vis death and ends with the realization of immortality and, en route, it meanders through biological, material, spiritual and other universal determinants of life, preaching about the possibility that each human being shall be immortal one day. The human brain holds sway in the rational approach of the verse toward immortality and the mind, as the facilitator, has been postulated as the key to unleash the life-sustaining universal force of the brain.

The verse develops a distinct epistemology and deals with the nuance of the mortal life, especially with the distinction of human species, deductively reasoning that human life is not limited to the mundaneness what we experience and observe but a continuous evolution toward its eternal permanence. The verse is built upon the introspective-reflective-imaginative triad as it discusses life and death, spirit and soul, birth and rebirth, earth and universe, mind and brain, god and science, inter alia, suggesting changes in conventional living and ways of thinking, urging the human mind to come out of religious biases, bigotry and other conventions in favor of scientific outlook toward the cosmic secret of immortality. The verse is critical of religions and communities and their mutually antagonizing cultural practices and reasons with them in favor of one God and one religion with science and scientific practices at core. The verse decisively urges for the use of human brain for work of science to discover the crux of immortal life. 

The habit of questioning authority is one of the most valuable gifts that a book, or a teacher, can give to young would-be scientist. 
                                              -- Richard Dawkins 

The extraction of deep wisdom can be done at any age, and if we are to love the time of our life, it must be. Embedded within us is the deeper story we came to live, and the core issue at every age for any awakened human being is the extent to which we are living that story in the present moment.
                                                  -- Carolyn Baker 


We never owe death our life; it is only our stupid submission. Acceptance of death is our pessimistic retreat from life. We must begin a rebellion against death... In the deepest region of Nature is planted the secret seed of immortality. The real task of human beings is to discover that seed and tend it to grow to liberate themselves from the clutches of the soil that breeds and kills them...

Human life is the supreme form of science and not limited to the mundaneness what we experience and observe but a continuous evolution toward its extraterrestrial existence and eternal permanence. Human beings with their almighty brain have got ability to evolve fast and transform themself into an immortal biology...


We are mortal because we live on the mortals, the transforming energy. Our immortality is definite if we get energy directly from the universe, independent of plants, animals and birds.

The universe is an energy manifestation and the whole energy of the universe is her indestructible spirit. Life which is a transformation of this spirit through the body can be conserved indestructibly
by a scientific synergy between the body and the spirit.                                



                          LIFE AND DEATH 

What was the need of Life at all and why?
How's Life on Earth when Cosmos dead does lie?●
Is Life a form Death or Death of Life?
Isn't it a nuance? Isn't there a fact sunk deep?●
Are Earth and Cosmos one or different?
If one, is't a nothingness or existent?●
If existent, don't Life and Death have Oneness?
Isn't Cosmos Live beneath the nuanced nothingness?●
Can Earth with Life be in the womb of Cosmos with Death?
Can a child grow sans mother's blood and breath?●
Can Life in a dead mother's womb be born?
Can a child sans its mother e'er be grown?●
Can it survive sans nourishment and care?
Isn't sacrosanct for growth the act of the mother?●
Doesn't sense that dead is Cosmos sound nonsense?
Should she be dead cause of our ignorance?●
Isn't Earth in the feeding belly of Cosmos placed?
Doesn't Earth with Life in a Cosmic form exist?●
Isn't Life on Earth the Cosmic Life's existence?
Isn't Cosmos live indeed, dead in appearance?●
How'll a child be live-birthed by the dead mother?
How'll Cosmos to Earth be else than her progenitor?●
Can creatures be antipodes of their creator?
Can Life be created in a non-living Ether?●
Could Earth have grown had dead been Cosmic Mother?
Can Earth sans her nurture at all endure?●
Hasn't Earth been born in her nurturing womb?
Does she not nurture Earth, each organism?●
Does she not nurse them all, nourish and sustain?
Don't all, for her, respire, bloom, breed, feel,

Has she not held all in the Lap of her Nature?
Does she not tend their Life being Creation's mother?●
Hasn't Life been growing for four billion years?
Haven't microbes grown to present Human orders?●
Isn't Cosmos full of orders, acts, activities?
Does she not grow, produce, behave, like Life does?●
Is she not quite alive, though in abstraction?
Is hidden not Truth in thicks of our delusion?●
Isn't perfect she as being a living system?
Hasn't she since Birth been on Death-less momentum?●
Isn't Life, like Cosmos, a momentum on Earth?
Why's Life then limited to Death and Birth?●
Can't Life on Earth be on Death-less momentum?
Can't it be free from Birth-and-Death continuum?●
What's Life if brief and Death inevitable?
How can Life be livable if it's die-able?●
Must Life be Life with Birth and Death in cycle?
Must Life exit and enter, through recycle?●
How's Life's existence charactered on Earth?
What characters exist bet'n Death and Birth?●
How's Life of Earth with Life of a species drawn?
How's billion-plus-years' Life put with short lifespan?●
How's Life on long-and-short arrangements drafted?
Can't e'er no-dawn-no-dusk Life be constructed?●
Are Birth and Death to Life elemental?
Are they for Life and Living pivotal?●
Howe'er do they decide a Life and Living?
What's their employment with a Life, in-between?●
What are the two to each other in relation?
Howe'er do they act in coordination?●

Do they decide if long or short a Life'll be?
Do they observe a Life's advance, atrophy?●
Why to a Life is Death slow, swift to another?
Does Death to Life's, or Birth's, vocation answer?●
How's Life, in order, kept bet'n two Extremes?
Why's Life accompanied by these two Memes?●
Is Life with Birth and Death essence of Nature?
Is't for Cosmos a necessary order?●
Is Birth and Death integral part of Life?
Can't Life be conceived without this leitmotif?●
Is Life sans Birth and Death at all not possible?
Must we say 'No' because Truth is invisible?●
Is Life's design not a Creational Nuance?
Isn't there a Fact concealed in our ignorance?●
Should ignorance encrust a Fact with fiction?
Should Core of Truth be in crust of illusion?●
Doesn't Life with Birth and Death appear illusive?
Haven't we against the illusion e'er been passive?●
Mustn't we to make Life Death-less be Active?
Mustn't we bring out of fiction Fact of Life?●
Can't Life like Cosmos be Death-less, Continuous?
Can't Life's embodiment be that of Cosmos?●
Must Life just be a mortal embodiment?
Must Life's embodiment be for a moment?●
What sense does Life have Body being momentary?
Mustn't Body travel a timeless trajectory?●
Can't Life with Body timeless be existent?
Must Life, with Birth and Death, be ever transient?●
Must Life just mean to be born, grow and die?
Which way have we got it to justify?●

Does Life with Death a meaning signify?
What does it mean? Whom does it mean? And 
What meaning does a Life have for the liver?
What'll a spark to the Unlighted Ever matter?●
What can a speck mean, yond a jiff of light?
Doesn't it from dark, fore'er to dark, mean naught?● 
Can meaning be how a sparkle looks, does glow?
What's meaning-- of a maple, a cow, a crow?●
What meanings do the brainless understand?
What either Humans do, with Brain that stand?●
Isn't it with Birth and Death like beasts are Humans?
Aren't we same as insects, birds, pests and plants?●
Should Life be meant by how one's growing and living?
Should Humans for one living give one meaning?●
Are there as diverse meanings as there're livings?
Are diverse master's, servant's, pauper's, king's?●
Does ever Life to one have meaning to own?
Can it be all-- to work, to eat, to fun?●
Is't, yet, infantage, parentage, old-age?
Can it be to extend one's root with lineage?●
Can meanings be added to Life by toppings?
Can they be clothings, sightseeings, fancy livings?●
Isn't Life of us sunk in hallucination?
Do we not mean our Life by living fashion?●
Can Life have meaning of our quirky existence?
Do a thousand meanings have any essence?●
Isn't Life now a dream amidst the sleep at night?
Or else, a sleep-break by a bark or bite?●
Does dream, or wake-up, have to us a meaning?
Does any soul recognize our awakening?●

Do we not rise from dark, fall back into dark?
Isn't into nothingness absorbed that spark?●
Isn't nothingness our mortal living of Life?
Don't we all live with our unlearned belief?●
Don't we believe our Death is ultimate?
How'll then our livings be legitimate?●
What worth do livings have when Life is mortal?
Can Life be worthy if living ain't Eternal?●
Isn't Life in the backyard of Death a mockery?
Why then do we of Death live customary?●
Must we escape from Life in name of custom?
Mustn't we prove Death can't be Life's ultimatum?●
Don't we have Brain to alter the ultimate?
Can't we to do in Death a Weapon create?●
Doesn't Death prevail 'cause we believe we'll die?
Isn't our belief in Death's Death necessary?●
Isn't 'necessity mother of invention'?
Can't we invent 'gainst Death a champion weapon?●
Don't we deceive our Life agreeing with Death?
Can't truly we remove the Megalith?●
Haven't organisms found 'Fountain of Youth'?
Haven't they defied the law of aging, Death?●
Can't we like hydra, immortal?
Must some organisms of the rest be untypical?●
How's Birth and Death of an organism chosen?
How's it destined with its Life in connection?●
How's living of the organism selected?
By whom are Birth, Death, Life, Living, connected?●
Are they not diverse for diverse organisms?
Who organizes, directs, diverse systems?●

How's on a living Birth-Life-Death decreed?
Aren't livings forced, prescribed, ascribed, or by own deed?●
Aren't livings subject to breeds, spans, homes, systems?
How're livings handed out to organisms?●
How's Human Life with a non-Human's likened?
How's Human Death from t'others different?●
Why's Human Living different from the rest?
Don't Humans live of what's NOT by Life in quest?● 
Hasn't Human quest for living transposed with Times?
With change in climates, callings, crafts,  regimes?●
From foragers to farmers to moderners?
Hasn't Life been same through many a living  course?●
Aren't livings strange, Life being same Birth and Death?
How's Life one's Birth and Death connected with?●
How's Birth and Death evented Life in re?
How's Life by living given its nature, genre?●
Why're Human livings to others' contradicted?
How's Life begot, how's it to Death subjected?●
Is Death a reason of Life or its cause?
If cause, this Life or one formerly goes?●
If reason of this Life, how's Life then judged?
How's Life then leveled, lengthened or abridged?●
Do short and long Lives both die for same purpose?
Are there things as rebirth, hell, heaven, others?●
What's the equation between Deaths and Lives?
How's purpose made when one dies, or one lives?●
Must Life begin with Birth and end with Death?
What does Life bring and what does Life  bequeath?●
Wherefrom does Life come, whither does Life go?
Does Life with Death move cyclic, to and fro?●

Does Life with cycles of Birth and Death continue?
Need Life be cyclical, of old and new?●
Where does a cycle start, where does it end?
How's its growth with another cycle's linked?●
What happens when a cycle ends its course?
Does Life when ends its course return to its source?●
Must Life return; then grow, decay and die?
Why does it grow, regrow...? How's its inlay?●
How does the cycle work in the following Bodies?
How does one begin when another dies?●
Can't Life be other than sequential cycles?
Must Life exist through Bodies' rises, falls?●
Must Body be a link for Life's existence?
Must links be knocked down, stripped of permanence?●
Must Bodies be mortal links, in the cyclic 
Must one be short and one for long sustain?●
Must one be strong and one be weak and ailing?
Must one be boring, one be full of bling?●
Must one be round, one square, one of no shape?
Must one run fast, one amble, one stumble each step?●
Must one be oiled, another put on rusting?
Must one be fed, another put on starving?●
Must one assist, another dominate?
Must one be prey and another predate?●
Can Links be so dissimilar, diverse?
How'll Life then journey the Unbroken Course?●
Doesn't Life so down get broken, out get fallen?
Doesn't Life so die defenseless, powerless, certain?●
Can't links of Life be created Uniform?
Can't they be put to an immortal system?●

Is mortal system basic to the Creation?
Is Life destined for such continuation?●
Is Life system existent sole to this planet?
Does Creation to exist on her concentrate?●
Is Earth with mortal system the cog of Cosmos?
Does she with Birth and Death create Cosmic force?●
For which purpose does work this Cosmic force?
For what returns do links penance for Cosmos?●
Why must a link be pulled out of the Unknown?
Why must the link be crushed back to the Unknown?●
Are links not crops of this cruel automation?
Will cruelty on links of Life endless go on?●
Can't ever we get back at the assassin?
Can't we detect the fatal force that's hidden?●
Isn't hiding out in darkness the fatal force?
Does it not send us out, torment, then kill us?●
Why must we come from dark, return to dark?
Whom does Life mean? Why's the momentary  spark?●
If dark is dark, why creatures, why matter?
If spark is spark, why do then Humans differ?●



                      HUMAN  DIFFERENCE

Hasn't Life been given Human Difference?
Aren't we Humans unique in Make and Means?●
Aren't we distinct in Body, Mind and Brain?
And in Eyes, Ears, Tongue, Face, distinct again?●
Don't our Eyes bring whole Cosmos into the Lense?
Don't our Ears listen even her voice of silence?●
Doesn't Tongue enounce infinite words and meanings?
And thousand notes and tones with Voice that sings?●
Doesn't Face express numerous thoughts, emotions?
Don't all give Mind and Body 'Cosmic Flexions'?●
Isn't flexional each of our Human Senses?
Don't Senses correlate Cosmic Extense?●
Aren't Cosmic our Attitudes, Acts, Behaviors?
Don't we stand out, by far, from other creatures?●
Don't we have Legs and Limbs diverse from the rest?
Aren't we in Works, Activities, of all the best?●
Aren't we best in regrowing Life with dueness?
Doesn't Life by us leap, run, float, fly, in progress?●
Isn't Life sans us unmoving, dead and dark?
Who'll then observe a bloom and heed a bark?●
Who'll know what's Life, what's Earth, what's Universe?
Who'll describe the skies, the clouds, the stars?●
Who'll draw landscape, sunrise on seas and mountains?
And panorama of snowfalls, snowflakes, rains?●
Who'll sketch grand Nature colorful and bright?
And heavens tawny, seas ornate, at twilight?●
Who'll draw the bonding line round the horizon?
Who'll solemnize the Earth and Sky's union?●
Who'll watch the homing flocks on flight in formation?
And to the thunder drums pay rapt attention?●

Who'll note through shadowy floats moon's skyey voyage?
Who'll be beguiled by hide-and-seek it plays?●
Who'll marvel at the homing smiles of the sun?
And keep the night dreaming from dusk to dawn?●
Who'll take note of how come and go the years?
To who will Nature show her seasonal wears?●
Who'll portray changes as alights each season?
Who'll play as plays out each instinctive vision?●
Who'll view as winter makes off and arrives spring?
Who'll note when cranes return and cuckoos sing?●
Who'll posit soul in Nature's fauna and flora?
And dig out of bare heavens' hidden diaspora?●
Who'll capture brilliant lights of meteors, comets?
And reddish bolts in clouds that lightening radiates●
Who'll witness waterspout when spirals up sea?
Who'll love cascading fall o'er grassy lea?●
Who'll document the Darwinian Galapagos?
And sinless wildlife-- cormorants, crabs, the bulbous?●
Who'll capture magnificent Barrier Reefs?
The troves of corals, majors, clams, pavfrondifs?●
Who'll study organisms, their diversities?
And glorify their behaviours and beauties?●
Who'll file events and outcomes of evolution?
And sketch out Life's origin, destination?●
Who'll put the Creation in the optic frame?
And give each created a becoming name?●
Who'll recognize existence of the Creation?
What realities will it have in oblivion?●
Ain't Human knowledge basic for grand Creation?
Won't things sans knowledge be void, dark,  unknown?●

Aren't we, unlike the rest, aware of Cosmos?
Aware of heavens, Earth, all things round us?●
Aren't we of Birth, Growth, Life and Death, aware?
Don't we alone of things contrast, compare?●
Don't we think, feel, analyze, ideate, reason?
Ain't we alone who sequence, sense, imagine?●
Don't we attend, read, learn, write and record?
Don't we research, recreate, decode, recode?●
Don't we define, design and decorate?
Don't we refine, reform and renovate?●
Don't we unite, divide and classify?
Don't we collect, construct, diversify?●
Don't we resolve issues and take decisions?
Don't we for livings codify provisions?●
Don't we prepare, produce, preserve, for future?
Don't we, for ilks, erect arts, architecture?●
Don't we inhere, invent and innovate?
Don't we what hides around originate?●
Doesn't Earth have on her myriad Human wonders?
From Colosseum to Colossus to Angkor's?●
Aren't Hanging Gardens hidden in Babylon?
Doesn't Athens have eye-catching Parthenon?●
Haven't we installed in China the Great Wall?
Isn't there in India the wonder of Taj Mahal?●
Don't our Pyramids dare designs of Nature?
Doesn't voyage stopless our each skill, each sculpture?●
Haven't we invented wheels; ships for sea-rides?
Haven't we to soar made jets and wings for glides?●
Haven't we laid out on the planet many a passage?
Haven't we cultured her soil for bases, beauties?●

Haven't we invented telephones, computers?
Don't with techniques, tools, march 'head our engineers?●
Haven't we engineered the new present Earth?
Doesn't Earth leap forward with each Human Birth?●
Hasn't Earth now turned to be a Human Planet?
Haven't we made her a Human Caliphate?●
Don't we want Universe perceive our Presence?
Don't we wish she save Self for our Existence?●
Isn't with our Voices, Views, filled Universe?
Haven't we embarked on our Imperial Course?●
Don't rockets shoot Messages into the Ether?
Don't we produce in Universe Blood, Breather?●
Doesn't Universe by us become Alive?
Doesn't she Converse with us with verve and vive?●
Doesn't Mars tell us to migrate to her Home?
Doesn't Kepler wave her hand with signs of Lifeform?●
Don't we project our Lens from planet to planet?
Don't we through stars, galaxies, navigate?●
Doesn't Universe appear to be Parturient?
Isn't she for Creation over Humans bent?●
Who else sans us can Canter on New Creation?
Aren't we sole Species made for Transformation?●
Haven't we got Supreme Brain, Intelligence?
Doesn't Earth possess our Brain as Creational  Salience?●
Don't we use Brain's infinite gamut for gains?
Haven't we changed us from apes to neosapiens?●
Isn't Brain the locomotive of neosapiens ?
Doesn't it Shoot us ahead with much reliance?●
Isn't Brain the World's most prized Inheritance?
Isn't it enriched with Creativity, Sentience?●

Doesn't Sentient, Creative, grow our Brain as time flows?
Doesn't it each time grow Big, Potent it goes?●
Doesn't it add Strength as moves each generation?
Doesn't it enrich it with Skills from each condition?●
Doesn't its enrichment take Cognitive Function?
Doesn't Brain Cognition spur Human evolution?●
Isn't Brain evolution's Crowning Achievement?
Aren't Humans Creation's latest Wonderment?●
Won't Wondermost be Human Immortality?
Hasn't Creation so forged Brain with Plasticity?● 
Don't we by Plastic Brain now rule our age?
Doesn't Life become more long as aging slows?●
Don't we each time give Life a new dimension?
Don't we devise techniques of reproduction?●
Isn't Life now more than just flesh, blood, skin, bones?
Isn't worth of Life more than what Body owns?●
Isn't worth entitled with Wealth of the Heavens?
Aren't Titles earned from Nature's each Essence?●
Don't we leapfrog deserts, alps, oceans; stride poles?
Don't we in empty heavens take joy strolls?●
Don't we intend to Trot whole Universe?
Don't we to Humanize her wishes nurse?●
Don't in our wishes lie the seeds of growth?
Haven't wishes turned untruth into firm truth?●
Haven't what our Mind did wish been recognized?
Haven't the cognized been into Features  realized?●
Doesn't Mind observe, explore, review and reason?
Doesn't it inspire, motivate Brain for function?●
Doesn't it want Brain act on what it does theorize?
Doesn't Brain to Gospels no fail synthesize?●

Haven't syntheses set Human Revolution?
Don't we Revolve more fast than evolution?●
Isn't how our Brain Revolves a revelation?
Doesn't it each time reward us a Distinction?●
Don't more distinct we grow from other species?
Don't we from Nature Secret Treasures realize?●
Doesn't into a secret future move our Life?
Isn't it on Brain the future of us lies safe?●
Don't we alone in Brain have Theory of Mind?
Isn't Mind to hopes attached, from risks restrained?●
Doesn't Mind search for Elixirs for pains, ailments?
And point at lurking threats, which Brain prevents?●
Doesn't Mind recall the past, plan for the future?
Doesn't it reflect and work 'yond food and shelter?●
Doesn't Mind aim to transcend the limit of  matters?
Doesn't it intend to break through mortal  barriers?●
Doesn't Mind through odds make placid navigation?
Doesn't it to crack Codes reason in abstraction?●
Isn't Human Life an abstracted experience?
Doesn't Life feel a metaphysical existence?●
Don't we exist more by imagination?
Don't we invent objects through ideation?●
Isn't ideation made through imagined stories?
Aren't modern realities converted theories?●
Don't we, with progress, theorize Human  sciences?
Don't they transcend the checks of Natural  sciences?●
Don't we rewrite the history of Nature?
Don't we reshape her functions, forms and structure?●
Isn't our reshapement aimed at a Deathless Course?
Don't we seek to Escape from fatal matters?●

Don't we work to Reorganize Life Form?
Don't we tax us for the Other Organism?●
Isn't t'Other Form the organic-free Human?
Doesn't Inorganic go our Evolution?●
Haven't we by now attached to Life bionic wears?
Aren't they from legs to limbs to heart, eyes, ears?●
Don't we Design our Life day in day out?
Don't we each day give Life a genetic coat?●
Doesn't genetic engineering enhance Life?
Don't come to Life the maimed, the blind, the deaf?●
Don't we now give us bio-electronic form?
Isn't the aim to entirely Redesign, Reform?●
Don't we now Evolve by Science, Technologies?
Haven't we by far behind left other species?●
Don't we more fast Evolve than evolution?
Haven't we Evolved our each civilization?●
Haven't we of late sped up our Evolution?
From ancient to medieval to modern?●
Hadn't come ere that wheels, fire, significant others?
Haven't we now gifted us cell phones, computers?●
Aren't we amidst cognitive revolution?
Haven't we now taken one more Incarnation?●
Aren't we now of Artificial Intelligence?
Doesn't AI aid us break cells of organic Sapiens?●
Haven't we transformed as Cyber Organism?
Aren't we Evolving toward the Inorganism?●
Don't we now Differ swiftly from nonhumans?
Don't we when Conscious find our Difference?●
Doesn't Brain have special Seat of Consciousness?
Doesn't Conscious Brain observe the Creation's Vastness?●

What sense does Creation have sans Observation?
Who else can Observe, if not Conscious Brain?●
Doesn't Human Brain More Conscious grow each day?
Doesn't it each day bring us a New Identity?●
Doesn't it discover new secrets of Nature?
Doesn't it bring secret Human facts to fore?●
Doesn't it compare, contrast, imagine, create?
Doesn't it retrospect, introspect, prospect?●
Doesn't it make us adopt, adapt, survive?
Doesn't it to live through times grow us Competitive?●
Don't we from time to time grow Competent?
Isn't significant each Human Achievement?●
Won't we acknowledge Human Significance?
Won't we be Conscious of our Consciousness?●
Aren't we sole Conscious, 'mong the whole  unconscious?
Hasn't Creation made us for some Solemn  Purpose?●
Isn't Creator's Purpose Human Immortality?
Isn't our task to raise Conscious Humanity?●
Can't Conscious Humans break through the  Mortal Shell?
Won't we some day Free us from this Dying Hell?●
Aren't Humans made to spread through the Mother Creation?
Won't Creator smile and give us His Heaven?●
Isn't Human Heaven the Death-less Universe?
Don't Creator, Creation, aptly Parent us?●
Don't they Grow us yet better every time?
Aren't we now since our Birth still in our Prime?●
Don't we each time still Longer, Stronger, Grow?
Don't we to Everlasting Grown-ups age slow?●
Won't Life, which'll conquer age, go 'yond this Earth?
Why then do we stuff us to Earth's Death and Birth?●




Why Earth if we belong to Universe?
Why do we limit us in earthy matters?●
How can the mundane-bound Mind be Divine?
Can The Infinite be pressed into a confine?●
Does our Life form not part of The Infinite?
Why then do we subject us to the finite?●
Is Life not finite, its growing on the mortal?
Won't Life if grew sans mortals be immortal?●
Don't we survive all upon short-lived matters?
Isn't too materialistic Life of ours?●
Doesn't materialism hit the Body of Life?
Don't we succumb to hatred, anger, grief?●
Aren't our emotions bound to materials?
Isn't Mind possessive of these as essentials?●
Won't Life be short if matters made essence?
Don't matters motion Life through dying moments?●
Don't momentary we live, each of us?
Isn't it 'cause we inhabitate Subconscious?●
Don't we befoul The Real by fake Subconscious?
Isn't it made of vague facts, fake faiths, wild fears?●
Isn't it own sketch, of red, white, grey, black, indigo?
Aren't they all stubborn colors of our ego?●
Aren't within walls of ego captive we?
Don't we yet feel secure in captivity?●
Doesn't so Subconscious tyrannize our Life?
Aren't we languishing in Subconscious' grip?●
Hasn't Subconscious paralyzed our Mind?
Hasn't it locked up our thinking unrefined?●
Isn't our Subconscious Mind a space too little?
Doesn't it just hold what we to our limit feel?●

Aren't feelings based on our experiences?
Aren't they to scope of how we use our Senses?●
Isn't each experience a minuscule?
Have we not crumpled our Life into an ovule?●
Isn't our crushed Life prone to impediments?
Don't they make livings tense with trying moments?●
Don't we survive through struggles each moment?
Don't we through struggled survival aim achievement?●
Haven't struggles for survival been our System?
Isn't living System a flawed microcosm?●
How'll microcosmic Life break through Continuum?
How'll it be freed to Death-less Macrocosm?●
Haven't we subjected us to micro limit?
Don't we consider mortal Life as absolute?●
Isn't nascent yet the Life of Universe?
Can Life be Absolute sole in Human lores?●
Doesn't Human knowledge idolize Subconscious?
Don't we so live a life undue and false?●
Isn't Subconscious nestled in the dead past?
Much of the past that didn't or don't exist?●
Aren't they of gossip stories, cooked up cultures?
Of fed-off myths of hatred, love, faiths, fears?●
Weren't they concocted in uncultured times?
Of ages, economies, empires, regimes?●
Doesn't our Life on Subconscious travel backward?
Won't change to the van of Conscious, take us forward?●
Doesn't Conscious run on the fuel of working Brain?
Doesn't Brain take us through Life's Flourishing  Plane?●
Doesn't Plane yield Wonder Crops as Conscious  moves on?
Isn't it Subconscious which pulls back Progression?●

Can't we be Conscious for our True Living?
Can't we discover Life, and Death, by so being?●
Won't we, being Conscious, know our Life in truth?
Doesn't our Subconscious Mind maintain untruth?●
Don't we conceal the Truth inside Subconscious?
Don't we allow untruth construct our  Conscious?●
Don't we believe in being Conscious of Life?
Should Consciousness be built upon our belief?●
Doesn't our belief feed on our brainless biases?
Doesn't biasness grow on material senses?●
Should Consciousness mean to be sense-centric?
Aren't our material senses biased, barbaric?●
Should Consciousness be biased understanding?
Isn't understanding based upon our knowings?●
Isn't knowledge our experience with senses?
Do lores of senses hold The Transcendence?●
Have yet our senses reached whole Universe?
Isn't Creation an incomprehensive course?●
Are we not scared of what's not comprehensible?
Doesn't Mind, so, fashion myths 'bout the unknowable?●
Aren't myths our colors on the  incomprehensive?
Aren't they developed by crafts of the illusive?●
Hasn't knowledge been on illusive facts built?
Doesn't Science alone expand our knowledge limit?●
Won't Science one day be able to burst all myths?
Why do we create religious labyrinths?●
Aren't Humans by a host of religions waylaid?
Doesn't each religion cast its Trump of God?●
Isn't God a product of nuance and illusion?
What does confuse us more on The Unknown?●

Must God blind us while Science beacons us light?
Must Life be divisive, 'gainst itself fight?●
Aren't we divided, each, bet'n God and Science?
Is Life not tugged by Science and by Nescience?●
Is Life designed by God, or Nature-made?
How Humans master Earth; them they stab, grenade?●
Why do they create, disrupt? Why grow? Why kill?
What hand of God in Human acts does feel?●
Does God through us control, design, destroy?
Why do we for each thing on Science rely?●
Is Science a system of God's operation?
Isn't it, through Humans, a Cosmic Evolution?●
Doesn't it on Earth create Human Revolution?
Doesn't Earth now look more liveable, more thriven?●
Why's Science-propelled Advancement preempted?
Why's Life, by God, from its Course diverted?●
Can't Humans think beyond the terms of God?
Can't we realize against what's vaguely showed?●
Doesn't Game of God belong to Humans 'lone?
Can 'pundits' construe life nonhumans own?●
Do plants have idea of God and religion?
Is God to animals, insects, birds, known?●
How do they grow, eat, drink, sleep and survive?
Do Humans than them more divinely live?●
By what do we think our Life than theirs better?
Can betterness be claimed by how we differ?●
Do they observe their Life of difference?
Do they experience their Life worse than Humans'?●
Isn't Life of, say, reptiles to a snake the best?
Isn't best of homes, 'mong all, to birds their nest?●

Do they, yet, know their Life or of the rest?
Don't they survive sans sense that they exist?●
Can we be best by mere sense of existence?
Is our existence than theirs more an essence?●
Are we than them to Nature more essential?
Are we than plants, animals, birds, more vital?●
Isn't Life of us same, momentary, as theirs?
Isn't like theirs, mortal, fragile Life of us?●
Aren't we same in Birth, Growth, Procreation, Death?
Isn't it their feelings that our feelings match with?●
Aren't feelings same as love, fear, pain and pleasure?
Doesn't like their Life ours fall to Death, howe'er?●
Isn't Life for each equally meaningful?
Why'll God belong to Human species sole?●
Is't so because we have intelligence?
Does our intelligence best our ignorance?●
Does mere intelligence mean our true knowledge?
Will linking God with Life have us an edge?●
Has God e'er benefitted Human Life?
How'll He while shut in the shell of our belief?●
Has God e'er been freed from the shell to act?
Don't we against each other lone do react?●
Are wars bet'n communities actions of God?
How'll God imprisoned by our belief spill our blood?●
Are working, growing, eating...all God's actions?
How's then conflicts, corruptions, exploitations?●
How's God made part of livings, and of Life?
When did we first have in God our belief?●
How did the sketch of God abide in Mind?
Whoever were the first whom God divined?●

Whate'er were they? Where'er were they? And why?
However did they live and grow did they ?●
Why then did they split God into division?
How yet did God bear Human intervention?●
Who into who in fact did intervene?
Human into God or God into Human?●
How did both God and Human get ramified?
How were conflicting Humans, Gods, created?
Don't conflicts grow more bitter as we move on?
Haven't they disturbed our genuine evolution?●
Don't we evolve genuine by Laws of Nature?
Aren't many Laws yet hidden for us to explore?●
Haven't we explored the Laws-- of relativity?
Of rhythm, cause, effect, of polarity?●
Of gravitation, of motion, of vibration?
Of action and reaction, of transmutation?●
Of gestation, 'mong other Laws of Nature?
That we've discovered, and that, we discover?●
Aren't they all Laws of Cosmic Energy?
Aren't they manifested as the Whole we see?●
The Whole, of Energy Manifestation?
With processes beneath, fore'er in Motion?●
The Motion from the start of Universe?
Ceaselessly with her billions of years Course?●
The Course that picked up Physics to move with?
Then Chemistry, Stars, Planets, and our Earth?●
With Earth the growing of Life-- Biology?
All ceaseless Motion now with Energy?●
From Energy to Dust, from Dust to Planets?
To Stars, to Galaxies...yond Cosmic limits?●

From Particles to Molecules to Microbes?
To Macrobes, Mamals, Primates, and Anthropes?●
As Matters living and non-living all move?
Forming, transforming them that they evolve?●
Always in Motion or in State of Motion?
In rotation, reflection, dilation, translation?●
If we see or not, hear, or feel, or not?
Things move with sound or still, in shade or sight?●
As moves song of the koel and crow's cacophony?
From Human whispers to hubbubs to harmony?●
And heat of summer sun to winter's warmth?
From bright to dark, from dry to raining Earth?●
As woodland turns a desert or mainland an ocean?
And streams of wind and water e'er in Motion?●
And solid into liquid, into vapor?
All by Law, as each merges into t'other?●
That Matter into Matter duely merges?
With Time, that Old goes by and New emerges?●
And All with Time move forward in subjection?
To Nature's Laws, her Compulsive Selection?●
Doesn't Nature with her Laws evolve, advance?
Aren't tight in Nature's hand held all, all Humans?●
In Spheres of her Air, Water, Light, Dust, Climate?
That we live as Survival does dictate?●
That we survive and grow acquiring Matter?
Indirect, straight, from her Light, Soil, Air, Water?●
From Energy of Cosmos filled in her Eternal?
That we collect, create, for our survival?●
That all survive through changes hidden or express?
And each with Energy exists, advances?●

Howere, here, did God come into existence?
Howere does He, sans Motion, set up relevance?●
Relevance of evolving Life and living?
While unevolved, unchanged is He, on past mooring?●
Isn't God estranged to Human Life and living?
Doesn't He estranged still go with ours Evolving?●
Doesn't many a change each time around occur?
Don't they effect transition in living structure?●
Isn't rioting the structural modes of Life?
Which way does God do good to our belief?●
Is our belief in God not superficial?
Don't we believe our Life contains God's Soul?●
Isn't Soul a figment-- formless figurine?
Haven't we subjected Soul to Self as Divine?●
Aren't Soul and God untouched, intangible?
Why's through the intangible put what's tangible?●
How's in our Life made lifeless intervention?
Don't we forfeit Real Shape of Life to abstraction?●
Isn't by abstraction different same Human?
A Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, Sikh, or Christian?●
Don't by abstraction I hate you, you hate me?
Aren't we diverse from what we really be?●
Don't swindlers, saints, friends, foes, all shapeless live?
Don't they if now look lifeless, next alive?●
Aren't they if now in mind, next in oblivion?
Doesn't Mind of ours paint our own shape alone?●
Isn't by merit of Mind our Life is shaped?
Doesn't Mind's merit account for mental concept?●
Isn't concept our ideas we build by experiences?
Aren't through our ideas living truths we sense?●

Isn't with those truths that we construct our shape?
Don't we in that shape live unworried, safe?●
Don't we when shape's disturbed feel big off color?
How does Mind shape us others do disfigure?●
Can shape be perfect in the shade of Subconscious?
Can Mind to paint us gather true colors?●
Can colors, contours, themes, in darkness develop?
Can they to Eyes and Mind with purpose show up?●
Don't we, in fact, draw our own caricature?
Don't we each to the other strange appear?●
Doesn't each feel oneself real, the other fake?
Isn't it 'cause we to Light of Truth ne'er wake?●
Hasn't into our Mind intervened Subconscious?
Doesn't it 'gainst Real Shape block the Light of Conscious?●
Isn't Shape of Life treasured in Consciousness?
Don't we now spoof it by Subconsciousness?●
Aren't strange the shapes, the souls, that we experience?
Haven't they bewitched our Mind with fraudulence?●
Isn't prone to fraudulence our mortal Mind?
Hasn't it kept Life to frauds of Death confined?●
Doesn't it in the shade of Death behave and act?
And, so, with Birth, Rebirth, Soul, have a pact?●
Does Life with mortal pact feel truly Real?
And that on change of a Life changes Soul?●



                           LIFE AND SOUL

Is Soul's implant a Divine Automation?
Does God put Soul in Life before it's born?●
Does God have any plan for Life's Ensoulment?
How's Soul's sojourn, till quitting, from implant?●
What's God's objective in Ensouling Life?
What's the design of Soul for Lives long, brief?●
Does Soul arrive with Birth, Grow, and Go with Death?
Where's the abode of Soul-- in air or 'neath?●
Does God for Lives maintain account of Souls?
How's count when Life departs and Life enrolls?●
Does Life enroll, depart, or Body does?
Which one-- it's Life or Body that Soul knows?●
Body or Life-- which's Soul connected with?
What happens to the connect at the stroke of Death?●
Does Soul decamp, departing Life and Body?
Does Life for Soul's parting, with Body, die●
Does Soul require a living Body, its Death?
Is Life and Body essential for Soul's breath?●
What aims does Soul carry when one is born?
What happens when one dies ere aims undone?●
How's Soul related with each Birth and Death?
What kind of Life is Soul satisfied with?●
Do all take birth and die for the sake of Soul?
Each plant, each plume, each Human, each animal?●
What happens to the Soul nonhumans hast?
Don't they like us take birth and shortly last?●
Don't they feel pain, cherish, nourish and cry?
What happens to their Soul after they die?●
Don't they have Soul as they don't know what's God?
Does Soul reside sole in knowledge of God?●

Don't infants possess Soul? Didn't the early man?
Is't that 'lone Humans, 'cause learnt of God, can?●
Isn't it that in each kind of Life, there's Soul?
Isn't Soul the Sense of Being in each and all?●
Doesn't Sense of Being inhabit all the living?
Isn't Sense pure, sacrosanct, unraveling?●
Isn't Sense different from species to species?
Diverse in humans, too, -- mine, yours and his?●
Do Souls then live long, short, in grief and bliss?
Do some flourish and some in garbage languish?●
Don't people in accidents, plagues, expire?
How do their Souls adjust? What they desire?●
Are Life's desires independent of Soul?
How does each Soul fulfil desires each Cycle?●
Why's Human Human, bird bird and beast beast?
Does Soul not in each organism exist?●
What do Souls in the nonhumans aim?
Are aims of Souls in plants and animals same?●
What's the aim of Soul-- wherever settled upon?
Doesn't, or does, Soul have link with Life's origin?●
Do Humans know, at all, origin of Soul?
Did Soul exist before Birth of The Whole?●
Was Universe with Soul or without Soul born?
Did Soul, if not, with Life on Earth begin?●
Did Soul inhabit first the Life of the microbe?
Or, if not, Life of Humans on the Globe?●
What's plan of God for Soul in Life or not?
Is Soul to Humans fixed, or God does create?●
Will one day Universe come to an End?
If not, how long is Soul-Super Soul trend?●

Will Soul cease to exist with Human extinction?
Won't Soul for other organisms still live on?●
Don't Humans have belief in animism?
Don't we feel there's Soul in each organism?●
Doesn't Soul inhabit 'so non-living Matters?
Water, air, clouds, sun, snow, sands, seas and rivers?●
How then do we define our Body's Soul?
Isn't Soul our personal emotions' sum total?●
Isn't Soul to us subjective and sovereign?
Isn't Soul our Life's instinctive mental design?●
Isn't Human Mind instinct with forceful  passions?
Aren't kin to instincts our passionate emotions?●
Aren't our emotions fashioned by influences?
Don't they influence our Human senses?●
Isn't to our senses sensitive our Mind?
Is Mind not by our senses reigned, restrained?●
Aren't senses, Mind, instincts, combined as Soul?
Doesn't Soul agree to emotional control?●
Doesn't so our Soul in grief and grievance cry?
Doesn't it merriment feel and dance with joy?●
Doesn't it kiss the feet of the loved, in love?
Doesn't it in hatred yet strike like a wolf?●
Doesn't it in aid of poor self-sacrifice?
Doesn't it in greed yet steal another's slice?●
Isn't it all ears, all eyes, all mind, all bent?
And then, unheard, unseen, untouched, unfelt?●
Isn't it as soft as cream, and delicate?
And like a stone hard, unrelenting, yet?●
How's Soul a saint, a crook, a friend, a foe?
How's it so villainous and then of value?●

Can Soul then be Divine and Pious and Pure?
Isn't it so quirky, wicked and impure?●
Why's Soul then so important for our Life?
Isn't it the figment of our fake belief?●
Doesn't when our Life's Self-bent originate Soul?
Doesn't Soul for Self depict the title role?●
Isn't Soul what we experience inside?
Doesn't Self in Soul's experiences hide?●
Doesn't what anoint our Self delight our Soul?
Isn't Soul distressed when Self is treated foul?●
Isn't Soul then subject of our Self's wellbeing?
Isn't Soul our Body's selfish inner being?●
Doesn't Soul in each of us have fear of Death?
Doesn't it, as dies one, lose in Self its faith?●
Isn't Soul immortal, indestructible, ever?
How's it, like mortals, hopeless, helpless, in fear?●
Isn't Soul Divine, God-made and Spiritual?
How does it live in sections fair, 'so foul?●
Doesn't Soul pray God, praise God, blame God yet then?
Doesn't it to tell have tales bizarre, insane?●
Does Soul have Life to experience, express?
Does it present Life in nonhumans' harness?●
How's the control nonhumans have o'er Soul?
Why does Soul act to be in Human control?●
How's it inactive, quiet, in Lives of others?
And then for Humans an emissary force?●
Why can't nonhumans mission Soul of theirs?
Is't 'cause nonhumans of their Soul not conscious?●
Cause they don't know they do take birth and die?
Cause in applause of their Soul act not they?●

Cause they've no knowledge of the Creation, Creator?
Cause they don't know they're creatures and of Nature?●
Cause they're innocent of methods of living?
Cause they perceive not satisfaction, suffering?●
Cause they feel not for others' fame or failure?
Commit not suicide, nor do crimes deliver?●
Is Soul so in them neutral and inactive?
How does Soul live in them and what's its motive?●
Can there at all be any motive in Soul?
Can Soul at all be under Mind's control?●
Can Soul be proper to a Life's existing?
Can Soul in each Body be self-abiding?●
Will Hindu's Soul be Hindu's Soul next Birth?
Does Soul define our Life, and Birth, Rebirth?●
Does Soul acknowledge Body it does enter?
Does it till it does get a Body wander?●
Does Soul get modified by our each deed?
Does it condition what'll be our next breed?●
Do Soul and Body have a proportion?
Does Soul keep note of Birth-and-Death equation?●
When do things vary? However Soul manages?
Does Soul require inter-religious changes?●
Does Soul have colors, forms, orders and choices?
Isn't Soul detached from differences, biases?●
Can we break Soul into beliefs and fragments?
Why then do we create hostile elements?●
Why sects, religions, practices and schisms?
Why does our Death-oriented Life promote isms?●
If we know Death, why then do we act Deathless?
Will we be Immortal plotting fatal stakes?●

Can't all our isms be merged into One-ism? 
Can't Oneness be attainable through Humanism?●
Can't Oneness foil the Fall of Death on Life?
Isn't Death result of our internal strife?●
Doesn't our Subconscious Mind cause Deathly friction?
Isn't it because Subconscious creates confusion?●
Isn't half-asleep and half-awake Subconscious?
Doesn't it lie between Conscious and Unconscious?●
Isn't by both Dark and Light then splinter'd Humans?
Don't we abide both Knowledge and Ignorance?●
Isn't overshadowed by Dark, Light we vision?
Isn't Light a Tiny Island in dark ocean?●
Isn't in the vast unknown submerged The Known?
Mustn't we dispel darkness through Divination?●
Mustn't we with Mind of Light Divine the unknown?
Musn't we wake us up to Enlighten the hidden?●
Isn't our awakening our Enlightenment?
Won't we Enlightened fly to Open Firmament?●
Won't dissipate Subconscious' dark delusion?
Won't Human Soul with Cosmic Soul have Union?●
Doesn't Soul of Universe abide our Consciousness?
Isn't Universe Ensouled with Pregnant Humanness?●
Aren't Pregnant her Appearance, Acts and Silence?
Don't we perceive her Life, Breath, Voice, with Sentience?●
Hasn't Sentience gained Sixth Sense of understanding?
Isn't our Next Sense the Super Sentient Being?●
Isn't Super Being the Soul of Universe?
Shouldn't we wake up Real Soul asleep in us?●
Isn't Soul in wrap of our Subconscious blind?
Won't wrap if taken off Enlighten our Mind?●

Won't Mind Enlightened make out Soul's Supreme Force?
The Force which's massed Energy of Universe?●
Isn't Energy the Living Force of Cosmos?
The Cosmic Force that's Massive, Total, Timeless?●
Doesn't in our blood and breath traverse the Force?
Isn't the Force our Soul-- the Soul of Universe?●
Doesn't Soul in us so cut 'cross Body's Limit?
Can't Body be Immortal blood, breath in it?●
How'll we find it out in Subconscious' darkness?
Mustn't Mind be free from dark Subconsciousness?●
Mustn't Light of Soul to pass inside be let?
Mustn't Soul in us with Soul Illuminate?●
Isn't Soul the splendid Whole Illumination?
Isn't Soul then as Expansive as the Creation?●
Doesn't Soul expand as far as we can vision?
Isn't Soul infinite as our imagination?●
Doesn't Mind imagine what's beyond the World?
Mustn't Mind transcend our Body's mundane  hold?●
Hasn't mundane Mind confined Soul in Subconscious?
Mustn't Mind and Soul use their Infinite  Feathers?●
Don't Human Mind and Soul have their Uniqueness?
Aren't they Device for Super Consciousness?●
Isn't Super Consciousness Supreme Mechanism?
Hasn't it been Gifted to Human organism?●
Won't Super Consciousness find us The Key?
Isn't The Key the key to Immortality?●
To know how Timeless's Cosmic Light, Energy?
To find us how Immortal Body'll be?●
Why let Subconscious create confusing vision?
Mustn't we by Conscious Light dispel confusion?●




Isn't each of us confused of present livings?
Aren't we critical of bits, bags and beings?
Isn't Life being racked by many a living pang?
By stings of doubt-disruption-drudgery gang?●
Don't we each live uptight in thick  bewilderment?
As moves each person, each affair, each moment?●
With change in colors, contours, moods, and motives?
That each of us with whims and fancies lives?●
Don't looks that once beguiled the eye now betray?
And sounds that charmed the ear create  cacophony?●
Doesn't once caressing hand now cause skinrashes?
And What once nourished the soul now malnourishes?●
Doesn't What our sense perceives belie, bewilder?
Haven't shams obscured our senses in dark spectre?●
Isn't under stress our every Human sense?
Isn't each of us distraught of own existence?●
Don't we each doubt each of us, in frustration?
And drudgerious we live, in self-protection?●
That, in a whirlpool of survival caught all?
Being stirred relentless in the daily muddle?●
That, 'gainst each other we do hit and run?
Or being together with suicidal friction?●
Aren't we bet'n Heart and Mind tossed o'er and o'er?
Don't they no stoppage scrimmage 'gainst each other?●
Doesn't scrimmage toss us on, with pushes and pulls?
Deforming our Real by opposing morals?●
Being formed as good and bad, unkind and kind?
As, while relents the Heart and reasons the Mind?●
Or while the Mind concludes, the Heart disputes?
And we, though Humans, feel us Gods, and Brutes?●

That, Good and Evil to own us within fight?
With win and loss Each forces in and out?●
Yet, empty of either we do sometimes feel?
And each suspects the other if God or Devil?●
Isn't by God and Devil compressed each Human?
Do all not live through struggles in confusion?●
Don't we each struggle 'gainst the other each day?
Don't struggles cause our Body to decay?●
Doesn't Body die before the act of Nature?
Don't many die ere they become mature?●
Doesn't Death arrive in many a form, design?
Has any e'er saved us from Quarantine?●
Or, anyway, God, the endmost Benefactor?
Who sole to divine Humans do appear?●
How'll God when we dissuade our Life fight Death?
Isn't it 'cause we have in us lost our faith?●
Do we not tamely expect our Death some day?
Why then for Life do we ungallantly pray?●
Will God ere listen to our faithless prayers?
How'll God while we kill self immortalize us?●
Is faith in God of use sans faith in us?
Isn't living suicidal when Life's dubious?●
Don't we have doubts on God, upon each other?
Aren't we each splinter'd within by own Vector?●
Isn't there in each a medley of clashing things?
Don't they effect our puzzles in mundane livings?●
Don't puzzled livings take toll on our Life?
Aren't hassles in Life of each Human being rife?●
Don't hassles breed frustration, pessimism?
Don't pessimists resort to Fatalism?●

Doesn't Fatal Life aid our reliance on God?
Have facts of Life e'er met with the absurd?●
Has ever God saved us from facts of Death?
Doesn't between Life and God wiggle our faith?●
Hasn't Life, for God, made lovers, also haters?
Aren't there bigots as well as blasphemers?●
Does love for God to everything relate?
Does everything relate to God with hate?●
Doesn't God abide us when with fears, bugs, wants?
Does he, when without, have a relevance?●
Does he at will withdraw and offer grants?
Does he act by our will and wand of savants?●
Can we, or savants, call up God to act?
Doesn't God to act or not himself select?●
Doesn't he by his will operate our Life?
Isn't 'he destroys, creates, controls' our belief?●
Don't we believe we act beneath his vigil?
Are our good deeds or bad by force of his will?●
What's his aim in directing bad and good?
Does Life and living here depend on his mood?●
If God does all, why then do we adjudge?
Don't we oppose some, into others merge?●
Why do we take God's actions into our hands?
Why do we call some saints and some brigands?●
Are saints, apostles, sent to Earth by God?
Why do apostles culture their own herd?●
Haven't we all been divided by these dummies?
Don't dummies divert Humans in God's guise?●
Don't they sermon that God is our protector?
How do all fall to Death, Disease, Disaster?●

Doesn't Nature generate flood, cyclone, quake?
Does God tell Nature who's real and who's fake?●
How do then both succumb-- the saint, the sinner?
Why can't God save his saints from killings by Nature?●
Aren't Humans One-- the same kind of Produce?
Why then do we in us find difference?●
Why do we stand religion 'gainst religion?
How do products abuse their own production?●
Must creatures be in friction 'gainst their Creator?
Are we not ourselves our own terminator?●
Why are there so many Gods and religions?
Why're followers 'gainst each other like Demons?●
Can God of each religion be so vicious?
Can God, like a Satan, be harmful to others?●
Don't we in name of God cook up fake laws?
Don't these fake laws beget communal woes?●
Does God need our help to administer us?
Does He for this send religious promoters?●
Can those promoters be so cruelly harsh?
Do we not make God our draconian farce?●
Does God at all require to be promoted?
Does Creator live on preaching by the created?●
Does God for 'living' need preachers to live by?
Need God for 'living' on others rely?●
Have we yet wondered what in fact is God?
Who's formulated whom-- God Man or Man God?●
If God has created Humans, why in factions?
Why does He put us on dissenting actions?●
If Humans have invented God, how many?
Is't not sufficient to have One God only?●

Can there be more Gods for one Universe?
Can Gods all be separable and diverse?●
Do Gods reside in their abode, of Heaven?
Has any Human e'er been there, or seen?●
Is Heaven as big as our Universe?
Why must it be so big for little Earth of ours?●
How many Gods are living in that Heaven?
How many works have they for Creation taken?●
Is Gods' Creation incomplete as yet?
What work is there to make Creation complete?●
Will Gods expand Creation yon' present limit?
Will they create Life all over yon' this planet?●
Are they at work for Earth or for whole Creation?
Do they not have for their own Life a function?●
Do they have Life like ours or different?
Have they for them a different arrangement?●
Haven't we been told 'bout their family system?
Haven't they been shown to us by Human term?●
In terms of spouses, siblings, children, kins?
How do they live? What's their living means?●
How did, and when did, they first come to settle?
Was Heaven built ere? When did they assemble?●
How long have they been, and will further live on?
Will they extend with odysseys of Creation?●
Why Gods? Why Heaven? What's their plan and purpose?
Why're they 'mong them diverged, do fight like us?●
Why does one God direct to be a Christian?
Why one a Hindu, one a Muslim, or Jain?●
Can choices of one God be unlike another's?
Can o'er same acts one God bless, one God curse?●

Can Gods, in kind, be diverse from each other?
Can they be different in form and structure?●
Can e'er one God be vegan and one cannibal?
One dude, one dame, one neuter and one sexual?●
Can one be friendly to us, one inimical?
Can't all Gods be impartial and equal?●
Can Gods, again, belong to diverse sources?
Is Cosmos made of diverse Gods' resources?●
How can there be more Creators for one Creation?
Do we believe not in One Creator 'lone?●
Isn't Creator's Creation a Benevolence?
Why do then Gods practice malevolence?●
Aren't then our Gods estranged from The Creator?
Aren't they 'gainst Wishes of The Benefactor?●
Don't they deprive us of The Benefaction?
Don't they lead us in the endless maze, of deviation?●
Aren't we deviated from The Flow of Creation?
Aren't we caught in the web of own religion?●
Don't all religions interrupt each other?
Doesn't interruption agitate each further?●
Don't we all bear the brunt of agitation?
Musn't we weld all Gods into Supreme One?●
Musn't all religions merge into One, New Religion?
Musn't they together be The Flow of Creation?●
Musn't Neoreligious Flow empower Humans?
Won't Power Humans to a New Life advance?●
Won't New Advanced Life worship Human Brain?
Won't Brain transfigure Life to a New Design?●
Won't Humans alter Birth-and-Death equation?
Won't they inscribe the Death-less New Religion?●




Isn't Life's design with Death an imperfection?
Hasn't Creator gifted us Brain for Perfection?
Won't Perfect Life be indestructible?
Won't Life be made sans let or bar desirable?●
Is Life desirable when it for sure dies?
Why then do we wish for immortal joys?●
Are wishes for our joys e'er gratified?
Aren't wants of joys always unlimited?●
Don't wishes come from our absconding Mind?
Aren't joys and fears indivisibly entwined?●
Don't we all think some day we each will perish?
Is't not to enjoy our Life well we do wish?●
Aren't joys derived from perishable affairs?
Can't Life be joyful without joys of matters?●
Does Life sans matters seem immaterial?
Can't Life derive joys from the Spiritual?●
Can't matters be replaced by Immortal Spirit?
Can't Life sans matters be enjoyable by it?●
Is material enjoyment Willed for Humans?
Do matters offer Humans Life Insurance?●
Is Deathless Life less vital than enjoyment?
Is material enjoyment a Human complement?●
Will we sans matters forfeit Life and living?
Are matters sacramental to our being●
Do matters consecrate our Life as Humans?
Do they absolve our Life of pills and pains?●
Aren't pains of Life so populous and nagging?
Don't we imperfect feel even midst clean living?●
Do matters let us live a Perfect Human?
Do they tell we'll again be born a Human?●

Do we again become a Human once born?
Will we for sure a Human be reborn?●
Don't we each wish to be a Human again?
What do we do to be a Human 'gain?●
Will our own success ensure us a Human?
Which success will make us again a Human?●
Is't our success of getting rank or job?
Of owning wealth or winning what we love?●
Is't our success of showing ourself best?
Is't being the best by gaining what we quest?●
Is't our success of winning competition?
Won't we who do fail be reborn a Human?●
Do failure and success mean Human Make?
Can Human system be an Ethereal Take?●
Has God directed any Human system?
Of Money, Market, Nations, Politics, Arm?●
Can Life be core to Human living system?
Do we through system get back living form?●
Do we by our system ensure Rebirth?
What happened to Lives ere the system's birth?●
Are we by our system Birth by Birth made Human? 
Isn't Human system just one-Birth-bound  plan?●
Doesn't system just run us to grow and die?
Doesn't it trap Life in Mortal Boundary?●
Does it to break through Boundary show us way?
Shouldn't we at Liberation have a shy?●
Whate'er does get a fix on Human livings?
By God or Nature that we're Human beings?●
Whoe're does manage Earth, with Death and Birth?
Will Universe die sans this mundane Earth?●

Does Earth survive sole on our Death and Birth?
Does Death and Birth ensure our Life on Earth?●
Is Life on Earth through Birth and Death evolving?
How do we evolve more than the other living?●
Don't others like us take birth, live and die?
Why don't they evolve like us, in whatever way?●
Is't so-called God that makes Human Evolution?
Don't we evolve by Natural Selection?● 
Don't we evolve cause of one-of-a-kind Brain?
Must we by God, or system, let it drain?●
What causes Human Brain evolve with Times?
Is't Nature-driven or by a Divine means?●
Is Nature same kind of thing as Divine?
Do they together function on the mundane?●
How does Science get involved in between them?
Isn't it Science that from Brain of us does stem?●
Why's Science opposed by our religions, Gods?
Isn't present Mind with Brain e'er so at odds?●
Aren't Gods, religions, products of Human Mind?
Whatever way are they to Human Brain linked?●
Haven't our emotions created Gods, religions?
Doesn't from our Mind emit bizarre emotions?●
Aren't our emotions vague, self-contradicting?
Don't they by God, by us, dispute our living?●
Do our emotions earn us livelihood? 
Have our emotions made us Earth's best brood?●
Don't Humans rule the planet by their Brain?
Aren't Scientists leaders of Human progression?●
Doesn't Human Brain grow opposite to emotions?
Haven't our emotions stayed the same through eons?●

Don't our emotions roam o'er wilds and myths?
Don't our emotions bide old labyrinths?●
Can't with our Brain evolve our Mind, emotions?
How can when they are tied to Gods, religions?●
Do Gods evolve with Human Evolution?
Does anyway evolve our each religion?●
Aren't Gods' messages numb to Modern Senses?
Aren't Modern Eyes rare to religious lenses?●
Why then have we bound us to bygone boxes?
Why do we live regressive paradoxes?●
What meaning then is there of evolution?
What's, either, benefits of progression?●
Don't our emotions come out of past nestings?
Are they not bound to primitive bondings?●
Why then have Humans got the Creator Brain?
Mustn't Brain be used, o'er Mind, for endless gain?●
Is what our Brain has gained by now enough?
Hasn't Brain suggested us Heights to look up?●
Are we content of captured Human Heights?
Can Human Reach be limited to limits?●
Must we be proud of limited success?
Doesn't Brain bespeak that Human Reach is limitless?●
Isn't work of Brain to reach yon' limits called Science?
Doesn't Science present us Life's lifing reliance?●
Don't we follow religion but feed on Science?
Don't we advance by Science but praise  nescience?●
Why do we stand 'gainst Science the wall of God?
Why do we wish to block Pragmatic Road?●
Don't we embellish dogmas, orthodoxies?
Don't we stall Brain with vague ideologies?●

Aren't we enwrapped in blinds of God, religion?
Will Brain e'er work if Mind doesn't have a vision?●
Can Mind lead Brain if blindfolded with Schism?
Mustn't Mind be free from facile passive system?●
Mustn't Mind notice the changes by evolution?
Are Humans, like rest species, in oblivion?●
Must we behave like brainless other species?
Must we, like them, be blind despite Mind's Eyes?●
Isn't Human Brain being strong with evolution?
Aren't Humans best species of the Creation?●
Have we yet been developed Best of us?
Can we develop without Brain, and Actionless?● 
Aren't we inactive of True Life and Living?
Aren't present acts confined to short-lived things?●
Don't our acts aim for artificial limits?
Aren't actions trialed for phoney benefits?●
Should actions be to create, resolve, own problems?
Aren't filled with problems our artificial systems?●
Don't they beget conflicts 'mong individuals?
Aren't fragmented, bizarrely, all equals?●
Aren't we engaged in myriad clumsy actions?
Aren't they obeyed by masters to minions?●
Don't actions generate uneven outcomes?
Haven't they deranged the Human living  norms?●
Aren't livings caught in the web of derangement?
Aren't Human actions to nowhere a movement?●
Haven't we been pushed to Birth-and-Death  extremes?
Don't so our actions produce fatal outcomes?●
Have we not tamely been to Death resigned?
Don't we in sham of Rebirth solace find?●

Is our migration to next Life guaranteed?
Will that be more, or less, or as, entitled?●
Will yet that be as long, or short, as this?
Will same be color, caste, clan, faith, form, traits?●
Do all have faith in taking of Rebirth?
Don't some believe that Life is once on Earth?●
Don't they that Soul to Heaven flies consider?
That, union of Soul with Supreme forever?●
That, they'll together live in afterlife?
Isn't afterlife is Heaven their belief?●
Is automatic the migration to Heaven?
Is there, in Life, a road or rule to Live-in?●
How do they live this Life? What do they do?
How do they toward Death with credence go?●
Aren't theirs, like others', part of mundane livings?
Are there two ways of livings? Where's the parting?●
Where does the parting lie, bet'n Heaven and Rebirth?
How's Humans parted? Round united Earth?●
Is on our Life our trust, or lost reliance?
On turns of Nature, acts of God or Humans?●
What really's there-- Rebirth or Complete Exit?
That, Humans after Death assuredly meet?●
Why's Humans split yet, on Rebirth and Soul?
Why's yet diverse the paths for the same goal?●
The goal, if Soul, in paths for all, does differ?
Or, if Rebirth, same diverse for each seeker?●
Why're Humans split by sects, schisms, Gods, beliefs?
How by paths split are children, blinds, dumbs, deafs?●
What happens to the Lives ignorant and naive?
Rebirth or Soul-- what happens after Grave?●

How's their next Birth adjudged sans commission?
Please say if judged are they for their omission?●
What commissions, omissions, do direct us?
Workers, scientists, religious preachers, followers?●
Don't we, all, follow diverse paths to either?
Which path decides Rebirth, or Soul, hereafter?●
Is path of scientists same as daily wagers'?
Are paths same of politicians, sex workers?●
Do all religions conform one another?
Don't Hindus, Muslims, Christians, in paths differ?●
Aren't all of ours right paths, if Rebirth or Soul?
Why then to each-other's path opposed are we all?●
Doesn't one dislike another's practices?
Doesn't one to impose one's path create violence?●
Can violence be pathway to Reunion?
Aren't violent, acts of beasts like tigers, lions?●
Aren't violent acts of us savagely wild?
Must God-made Humans act like savage guild?●
Didn't Humans grow in wilds, like animals?
Didn't they come out of wilds, as Neanderthals?●
Didn't they realize, invent, more than stoneagers?
Didn't they abandon traits of carnivores?●
Didn't they arrange their own genetic code?
Didn't they acquire the Homosapien Blood?●
Aren't Humans now immatured in evolving?
How can we be matured in state of fledgling?●
Can we be able to fly sans Wings of Science?
Aren't we still nesting in the wild of nescience?●
Must nescience limit us to Death and Birth?
Must we waste Life to fatuous Soul, Rebirth?●

Is Birth, if at all, followed by Rebirth?
Will women be women, men be men, next Birth?●
Will eunuchs be reborn as eunuchs next?
How's the list maintained in the divine text?●
Is one who's born in summer 'born in summer?
How does it work in Iceland-- cold forever?●
Is engineers-will-be-same next decided?
How worked ideas ere engines were invented?●
Is one who's born in town reborn in town?
How on the Neanderthals did work the plan?●
Can then a Birth be place- or be time-bound?
How's one with full of crowd, one Life-less ground?●
How's of a child selected its Rebirth?
Or of a child who dies just after birth?●
Can we retort to such, and other, queries?
Don't we all live by myths and vagaries?●
Isn't mythical our motto of do-or-die?
Don't vagarious in our own melees act we?●
Don't melees generate conflicting actions?
Don't actions lead to hostile interactions?●
Isn't each subjected to stiffling hostility?
Don't actions end up breeding futility?●
Don't futile actions bring us alienation?
Don't we slip down to a limbo, of inaction?●
Doesn't our inaction trigger our Departure?
Don't we succumb as kills of mundane Nature?●
Isn't Nature themed with mundaneness  imperfect?
Can Nature that devours our Life be perfect?●
Doesn't Perfect Nature hide 'neath our illusion?
Isn't She Immortal, cast off imperfection?●




Can't we from imperfection have liberation?
Can't we have a new system of operation?●
Can't we dump our malignant living system?
Can't we invent a benignant mechanism?●
Why's God--if we believe--got us the Brain?
Can't Brain be used to conquer the mundane?●
Have Humans not been able to extend lifespan?
Won't we be able to change the biotic plan?●
Haven't we begun controlling cells and genes?
Don't we confront Death with Genetic Science?●
Haven't we exposed the parts of Cosmic Unseen?
Have we not shaken the poles of Hell and Heaven?●
Don't we prove myths are vague imaginations?
Don't Facts dissipate the religious fictions?●
Doesn't each religion hold a bunch of tenets?
Don't these tenets hold back our Forward Trots?●
Will Life leave of evolving if myths move not?
Doesn't Brain break out of each mythical fort?●
Doesn't Human's Forward Mind untether Brain?
Doesn't Human curiosity earn us gains?●
Can our religions hold their fort for long?
Does their existence move secure and strong?●
Doesn't their existence mean junk wonts by bigots?
Can Creator Brain be held by these myopic nuts?●
Are bigots able to hold back Human changes?
Are our religions able to take challenges?●
Does Moving Time allow us to live to limit?
Can we let Life to sinking carriers submit?●
Do our religions get us new occupations?
In growth, or grains, or goods, or adaptations?●

Must Humans be tasked with survival constraints?
Can religions survive with Life's discontents?●
Can we e'er limit a sea to a reservoir?
Can we distract from the sea a flowing river?●
Should Flow of Life be diverted from Mainstream?
Mustn't our religions let Life flow with Time?●
Can Flow e'er be contained, in parts, detours?
Why do we make religious fracas, wars?●
Aren't our religions made The Wall to hinder?
Don't God-struck zealots block The Road to prosper?●
How long can they hold back the force of Science?
Don't they, as Time disposes, lose their vehemence?●
Won't they soon vanish into Science-led Changes?
Won't God succumb to Truth-bound Humans' Challenges?●
Has Science not posed a Threat to God's existence?
Is Science not yield of our intelligence?●
Doesn't our intelligence abide our Brain?
Doesn't Brain evolve to Life's Infinite Domain?●
Does God evolve our Brain, or it's by Nature?
If God, does he intend his self-erasure?●
If Nature, why's then God displayed a Potence?
Why then do we obstruct the Road to Permanence?●
Why's then our wild carnivals at The Wall?
O'er Life and livings that's abasedly mortal?●
Is Earth, or Universe, that God relates to?
Don't we, like Earth, belong to Universe too?●
Why're we then Earth-bound, if to Universe?
Why's God then bound to sole earthy matters?●
Can Creator of The Limitless be bounded? 
Can Creator from Creation be separated?●

Can The Infinite be possessed into a confine?
How can possessive Mind e'er be Divine?●
Can't we be unpossessive of mundane wants?
Of foods, of goods; sans fear of malignants?●
Aren't there other systems for our organism?
Can't Humans figure out another system?●
Is there one system in vast Universe?
Is Earth the epicenter of Live Cosmos?●
Are we sure of one in this boundless Creation?
Is Earth Creation's sole representation?●
Does God manage the whole Creation through Earth?
Has he endowed on Earth a special berth?●
Can his management be sole mundane function?
Is mundane function not an automation?●
Can automation be a management?
What's place of God in the automatic fitment?●
Aren't all events of Nature automatic?
Isn't automation constant, and erratic?●
Doesn't automation cause unruly changes?
Isn't God required to help us take the challenges?●
Why's God if changes caused by automation?
If by God, why'll he go against his function?●
If automation, why's God called to act?
Is God a Human fiction, or a fact?●
If fact, why do we form him differently?
Why do we make his clones, yet factionally?●
Why do we glorify ours, blemish others?
Are Gods of others inferior to ours?●
Why love for our God, hate for Gods of others?
Isn't standing God against God blasphemous?●

Are Gods of all not same, unanimous?
Are Gods not shades of One Creator, One Force?●
If they reflect One Force, why different Gods?
Do Human minds differ or differ Gods?●
How can Gods be diverse if cloned from One?
Isn't it our mad attempt to mince The Unknown?●
Don't all the Gods belong to Supreme God?
Why do Human minds fabricate the absurd?●
Can Who's all Supreme be framed by our fiction?
Can we confine the Boundless in religions?●
Don't we believe in One God, One Creation?
How'll our Gods live and act by our religions?●
Why different are Gods, diverse are practices?
Aren't minds upshots of our ancient biases?●
Have Humans changed their Mind in generations?
Musn't children get to learn true thoughts and actions?●
Is every child not born angelic, pure?
How do they grow satanic and impure?●
How some become betrayers, some bigots?
And some emerge misfits and some perverts?●
Why some roll in wealth, wellbeing and luxury?
And some subsist on litters, alms and drudgery?●
How some die sprouts and some with colors flourish?
How 'gain in dying Body does Soul languish?●
How's smiling Soul in you, in me Soul mourning?
How can I see your smile, you can't my suffering?●
How does your Soul blind you of Soul of mine?
Who's other than your Self that stands in between?●
Doesn't Self blind our Soul as Life's made  material?
Isn't so 'cause our Life in the clutch of  the  mortal?●

Don't mortal things impermanently exist?
How'll we be Permanent in the mortal quest?●
Is Self connected with the eternal things?
Can Mortal Self give us Permanent Nestings?●
Doesn't Selfishness cause our impermanence?
Won't Life decease if Self is made the essence?●
Must Self in name of Soul hold on to Selfishness?
How'll Soul hold Body and Life in Deathless Harness?●
Mustn't Soul be purified from Self's malignants?
Mustn't Self be stopped from putting Soul to segments?●
Can Soul in one be unlike one in another?
Does Soul agree to conditions of matter?●
Isn't Soul free from conditions and events?
Why do we take in Soul in Self's extents?●
Why should we think of Super Soul sans Soul?
What's the requirement of Soul sans any role?●
Can't Life sans Self to itself dedicate?
Why's Supreme Being then made Life's Ultimate?●
Why's Soul and Supreme Soul made to be  cognate?
Why's Death of Life proclaimed as Heaven's Gate?●
Why does Soul come with Life and go with Life?
How's Soul transported within Selfish grip?●
Does Soul die with Self, liberating Spirit?
Does Spirit filter Soul and carry it out?●
How does Self counter Spirit in the Body?
Are Soul and Spirit same to Self or contrary?●
Doesn't Body of living things possess One Force?
Isn't it the Force Which's Body's Living Source?●
Isn't Living Source of Body known as Spirit?
Don't we to Body and Life and Soul relate it?●

Isn't Spirit Life's non-physical Essence?
Isn't Spirit Nature's Death-proof Providence?●
Won't it allow Life Death-free habitation?
Must we not empty our Body of Self's dominion?●
Isn't packed with Mortal Self our Life's each cell?
How'll Body Spirit-less e'er breathe Immortal?●
Have we e'er given Spirit its carte blanche?
Don't we all with it have mere dalliance?●


                           BODY AND SPIRIT

Spirit or Body-- which to which relates?
Are they to each other strange or they are mates?●
Does Body die cause Spirit deserts it?
Does Spirit part cause Body turns unfit?●
Can't we renew our Body ere its expiry?
Can't we retain our Spirit ere its ferry?●
Can't Spirit be forever friend of Body?
Can't we learn how attainable it'll be?●
Do we e'er know what Spirit's all about?
Have we with Body got its link to note?●
Has Spirit got from Body to release?
Has Body got to die for further lease?●
Is lease of Body a vehicle for Spirit?
Must Spirit alter vehicles for its transit?●
Whither does Spirit move and why through Bodies?
What does it mean to Life each Body carries?●
Does Body feel pleasure and pain for Spirit?
Can't Body without Spirit feel loss, profit?●
Does Spirit usher Body in diverse ways?
Doesn't one Body live short, one for long days?●
Doesn't one Body feel pain, one Body pleasure?
Do like different Bodies, Spirits differ?●
Are there different Spirits as there's Bodies?
Can Spirits be friends as well as enemies?● 
Can some Spirits be rich, some Spirits poor?
Do Spirits chose on caste, religion, color?●
Is Spirit then from Life not different?
Is Life on Body, or Spirit, dependent?●
Does Life start on union of Body and Spirit?
Does Life on their separation depart?●

What happens to Spirit when Body dies?
Does Spirit hop onto a woman's ovaries?●
Does Spirit make any selection of fetus?
Does Death for Spirit get Rebirth alliance?●
Is Spirit's Transmigration sudden, stateless?
Does Spirit go through transitional process?●
Does Spirit make Prebirth-Rebirth connection?
What concludes Death of Body and conception?●
What does help Spirit find a new one to get in?
What does cause Death, make a new Life begin?●
How do Rebirth and Birth come in connection?
Does Spirit of the dead of its own move on?●
Does karma traverse Spirit's Transmigration?
Is Spirit neutral of, or hung onto, Action?●
Does Spirit carry karma of Prebirth?
Is good karma for good and bad for bad Birth?●
How long is karma written for a Life?
How does karma work for the Life that's brief?●
What's of Life with inborn infirmity?
What does Next Life, then, have of quality?●
Is karma-less Life last Life for a Human?
Does series of one's Births end with inaction?●
Does Spirit at the end vanish forever?
Does Spirit into other species enter?●
Is Body's growth and rot decreed by Spirit?
Does Spirit, if not, cause the Body's limit?●
Does Spirit like Body decay and die?
How does it move from one to t'other Body?●
Is Body terminable, Spirit deathless?
Hasn't Spirit power to make Body ageless?●

Do Matter, Spirit, from each other differ?
Are they yet independent of each other?●
Why then do they unite  and work together?
Do they for selfish need bank on each other?●
Can't Body without Spirit make a wish?
Does Spirit lone have wishes to accomplish?●
Does Spirit through a Body gain its wishes?
What does then Spirit gain and for what purposes?●
What gains does Life have after Death of Body?
What gains does Spirit for new Body carry?●
Does Spirit carry fruit of karma over?
Isn't karma performed by Bodily matter?●
Spirit or Body-- by what is karma made?
Is karma of Life Body- or Spirit-led?●
Doesn't karma end with Death, if it's by Body?
Does karma, if by Spirit, last to be?●
Does karma in new Body take same form?
Is karma made on fruit of Prebirth term?●
Does fruit of karma grow when we're reborn?
Does the same one consume the fruit alone?●
Isn't fruit of karma shared by kiths and kins?
How're others linked with one's virtues and sins?●
How's, and where's, karma generated first?
What quality of Life is firstly cast?●
How's parents for a would-be-born Life chosen?
How's neutral Life to destined parents given?●
How's Birth, Prebirth, Rebirth, related to Life?
Is concept linked to Fact or our belief?●
What carries fruit of karma to Next Birth?
Does God relay it according to own path?●

Does present karma set the Life of Rebirth?
Is karma of this Life defined by Prebirth?●
How does the Life of a species begin?
Which Birth does that organism's Life end in?●
How's Birth and Life to one's karma connected?
Is for a Life a fixed karma ordained?●
Does karma go on through ages and changes?
Does God with Spirit change a Life with stages?●
Does God perform on plants and animals?
How does God settle their karmas, life cycles?●
What's God's design for Fate of Universe?
Does Universe survive through Lives, their karmas?●
What was God doing before Cosmos was born?
What did he draw on Birth and Death of Creation?●
Why did he pick up Human Species so late?
Why did he transform Humans from the primate?●
Is Human race progressing or it's perishing?
How on rewards, punishments, is God acting?●
Is Death the act of God if they are flourishing?
What's the relevance of God if perishing?●
Is Death the cause of Life, or Life of Death?
If karma deciphers Life, what of Death?●
How does Life jump 'cross Death to another Birth?
How long does jump take to get to Next Birth?●
How long can the state of Death be between Lives?
Is length of Death same for all Lives that cease?●
Does Spirit, 'lengthwise', search for Body itself?
Does God for Spirit find a Body himself?●
Can't it be whimsical selection of Nature?
Can't Spirit, of Its own, shift from one to another?●

Does Human Spirit fix a living, a dying?
How does Spirit in sum keep calculating?●
How do Humans with Births and Deaths increase?
Aren't Lives begot more than the Lives that perish?●
Where'er do these additional Lives come from?
Do they all come from whole past's mausoleum?●
Do Spirits wait for turn of other Bodies?
Are prehistoric Spirits still on standbys?●
Is that why some of us behave like cavemen?
Do Spirits of past sages create gentlemen?●
How were Spirits of primates educated?
Or they of own to Human Lives developed?●
Have Spirits got to adjust to Human Lives?
Or for new Lives new Spirits God himself weaves?●
How long will Humans survive on this planet?
What'll happen in case they didn't, to each Spirit?●
Is Spirit created by God or by Nature?
Is Body the product of God or Matter?●
If of God, how does it for some turn Devil?
Can Body of God 'so turned diseased, defiled?●
Do God and Nature, both, design our Life?
How're they connected to virtues and sins if?●
Do both of them instruct the Body to act?
How do they both on Body's functions react?●
Do they together act for the same Body?
Do they reside and perform differently?●
Are they equal or different in Humans?
Aren't Humans different in livings, actions?●
Are God and Nature same or different?
If different, which one is dominant?●

Who's normal and who's odd? Who forms, who spoils?
Who directs, who divides? Who, then, equals?●
Isn't Universe an automatic system?
How can it be God-ordered macrocosm?●
Do Humans know affairs of God yon' Earth?
Are there things, similar as Death and Birth?●
Has God where's no Life any relevance?
Does he exist beyond mundane allowance?●
Does God take worship from unmundane things?
Does he manage the Whole because of Earthlings?●
Did God create Humans to get his collect?
Did he for this fabricate Earth-like planet?●
Why's he generated other forms of Life?
Does he from them get service and worship?●
How do they grow, survive and die, like Humans?
Aren't they at all un'ware of God's relevance?●
Aren't they of God for living independent?
Don't they survive being mutually dependent?●
Can't Humans live independent of God?
Can't they survive free on Mutual Accord?●
Is God elemental to Life on Earth?
Does he, so, operate Life, Death and Birth?●
Has God created all Elements of Life?
Why's within Earth restricted God's motive?●
Does God through earthlings operate Cosmos?
Why does he straight not control Universe?●
Why's Law of Mortality if through Earth?
Why's one got to die and one to take birth?●
Does God create Life in one, destroy in one?
Does he to make new Life recycle the ruin?●

Does he distribute Lives from ruins of death?
How does he link a Birth with its Prebirth?●
How does he pick Lives from the Hell beneath?
And keep a Life, its source and outcome mixed with?●
How long will he be keeping on the process?
When'll he deliver Life from Death redress?●
Has he no power to make Life immortal?
How who can create Life can't save it from the mortal?●
Is Creator different from Life's Destroyer?
Is Creation from Destruction diverse either?●
Can we sans Science be able to solve each question?
Can we fathom The Unknown that fills the Yon?●
Do, either, our religions have solution?
Isn't Human Brain ignored by wooly fiction?●
Doesn't myth in our ignorance reside?
Does myth not govern us as Fact does hide?●
Can myth-bound Life explore the Brain of Nature?
Can Brain-less Humans go on with Life for ever?●
How who can't spell out Life can think of it?
How while the savage code holds Mind to limit?●
How while Life's sieged by hounds of risks, challenges?
How while stop not run-ins, attacks, defences?●
How while we for survival clash with vengeance?
How while peace flees each time to next distance?●
What Body, what Spirit, if Life is Life?
So freaky, so unsure to Human self?●
That it obliges not to our rules or riches?
To pills, to skills, to muscles, ne'er obliges?●
Has Life been tameable by any right?
Have we e'er tamed our Life by any might?●




Has ever Human might been undefeatable?
Don't we e'er know that mighty still do fall?●
Can might be at the cost of one's own being?
Can might be right of hysteria for killing?●
Can killing be upheld on any ground?
Can ground be on savage impulses found?●
Aren't these impulses linked to wilderness?
Is wilderness not same as lawlessness?●
Didn't Human Life emerge out of the wild?
Wasn't Life in the wilderness violent, rabid?●
Isn't violence the act of wild animals?
Aren't present Humans violent, as Neanderthals?●
Can caveman spirit ever be legitimate?
Must ancient whims hold Marching Humans' fate?●
Have whims saved civilizations from ruin?
Has Human Might withstood Time's Domination?●
Could wins of force save civilizations?
Could brutal dynasties sustain their bastions?●
Haven't all to history been lost with name, fame?
Hasn't history, too, to ticking-'way of Time?●
Will present civilization survive Time?
Can primeval instincts stand Future's claim?●
Can Humanity last with fragile factions?
Can Humans march on with hostile divisions?●
Should aim of Humans be powerful mortals?
Should we not aim for being peace-filled  Immortals?●
Can brawn-possessive Mind think of The Real?
Should Human Mind be like the mind of animals?●
Can animals think of beyond the carnal?
Should Human Mind be forced into subnormal?●

Isn't the subnormal Mind prone to be abnormal?
Don't abnormals commit all the bestial?●
Aren't Reasoned Humans free from killer Mind?
Aren't they to work and simple Life resigned?●
Don't they have choice for elegance, o'er opulence?
Don't they prefer refinement to flamboyance?●
Aren't they averse to fad sense of entitlement?
Haven't they so built their heaven of contentment?●
Haven't they rejected zealous pulls and pushes?
Don't they so live content and full of peace?●
Is Mind of peace not creative and virtuous?
Doesn't creative Mind discover Universe?●
Don't findings make our Life easy to live?
Don't they show Life in newer make and weave?●
Hasn't Mind begun to think of Truth of Life?
Doesn't Mind nudge out of conventional beliefs?●
Don't past beliefs bide myths like 'moving sun'?
Don't myths grow outside Cognitive Horizon?●
Don't Humans grope as off's Light of Cognition?
Isn't groping well influenced by apprehension?●
Aren't Human fears, so, intensely irrational?
Don't Human actions, so, intensely fatal?●
Isn't Mind that's fate-oriented superstitious?
Isn't superstition cause of mental stasis?●
Can stationary Mind reach The Unseen, Unknown?
Can eyes discover Facts when Mind lacks Vision?●
Can Facts be formed on things sans Real Experience?
Didn't Mind of Past have mythical existence?●
Aren't myths held in religious texts fictitious?
Did olden men not scribble fictions in scriptures?●

How've they on leaves of scripts asserted fictions?
Were Facts around them ample for assertions?●
About what in scriptures are things assertive?
Are they prophetic, prescient, or prospective?●
Do those texts utter anything on Future?
On market, matter, business, climate, culture?●
On changes wrought at present, or upcoming?
On nations, wars, a word or anything?●
On private, public, politics or power?
On trade, traffic, technique, telephone or twitter?●
On rise of faiths, religions, wars bet'n them?
O'er fashion, food, land, love, marriage and game?●
On cultures as they feed on one another?
On livings as old disappear, new appear?●
Are statements not alone to them subjective?
Were they not diverse from what's now objective?●
Are diverse not objective experiences?
Do their experiences Now have relevance?●
Are relevant Now their pursuits and precepts?
Their days and nights, their communes, creeds and concepts?●
Did they know whole or hidden things of Nature?
How much did they know of Creation's real feature?●
Was their surmise about the Yond correct?
Could they on facts, as they were, introspect?●
Can introspection be cast sans reflection?
Can reflection be True sans Facts of Vision?●
Can Vision be limited to what we see?
Can Future be ruled by Present decree?●
Has ever Present been found same as Past?
Can either by Present, Future Life be cast?●

Doesn't Time's each flight pass off with unique traits?
Doesn't every Human get to choose new habits?●
Don't livings change with change in factual Life?
Don't new factors emerge as Time turns its leaf?●
Don't these factors demand Life to replenish?
Aren't Humans compelled to adapt or perish?●
Do Humans get clue to adapt, 'gainst perish?
Don't they because being clueless think rubbish?●
Isn't clueless Life amenable to influence?
Don't all nonsenses move our Mind sans Sense?●
Can Mind sans Sense in Path of Knowledge walk?
Doesn't whole ignorance come out of the dark?●
Don't all grotesque images form our Mind?
Don't fears and fate affect our Mind that's blind?●
Don't fears and fate hunt our hopeless existence?
Can such existence make out Life's Essence?●
Does Life exist on wheels of fears and fate?
Can wheels of Life being roadless run direct?●
Do Humans know direction of Life at present?
Whither's Humanity's ambitious movement?●
Don't Humans move forward at the unseen?
Won't they survive to the end-- those who envision?●
Isn't seeing events ahead of time preparing?
Doesn't Future Consciousness aid in adapting?●
Don't Mind and Body change agreeing to Senses?
Doesn't this adaption help Humans beat changes?●
Don't those survive-- whoere fit in Mind and Body?
Don't Mind and Body grow when measure-ready?●
Didn't early Humans grow by telling measures?
Didn't they invent things to survive rigors?●

Didn't they migrate world-o'er in search to adapt?
Didn't they to live on get new things to adopt?●
Didn't those who could adopt survive to new age?
Isn't Human development etched in each page?●
Isn't development propelled by each invention?
Don't these inventions put Life on progression?●
Don't Humans grow as Mind plug 'way with Creation?
Don't many die to fate in resignation?●
Doesn't it mean Death when Life's resigned to fate?
Doesn't Life resigned to fate to God relate?●
Doesn't God direct to subject works to fate?
Doesn't he confine works to religion's limit?●
Has fate e'er changed by religious services?
What fate do Humans form in mental braces?●
Have Humans control o'er their fate, o'er Future?
Don't we for control count on mystic power?●
Hasn't Human Mind been caught by mysticism?
Isn't God made a representation of the schism?● 
Doesn't 'fateful' Mind draw Humans to pessimism?
Doesn't pessimistic Mind dwell in fatalism?●
Isn't fatal Mind resigned to mortal limits?
Isn't vulnerable the Mind where fate inhabits?●
Isn't Mind when weak caught in hallucination?
Isn't dreamy Mind exploited by delusion?●
Doesn't Mind deluded run after illusion?
Doesn't yielded Mind effect self-exploitation?●
Aren't self-exploited Humans mindless, backward?
Aren't they too reasonless to think forward?●
Mustn't Mind be trained to look into the future?
Mustn't we take off, ere Mind, the mental filter?●

Isn't Filter thicky-- made of blind opinions?
Isn't the blind toughened by Gods and religions?●
By superstitions, sorcery, ignorance?
Love for tradition, fear for change, loath for science?●
Mustn't we break through the blind of resignation?
Mustn't we allow in True Illumination?● 
Won't our Enlightened Mind discover Truth?
Won't we discover Truth of Death and Birth?●
Won't we explore that Life ain't Make of God?
Won't we know who in Truth o'er us does Lord?●
Isn't Life sans Light of Truth self-exploitation?
Isn't our Life now in the dead zone of stagnation?●




Isn't Life stagnating in soiled Mind's backwaters?
Isn't Life decaying to Death like Early-ager's?●
Why's Mind not changed from primitive period?
What aim in rot does Nature have or God?●
Has Life from past not been in rot, regression?
Has it progressed even by God's intervention?●
Are modern Humans better than savages?
Is modern Life less of their pains and vices?●
Has there been change in mortality of Life?
Is there from casualties any relief?●
Are modern Humans happier than those ones?
Can means of happiness mean true advance?●
Do means devise Immortal Course of Life?
What's good of modern means if Life is brief?●
What's good of Life if full of cares, anxieties?
And grow ills as byproducts of luxuries?●
What's, either, good if Humans grow yet vicious?
And virtues die to Bane of being luxurious?●
Aren't modern Humans vicious for luxuries?
Don't we have pleasure-seeking vagaries?●
Don't vagaries leave most of us in pain?
Have we o'er primitives earned any gain?● 
Have Humans been equipped with Brain to stall?
Isn't Human Brain so productive and special?●
What's good if Life begets more pain than pleasure?
Can Brain e'er work for Life with mental cancer?●
Doesn't crazy Mind preempt Brain's Progression?
Don't Humans act by Brain-less savage passion?●
Aren't modern Humans as cruel as savages?
Don't they each other kill for selfish wishes?●

Aren't selfish wishes professed for luxuries?
Aren't Humans brutal by their vagaries?●
Aren't vagary-bent Humans so irrational?
Aren't they like beasts, barbarians, cannibal?●
Aren't all demented for irrational pleasure?
Doesn't pleasure-seeking Mind from dementia suffer?●
Can pleasure be restrained, to any height?
Do Human greeds, desires, have any limit?●
Is Life unlimited, like desires for pleasure?
Doesn't Life at its limit, or ere, expire?●
Has anybody e'er gratified desires?
Politicians, merchants, dynasts, dictators?●
Isn't modern pleasure reaped at heavy cost?
Isn't cost however heavy into pleasure lost?●
Doesn't pleasure fly, with cost, unquenched, to unknown?
How far can cost with stopless pleasure run?●
Isn't cost a Human-laboured production?
Can Human labour go beyond exhaustion?●
Doesn't labour through excess and age exhaust?
How can labour produce infinite cost?●
Should Humans, so, run for infinite pleasure?
If did, won't they exploit some others' labour?●
Isn't pleasure craze cause of exploitation?
Isn't craze for ghost pleasure an aberration?●
Don't aberrant emotions cause pains, problems?
Has anyone noticed the poignant claims?●
Should some be bled for some other's pleasure?
Don't bled to Human Life like bleeders matter?●
Can Humans be two different species?
Do they from Nature differently rise?●

Don't they take birth equal and die equal?
Can bleeders, being diverse, e'er live immortal?●
Doess history bear records of endless pleasure?
Is pleasure search a quest for Creative Nature?●
Doesn't pleasure come from material consumption?
Doesn't growing pleasure mean growing consumption?●
Doesn't consumption of matters mean production?
Isn't o'er consumption paired with o'er production?●
Can Life lost in consumption make produces?
Do they consume, who till the day for wages?●
Don't Humans stand on two uneven legs?
Can House of Humankind grow with levers, pegs?●
Can Human hunger go with o'er consumption?
Can fatty wastes go with malnutrition?●
Have Humans through divides dodged mortality?
Has Earth by rich men transcribed True Quality?●
Does quality of the rich define Progression?
Do rich men organize Human Evolution?●
Aren't riches more required for entertainment?
Does entertainment mean Human Development?●
Must Life be entertained by costly pleasure?
Must one enjoy at the cost of another?●
Are other Humans not products of Earth?
Don't others have o'er Earth their right by Birth?●
Don't they have rights to grow and live till Death?
Don't they o'er Earth's resources rights to live with?●
Do rich men with resources live on permanent?
Will Death spare them for pleasure and enjoyment?●
Do they hold key to Humans' Deathless Future?
Can riches be elixir for the moderner?●

Will that elixir be available to all?
Will products of pleasure be universal?●
What'll be products when all consume pleasure?
Who'll then produce enjoyable goods for the entire?●
Will Nature manufacture Human-made goods?
Can Earth give more than water, air, soil, light, food?●
Aren't Humans composite of Quintet Nature?
Can we from outside get absolute pleasure?●
Mustn't pleasure be direct from Nature's Sources?
Mustn't we stop self-exploiting artifices?●
Must artificial Life replace Original?
Can mortal Life by artifice be Immortal?●
Is Human species meant for artifices?
Should these be made for biased happiness?●
What plan do we inlay for blissful future?
Will artifices give us bliss for ever?●
Don't Body, Mind, that soak up bliss decay?
Doesn't age cause their sensations torpefy?●
Does skin that's numb enjoy the thrill of cushion?
Or eyes sans sight feast on a fancy vision?●
Do motors, speakers, charm the ears that's deaf?
Or discotheques attract the legs that climbed the cliff?●
Aren't fatal fated pains of Body and Mind?
That heal not, by pleasure balm of any kind?●
What pleasure's there that doesn't succumb to pains?
Which living's there that can bypass accidents?●
Contagions, crackers, cave-ins, crimes and crashes?
That's products, byproducts, of artifices?●
Or lightning, cyclone, flood, fire, famine, earthquake? 
Though fall less frequent than own handiwork?●

Whoere did plan for Life on this lone planet?
With naughty Humans, planning to destroy it?●
That, through adulteration, exploitation?
And through effluence, emission and pollution?●
Through homicide, pogrom, extermination?
Through mortars, shells, weapons of mass 
Through felling trees, devouring birds and animals?
And wearing feathers, furs, teeth, bones and shells?●
Are these of Human livings life and death?
And rights and privileges Humans born with?●
Had we planned our Life ere we were born?
Can we plan 'gainst our Death, against The  Certain?●
Isn't Life uncertain-- Death being any moment?
Do we so play with Life cause short and transient?●
Is't, otherwise, in Life's recommendation?
That we indulge in maximum recreation?●
Is't recreation of our Body or Mind?
Which one does wish to get relief from grind?●
What grinds do render them fatigued, exhausted?
How long do they wish to be recreated?●
Why exhaustion? Why fatigue? Why recreation?
While they embrace deceitful Death's dictation?●
The Death who draws some to self-bled consumption?
And some to hunger, suicide, superstition?●
Some to the stranglehold of possession?
And some to bug-beast-blitz-infested open?●
Why's craving for retreats of recreation?
That's built by deeds of our own exploitation?●
Don't Mind and Body mess with Life, with Nature?
Doesn't Life for the vagarious duo suffer?●

Has Universe created Life for Humans?
To crush it in their Destructive Romance?●
Doesn't Universe shout at us to Re-Create?
The Life that between Birth and Death does stagnate?●
Isn't Re-Creation for Life's Immortality?
Haven't Sapiens been evolving with Creativity?●
Isn't our Evolution to The Absolute Human?
Why do we interrupt Life's Re-Creation?●
Do we have in our Body ancient genes?
How do we tend to whims of Hominins?●
Why Humans, with Mind, Body, of animals?
Why Sapiens; from Habilis, Neanderthals?● 
Won't we like forebears fall to Devolution?
Do we not orchestrate our own extinction?●
Should died out Past determine our living of Present?
Aren't we being tugged bet'n Future and Ancient?●
Doesn't Life in backwaters of Present stagnate?
Mustn't fatal Body, Mind, break through the stalemate?●
Mustn't we Wake up to grow and move ahead?
And tweak out Extinct Code from being extended?●
Can't ever Life by us No End be extant?
Can't ever Body No Death be existent?●
Doesn't Body die because things in it stop?
Can't those be made to continue to gallop?●
Can't Death be pushed behind to immemorium?
Can't Body be eternal, and its continuum?●




Aren't all of Universe in Continuation?
Is Balance not gained by their ceaseless Motion?●
Doesn't Earth rotate non-stop around the Sun?
Doesn't she maintain her footing by Rotation?●
Isn't there in depth of her the key to footing?
Aren't things in her cores, mantles, constantly moving?●
Isn't her majestic surface caused by movements?
Aren't mountains, moorlands, heathers, plants, seas, continents?●
Don't processes in her cause carbon cycles?
Aren't gathered up in her ores, minerals?●
Soils and snow, water, air, whole biology?
Ain't balanced all by her Moving Energy?●
Don't we with her all round the Sun revolve?
Isn't Living Body balanced cause on move?●
Aren't there in Body movements continual?
Aren't they ions, atoms, neurons, blood, air, all?●
Aren't Body's building blocks all these substances?
Does Body not by them maintain homeostasis?●
Doesn't Body fall when these substances stop?
Doesn't it disintegrate Life from its make-up?●
Can't these substances continue moving on?
Can't Body move across its Stopping Junction?●
Has Earth e'er stopped its movement since her creation?
Have other Bodies either stopped their motion?●
Were they not billions of years ago born?
Have they not all been live aeons come aeons gone?●
Can't Living Bodies be kept on alive?
Can't Life go on by a ceaseless locomotive?●
How can, sans fuel, engine be on locomotion?
How'll Brain as The Engine of Body function?●

How'll Brain propel sans fuel of Progressive Mind?
Doesn't Mind yet hold back marching Humankind?●
Isn't Mind with bunch of old emotions stagnant?
Isn't it stagnating, with worn out remnant?●
Doesn't what stagnates decay, induce affliction?
Isn't Body now afflicted with malfunction?●
Won't it malfunction with inactive Brain?
How'll it cross Mortal Ground without The Engine?●
Doesn't Life so muddle 'long, like headless chicken?
Doesn't Life die as it does to Death careen?●
Shouldn't Body be equipped with fuelled Brain?
Shouldn't Mind from crudeness be made to refine?●
Isn't Mind impure with lots of crude emotions?
Don't these emotions put The Engine on tensions?●
Don't tensions jostle Body off the rails?
Isn't Body robbed off Life-sustaining Spoils?●
Isn't Body left to languish in backwater?
Hasn't Life for morbid Body got to suffer?●
Don't anger, envy, hatred, pains...afflict Life?
Doesn't Life along with Body survive brief?●
Mustn't Brain be liberated from crude Mind?
Mustn't Mind be from impurities refined?●
Isn't purity of Mind absence of id?
Isn't by id our mortal Life does 'bide?●
Isn't id to blame for our impure emotions?
Aren't these emotions linked to savage Humans?●
Aren't modern Humans sunk deep in unconscious?
Is Mind not nested in old thoughts and passions?●
Is Nest not made of greed, self-love, self-doubt, fears?
Aren't they too obstinately tied to matters?●

Aren't matters source of cannibal defilements?
Isn't Mind defiled with various moral taints?●
Doesn't Mind produce regressive competitions?
Don't they reproduce backward generations?●
How'll we, while thrown out of the Rails, be forward?
Have we not all been dumped in the savage  wild?●
Aren't frayed our Body, Beauty, Spirit, Passion?
Don't we, like beasts, have anger, aggression?●
Aren't our emotions those of savage creatures?
Aren't there so frequent conflicts, struggles, wars?●
Isn't empty of love and kindness Human heart?
Isn't Mind replete with venom, vicious craft?●
Isn't it cause all are stuffed in Fatal Enclosure?
Isn't cause each does feel survival danger?●
Doesn't each to live compete, coerce or sucker?
Isn't each intent to steal Life from the other?●
Doesn't each behave with t'other like animal?
Isn't each for chances ever on the prowl?●
Doesn't each perceive the other an obstacle?
Isn't each after the game by might or mettle?●
Doesn't each experience underestimated?
Doesn't each yet in the horde feel alienated?●
Doesn't each ignore sufferings of the other?
Doesn't each against the other curses utter?●
Hasn't each for the other become a saddist?
Aren't Human senses still those of a beast?●
Isn't each despairing 'bout own Life and safety?
As given to threats each Life and property?●
Isn't each resigned yet to the wilderness?
Doesn't each from it draw fate of failure, success?●

Isn't each, so, yielded to barbarian verdict?
Doesn't each, so, bear pains; pains does each inflict?●
Doesn't this embolden Death to keep up its Toll?
Doesn't Death rob Life of Nature's Golden Apple?●
Isn't hidden in Nature Life's elixir-- Ambrosia?
How'll we discover it, shelled in inertia?●
Ain't we inert to Creation's Sublime Purpose?
Doesn't Creator think of Humans to be Conscious?●
Mustn't we let Conscious habitate our Mind?
Won't Zeus of Conscious rid rotting Mankind?●
Must we not loosen us from idunconscious?
Mustn't we to Human World come out of woods?●
Isn't Human World filled with Immortal Glories?
Isn't It outside the inhumane boundaries?●
Isn't It Immortalized with Boons of Science?
Isn't It Illuminated with Moral Conscience?●
Doesn't Mind discover The Illumination?
Don't we jump off penance of abnegation?●
Isn't 'cross the jump the State of Superego?
Isn't It Supremely Conscious State of Ego?●
Isn't It Eternal State of Mental Consciousness?
Doesn't Mind in It observe Each Thing Boundary-less?●
Doesn't from the front of Brain fade savage blind?
Isn't Brain let the Light in by the Noble Mind?●
Doesn't Brain bloom Thoughts, Ideas, Imagination?
Doesn't Mind defy the Wild with Fueled Engine?●
Isn't Life put back on the Track of Continuum?
Doesn't Life embark on Forward Momentum?●
Doesn't Momentum break through all limitations?
Of age, accidents, killings, crimes, contagions?●




How long can backward tug pull back Evolution?
How long can backward Humans tamper The Motion?●
Doesn't each offshoot have its elastic limit?
Hasn't savagery reached the fracturing point?●
Hasn't the connector become untoned, weak,  threadbare?
Are Humans not connected tense, bizarre?●
Doesn't moronic consumption mean bizarreness?
Isn't grazing pleasure a pessimist regress?●
Aren't we fear-bitten of Death-certain future?
Don't we conceal our fear in shrouding pleasure?● 
Don't we say : Let's enjoy Life ere its passing?
Isn't passing pleasure a penance of living?●
Isn't the penance on Self a violence?
Don't we, so, feel pleasure from our own pains?●
Isn't that why we can't feel the pains of others?
The pains of loss, deprivation and hunger?●
Doesn't Brain now work to breed a pain-free future?
Must future be wasted on fading pleasure?●
Isn't modern Life a wasteful extravaganza?
Don't fleeing Humans compose this orchestra?●
Should some be championed 'cause of 'surplus values'?
Should System cause of money favor those?●
Don't 'surplus values' flow o'er to the leaders?
Doesn't money make them political players●
Isn't System maneuvered by politicians?
Can politics run sans moneyed partisans?●
Do politicians act as true democrats?
Don't they for gains 'represent' plutocrats?●
Doesn't money make political heavyweights?
Isn't System fief of Money Syndicates?●

Don't Syndicates refer to capitalists?
Aren't capitalists political cronyists?●
Doesn't their nexus have criminal intent?
Don't they want whole power to concentrate?●
Can one, however, when politics is factional?
Haven't factions led to endless Power Struggle?●
Hasn't Power Struggle held whole System hostage?
Aren't it the struggle for self-privilege?●
Aren't privileges holdings of the few?
Isn't major share enjoyed by the highbrow?●
Isn't their enjoyment wasteful fanaticism?
Doesn't System work on pseudo materialism?●
Hasn't System made Humans materialistic?
Don't Humans now mean consumeristic?●
Don't we consume for pride, self ego, status?
Is consumption for all equilibrious?●
Are few not offered with over-consumption?
Aren't many forced into under-consumption?●
Isn't consumption each way inhumanely?
Aren't goods customed by Market Monopoly?●
Doesn't Market check up on economy?
Don't tycoons keep up Market Hegemony?●
Doesn't wicked Market suit lone to the affluent?
Aren't middle-class under its pressure bent?●
Don't marginalized brave it with the duplicates?
Doesn't this to their unhealthy Life relate?●
Hasn't Market stirred up artificial wants?
Aren't all to it prey-- from stupids to savants?●
Must artificial Life destroy Original?
Can mortal Life by artifice be Immortal?●

Don't come out of soil ancient artifices?
Don't they bring out fossils of Urban Forces?●
What stories do they portray-- those remnants?
Aren't they all gone for ever-- those merchants?●
Those emperors, those despots, those dictators?
Pharaohs, Mongols, Hans, Huangs, and others?●
Weren't they lavish on blood, toil, tears of others?
Didn't the privileged few consume lion shares?●
Do we now deify those megalopolies?
Those oligarchs, those royal families?●
Weren't they conceited of their style and structure?
Didn't they think Forts would protect them for ever?●
Didn't they each fall to their age and adventure?
Could either live on their mansions and 
Didn't civilizations keep on Time's long course?
Didn't some last over many thousand years?●
Are all not buried under Earth's sealed surface?
How long is modern civilization's face?●
Should you feel Deathless in just five thousand years?
Don't we just live a few decades-- each of us?●
Yet, don't we know Time holds our fate in hand?
That, in its whim each one does fall and stand?●
Why get obsessed with maximum consumption?
Isn't Life consumed by Time some day, for certain?●
Does Life have any farther limit than Death?
Why for beyond our Death that we amass wealth?●
Do we wish to consume them through our children?
Will we after our Death feel pleasure or pain?●
Do we amass not wealth for pride and honour?
Don't we desire to continue to conquer?●

Don't we arm children ere we leave the stage?
Don't we wish them to show off our image?●
Whate'er image do those merchants enjoy now?
Does Dhirubhai, either, the Antilia show?●
Are magnificent builds not meant for pleasure?
Aren't they fads of aristocratic culture?●
Aren't they being built by Humans of hard  labor?
Do those laborers have safe home or leisure?●
Don't those whoe'er overproduce consume less?
Don't those whoe'er overconsume breed garbages?●
Hasn't Earth consumed all cultures in her wrath?
Can modern culture fight Nature's Behemoth?●
Do plutocrats have their postmortal vision?
Can they see Life of their next generation?●
Could what Nazis envisioned happen that way?
Do Colonial Powers survive today?●
Do we have knowledge of Genghis Khan's scions?
Or of Taimur's, Stalin's, or Napoleon's?●
Will Future know our children by our name?
Do we now show us by our father's name?●
Doesn't everyone wish for own identity?
Should wishes be at the cost of Humanity?●
Don't we yet know that none can't ride on wishes?
That, human wishes ain't or can't be horses?●
Didn't who did wish to ride did face the buffet?
Didn't they harm them as well as humanity?●
Doesn't Body bitten by bug affect each organ?
Can bitten organ be out of Body's Union?●
Can, either, one be safe, exploiting Union?
Mustn't all get rid of mutual exploitation?●




Aren't individuals individual only?
Can one long carry on with one's monopoly?●
Has ever one monopolized the planet?
Haven't ones, who dared, left own tragic exploit?●
Haven't they been eaten up like they did eat?
Haven't they been wasted 'way like they did each bit?●
Why spoil Earth's produces for wasteful gain?
Didn't tyrants die in hands of common men?●
Don't leaders for this fear divide and rule?
Aren't who are gullible divided people?●
Aren't biased and backward those who get divided?
Aren't poor those Humans, 'so uneducated?●
Aren't Humans biased, even biased o'er  education?
Aren't they divided over castes, religions?●
Doesn't each religion, caste,... have sects and classes?
Aren't there sectarian, inter-class, skirmishes?●
Don't intra-sect, -class violences occur?
Aren't there issues kins are divided over?●
Do we not know issues of difference?
Are they not of self-interest, greed, gains?●
Don't these instincts give birth to Human vices?
Don't vices cause separatist practices?●
Haven't these practices formed hostile divisions?
Are they not moieties, castes, creeds, sects, religions?●
Aren't these divisions for self-interest?
Aren't they of worship, work, refuge, of heist?●
Do Humans not commit crimes under Unions?
Don't Unions offer criminals protection?●
Don't all have interests in self-fulfilment?
Don't all adopt wrong means, dream wrong achievement?●

Are we aware of True Means, Truth to achieve?
Do we have matching interests to live?●
Aren't interests designed by modern culture?
Aren't curious wants projected to appear?●
Do Human beings despite all feel complete?
Aren't we confused of individual credit?●
Don't we commit misdeeds out of confusion?
Doesn't our confusion cause self-exploitation?●
Who, if not politicians, are real gainers?
Don't they for gains further distort the matters?●
Doesn't this distortion render us out of Sense?
Don't we to woes in name of fate acquiesce?●
Doesn't our acquiescence rob us of each option?
Doesn't optionless Mind hang on to illusion?●
Doesn't our illusion draw us toward darkness?
Do any show us path of True Progress?●
Who will if leaders blinded by allures?
Haven't they been hooked by deviating lures?●
Can whoe're deviated lead us any way?
Aren't we all slipping down the fateful waylay?●
Don't mighty pave the path of savagery?
Isn't System's governance a harakiri?●
Don't politicians run the System by might?
Isn't Might of Majority a ruling Right?●
Isn't Majority gained through maze of votes?
Ain't votes purchased by dint of rich men's notes?●
Don't who are sold belong to needy sections?
Ain't they biased, bent, caught in party factions?●
Don't vested interests show party bias?
Doesn't unemployment draw youths to the vicious?●

Isn't whole public caught in the vicious circle?
Haven't vices spread their bloody tentacles?●
Aren't these tentacles of the rich and rulers?
Can we e'er look beyond our rich oppressors?●
Haven't we surrendered to the oppressive System?
Will we e'er be able to bring off Human Freedom?●
How if we ourselves network our own bondage?
Don't we on us effect own sabotage?●
Don't we admire those who inflict on us pain?
Don't in name of God silent we remain?●
Aren't we all pleased with woes, in resignation?
Don't we bear woes as penance for past action?●
Don't we believe we wronged in our past Life?
What if from sins of Past we get relief?●
Will our next Birth be filled with wealth and pleasure?
Was who enjoys this Life in the past sinner?●
Did those who sinned penance through pain and grief?
Do sinners to get Good Birth suffer whole Life?●
What when one jumps from Cabin to White House?
What when one's made a king from clan of slaves?●
What while slumdogs in childhood are now barons?
What when afflict in Brain C rich men's sons?●
How's in Prebirth their virtues, vices, counted?
What'll they in their next Birth be designated?●
How's deeds of kings and paupers taken for count?
Are they of own or System-determinant?●
Do originate from Birth the deeds of own?
How's kings, and paupers, brought up so from children?●
Aren't ones constructed by our societal System?
Don't children grow to complex amalgam?●

Aren't they excited to be a king each?
Aren't many frustrated by game or glitch?●
Aren't those who rise to riches System-made?
Aren't who enrich their children moneyed?●
Don't who are poor get the least to subsist on?
Aren't they being bled by the mal-organisation?●
Doesn't money-driven System crush all commons?
Don't poor stay poor, rich rich, through generations?●
How many Births does linger on the rich flow?
How long 'cross Births do needy people go?●
Are Humans born in the same line again?
Will we next Birth be children of our children?● 
Does God distribute fortunes differently?
Are deeds of rich or poor for own destiny?●
Is world bisected as rich-poor eternal?
Will weak fore'er be bled by powerful?●
Did God who moulded Humans plan like this?
Why does God create divisions, then demolish?●
Hasn't he destroyed Human civilizations?
Is modern one more foolproof than those ones?●
Don't we feel civilized most by our System?
Is System perfect yet for Human Kingdom?●
Didn't kingdoms fall because of imperfection?
Were they while growing aware of their cessation?●
What good being 'ware of howe'er they did cease?
What's good of knowledge now if ignorance's bliss?●
What good if knowledge runs Marauder's Course?
With grafts, with crafts, with force to kill or coerce?●
Why fool around while System's off the launch?
And you and they and me do head to a Big Crunch?●



                       THE HUMAN  SYSTEM 

Isn't modern Human System diabolic?
Aren't present Humans too fast and fantastic?●
Don't we beyond our True Needs set our target?
And make maniacal runs at our pursuit?●
Don't we crave to achieve the unachievable?
Don't we employ Science as our vehicle?●
Doesn't Science progress with Might of Technologies?
Isn't Progression disturbed by vicious bullies?●
Don't we use Science as tool for self-influence?
Don't we empower us by fraud, violence?●
Hasn't Science too sore lethalised modern warfares?
Aren't people shriveled by bullets, bombs, blares?●
Hasn't Science emerged as an agent of destruction?
Isn't Nature shaken by primates, pollution?●
Do Humans not use Science more to destroy?
Don't we Civilization's Progress waylay?●
Do we destroy not Nature, our own Creation?
Isn't suicidal our partisan ambition?●
Haven't Humankind been torn into divides?
Aren't those the rich by whom victory abides?●
Aren't gadgets, goods, games, made from Science expensive?
Don't they provision only rich men's motive?●
Isn't world economy industry-bent?
Aren't all industries run by the opulent?●
Don't with industrialists grow business tycoons?
Haven't they nexus with political goons?●
Haven't These Three held Public Fate in their hands?
Isn't world ordered by these advanced brigands?●
Does world advance not on extravagance?
Isn't it the other side of sufferance?●

Don't powerful Few savor wasteful pleasure?
Does on their power ride Sustainable Nature?●
Do they destroy not Nature's Human Talent?
Should Human Brain be cast down to invent?●
Aren't who invent from Intellectual Class?
Aren't Intellectuals our Principal Resource?●
Aren't they discouraged by combating forces?
Are their inventions for attacks, defences?●
Are they to create weapons of mass destruction?
Should we abuse The Wealth of the Civilization?●
Are they meant for enjoyment, by the few?
Shouldn't they be used to banish wants and woes?●
Must Wealth be created, then by the few destroyed?
Don't Talents due to Want of Wealth get wasted?●
Shouldn't Talents be fed for wellbeing of All?
Must they be used 'gainst Creator Class survival?●
Should Talents not be Nurtured for more Talents?
Shouldn't more be born for Mass Developments?●
Haven't biased developments resulted in crimes?
Haven't cities fallen due to bad regimes?●
Isn't each regime made out of public support?
Isn't there a public to the regime opposed?●
Aren't biased both publics well against each other?
Isn't each one anti-pathetic to the other?●
Doesn't antipathy lead to various struggles?
Aren't they of racists, classists, and communals?●
Why do we each imperil Life of t'other?
Why do we fight Self to make Self secure?●
Don't we for support need money and power?
Do we become not slaves of many a master?●

Are we not exploitators of our own?
Do we abet not our own exploitation?●
Do we e'er study our bones of contention?
Do we of Life ever have introspection?●
Aren't we all in mad chase of Living to Die?
Don't we to live full with each other vie?●
What do we mean as Life of fulfillment?
Is our life fulfilled at any achievement?●
Whate'er achievements do each of us wish?
Aren't wishes made for living a Life of bliss?●
Do blissful wishes have an open limit?
Do we reflect what all we do wish out?●
Are they of own or put into us by others?
Is't sole to us, or others, a wish matters?●
Are all of us same-- with similar Wishes?
Are they not different-- with our differences?●
Aren't there differences in lives and livings?
How while alike is Life to all Human beings?●
Aren't Lives of us by livings different?
Aren't now our livings System-dependent?●
Is System not a complex mechanism?
Isn't its mechanics a chimera to seem?●
Don't we live by how System operates?
Don't fancies bombard us with speeds and spates?●
Hasn't System posed a fanciful delusion?
Ain't filled in with riddles its operation?●
Doesn't System function just to let us live?
Doesn't it make us adjustive, than creative?●
Don't we by System judge failure and success?
Don't we by that scale fabricate our wishes?●

Aren't wishes 'give-and-takely' interceptive?
Hasn't System thus made Life too competitive?●
Hasn't System held our Brain to a rigid limit?
Hasn't Mind been caught by facile whim to  compete?●
Hasn't competition made us all combative?
Isn't to the multitude victory illusive?●
Doesn't victory always favour countable rich?
Don't countless needy find bad fate to clinch?●
Isn't System gimmicky, so is competition?
Don't both yield to investment, education?●
Don't 'lone the rich have money to invest?
Aren't education, business, market, racist?●
Aren't Humans split apart by rich-poor races?
Doesn't sole the rich race buy expensive  success?●
Aren't races unalike in grade and size?
Do they not unequally hold wealth, knowledge?●
Don't rich ten percent take ninety percent Pie?
Don't on a puny slice survive poor ninety?●
Whither's by this law moving Humanity?
Whither's the law ushering modernity?●
Isn't track to future made on debris of wastes?
Isn't debris made of Deaths from painful quests?●
Don't many in quest of Livelihood perish?
Don't many perish running after fake bliss?●
Aren't all entangled in the market gimmick?
Isn't System a Devil-powered Esoteric?●
Aren't we wrenched by how Esoteric runs?
Don't we by greed crave to consume disguised funs?●
Are funs our fetes o'er Deaths of our ancestors?
Do we make funs in aid of our successors?●

Will Funs of us immortalize descendants?
Don't we 'cause we will die behave as truants?●
Isn't truancy an extravagant retreat?
Don't we ere Death wish to eat up the planet?●
Don't we in despair destroy the planet's treasure? 
What Earth for us did our forebears deliver?●
Did they all look at Life as we do now?
Did they all wish for our atavistic show?●
Can we read them if they are watching us?
Do they on our rampaging feel chivalrous?●
Is more in State of Peace their rested Soul?
Was Life of theirs, ours, or our heirs', their goal?●
Are what we inherit for individual use?
Must we what we can't use for fun abuse?●
Don't we bring up our children by our whim?
Don't we wish them what we failed to redeem?●
Don't we buy them expensive education?
Don't we provide them what they wish for fun?●
Don't we arm them up with designs to fight?
Don't we infuse in them one-upman spirit?●
Aren't they by us built up to stand 'gainst others?
Aren't they impressed that others are Detractors?●
Doesn't antipathy saturate their pulses?
Don't they become bombs of destructive vices?●
Don't we give them the taste of martial pleasure?
Don't they else than their wins find none to savor?●
Don't in their wins lie sufferings of losers?
Don't on the victims gayly dance the victors?●
Doesn't each one love to play the warrior game?
Do we not get to hear each battle-field scream?●

Hasn't Earth become a martial pandemonium?
Hasn't fighting-killing-dying been people's opium?●
Don't we encourage killer-killed civilization?
Don't we enjoy all bloody sports of competition?●
Don't people for fame show off deadly adventures?
Do these adventures, anyway, aid the future?●
What worth has Napoleon's conquest at present?
Or, what's Alexander's valiant merriment?●
Are these outlandish Tales of Past a worth?
Don't they inspire some for sadistic mirth?●
Aren't sadistic campaigns just tales for future?
Won't they be looked down on as bigot pleasure?●
Are victors over Humanity e'er honored?
Aren't Humans who kill Humans pagan herd?●
Haven't Humans' herd outlooks been sourly parted?
Hasn't world by battling herds from Path deviated?●
Hasn't Human Progress been crippled by deviance?
Don't deviant herds dismember our Advance?●
Can Body advance if organs fight each other?
What's in decaying Body value of the winner?●
Can Body that decays mutate Strong Genes?
Don't mutants act as clones of aborigines?●
Must we influence our Genomes to regress?
Doesn't our Evolution get Cellular Stress?●
Doesn't due to Stress malfunction Body Cells?
Don't to Pressure succumb our Living Sentinels?●
Isn't Life caught by the Cog of Stressful Living?
Don't Hormones get obstructed in balancing?●
Doesn't balance when vibrates disturb our nerves?
Don't nervous worries cause eccentric pulse?●

Aren't all by weird impulses held on tenterhooks?
Don't tenterhooks create misfits and crooks?●
Don't these creatures have all-powerful causins?
Aren't their oppressors their bigoted step kins?●
Aren't Humans torn apart by suicidal herds?
Aren't gory tatters found in all records?●
How long will these records keep on recounting?
How long will Humans to own woes be listening?●  
Aren't woes inflicted, being hostile to each other?
Isn't hostility caused by how we differ?●
Isn't difference made out on wants and plenties?
Don't they both reproduce different maladies?●
Don't plenties grow in us unknown diseases?
Aren't we enticed to Death Traps of abuses?●
Don't we all compete for these Booby Traps?
Doesn't System for competition make up tracks?●
Aren't feats of glory linked with competition?
Don't we all run for glorious recognition?●
Aren't for victory and fame medals a few?
Don't Few achieve, but Many painfully rue?●
Do those achievers get absolute pleasure?
Is free from pains of struggles each achiever?●
Isn't cost of victory painful as cost of loss?
Isn't it like war of Ashoka or Pyrrhus?●
Aren't countless men and money lost for win?
Don't Pyrrhic Wins injure our Forward Brain?●
Doesn't Brain encounter rocks of fixed desires?
Isn't Brain benumbed by trepidations and fears?●
Hasn't it been plagued by evils of malnourishment?
Don't under-nourishment,  and o'er-, cause ailments?●

Should Brain be fed by the culture of destruction?
Aren't Nature's Feeds destroyed by competition?●
Don't we compete for limited produces?
Doesn't fighting Mind ignore untapped resources?●
Doesn't much of Human Brain untapped exist?
Mustn't Mind, with Brain, keep on the Noble Quest?●
Didn't Thinkers, in the past, free Brain from Mind?
Have Thoughts of theirs not civilized Humankind?●
What have we got from minds that looked for Comfort?
Weren't they desirous of victory and clout?●
Can Comfort keep up its estate on move?
Through swings of Time, age, brawn, break, ring, resolve?●
And through demands, defence, diseases, digestion?
Through arts, attrition, sabotage, subversion?●
Isn't clout a construct over victories on trot?
That, victories each, and each desire, is short?●
Must we be guided by short-lived desires?
Do they not limit us in earthly affairs?●
Don't we give birth to Life of our progenies?
What'll we leave for them to live on, sans melees?●
Should we not culture Earth for them to sustain?
Should we not for their Life employ our Brain?●
Is time not Now for preparation, amends?
Shouldn't we stop thinking with-our-Death-Earth-ends?●
Won't Life of Earth still go billions of years?
Shouldn't we mend Humanity's Future Course?●
Shouldn't we let Brain evolve to its Capacity?
Doesn't lie in Brain The Key to Immortality?●
Mustn't we free Brain from whims of Mental Clutch?
Mustn't we let Brain bear Humans' Progressive Torch?●

Hasn't Brain pulled us out of the hell of Dark Age?
Won't Brain lead us to Own Heaven, through Mortal Maze?●
Does Strength of Brain not lie in its being Functional?
Don't muscles when exercised generate fuel?●
Won't Human Brain fuel the New Civilization?
Shouldn't Brain be made to accelerate its Function?●
Hasn't Brain employed a little of its Energy?
Hasn't this developed Vast Technology?●
Isn't Development now so little to Brain?
Shouldn't we bring out Colossus it does retain?●
Shouldn't we ignite the Might of The Colossus?
Won't it make Humans control Time and Space?●
Won't it make Body transcend Mortal Limit?
Won't Earth-Slave Humans be able to outlive it?●
Won't we be able to live on Direct Sources?
Won't needless be artificial produces?●
Won't Brain be able to Probe through whole Creation?
Won't it get us her Secret Information?●
Won't we be able to Crack the Code of Life Source?
Won't we one day Spread through Whole Universe?●
Won't Mother Universe embrace her Children?
Won't she in her care, custody entertain?●
Won't there be Everlife Aliments for us?
Won't we inhabit Deathless Universe?●
Won't habitable be her each Nook and Corner?
Won't Brain free us from diehard mundane border?●
Doesn't Cosmos yield to the Might of Human Brain?
Hasn't Brain begun recreating Earths in Heaven?●
Won't into a Heaven grow this present Earth?
Won't Life of Humans be of Heaven's Worth?●

Won't Humans turn what we believe as Gods?
Won't we regrow New Birds, New Beasts, New Woods?●
Won't all be made Free from the Mortal Cycle?
Won't Heaven's Life undo this Life's Recycle?●
Won't Heaven only create but not destroy?
Won't all expand away, to far-- farther sky?●
Won't Human Gods, in fact, be Omnipresent?
Won't they be Omnipotent, Omniscient?●
Won't Boundless Universe be the limitation?
In Form, in Structure, in Affairs, in Vision?●




Will we from Vision now look down at present?
Do we now look to be as significant?●
Isn't insignificant now Life, and living?
Don't we befool us as best, in believing?●
Is Life not now just eating, deficating?
Aren't they for Body the most sanctifying?●
Aren't they basic to Body's existence?
The rest we do to Life a redundance?●
Doesn't Body grow on food and die sans food?
That, we can't eat, can't deficate when old?●
Don't all we feed on are born, grow and die?
How then on mortal foods immortal will we be?●
Mustn't we detect Alternate Food to live on?
That's direct energy, sans transformation?●
Should we not deconstruct our mental make?
Shouldn't we tear off our each caprice that's fake?●
Isn't fake structure embedded in our Life?
Isn't Life harassed by the outside-inside strifes?●
Don't strifes of win-loss Life result in pain?
Don't we feel pains, sufferings, even in gain?●
Don't we feel pleasure, happiness, so fleeting?
Aren't there agonies, pains, in Life so sitting?●
Isn't Mind e'er filled with cares, anxieties, fears?
Aren't these accrued to Present System and Structure?●
Aren't System, Structure, divisive in order?
Isn't it our System we are structured after?●
Isn't System an incongruous mix of things?
Is this mixture not made of diverse settings?●
Aren't peoples, states, societies... all diverse?
Aren't all diverse in classes, castes, religions?●

Don't plenties, wants, and needs divide us further?
Don't these divisions put us 'gainst each other?●
Have we all grown not being divided within?
Aren't we by these divides being ceaseless eaten?●
Doesn't Mind endlessly feel their paining bites?
Isn't Mind a field of sundry emotional fights?●
Doesn't each feel lost in milling diversity?
Are all our fights not fought for self-identity?●
Isn't our identity our win o'er others?
How'll winners get any credit from losers?●
Will disappointed others marvel at the win?
Will they while Life's to run, to loss resign?●
Does the win end up at self-recognition?
Isn't this recognition eclipsed so soon?●
Doesn't winner run again for further win?
Don't winners win, and losers lose, in chain?●
Doesn't chain, in spite of steely, snap on course?
Don't, sometimes, winners lose and win the  losers?●
Haven't all been caught in whimsy of occurance?
Aren't all insane by this intriguing nuance?●
Hasn't it affected each with spell of spook?
Isn't it eerie to feel being out of group?●
Isn't it for safety we do come together?
Do we, yet, within group feel out of fear?●
Isn't each distrustful of the other hard?
Isn't it cause each one is dissolved inward?●
Can we when we look into us find a form?
Can we figure the Self, the Soul, the System?●
Is there inside us any Saint or Satan?
Can we see kind or colour of our person?●

Aren't there all organs, bones, flesh, muscles, inside?
Aren't there all pipes and tubes where flow air and blood?●
Aren't guts filled with impurities and wastes?
Isn't there stomach which aches for foods and tastes?●
Do we in us see not bacteria and worms?
Isn't Body a dump for numberless organisms?●
Aren't messed whole things in Body's darkened dungeon?
Is visible in there our outward reflection?●
Do we notice what we have thought of us?
Do our name, nature, worth become obvious?●
Do we see us in flowing of blood or as air?
See us exist inside, in shred or sliver?●
Isn't every nook and corner empty of us?
Aren't there all weird things in nauseating gutters?●
Don't we feel hollowed under skinny cover?
Don't we feel gutted of our fleshy measure?●
Is any of our figure, form, to us visible?
Doesn't each in t'other's knowledge measured feel?●
Doesn't each demand to be well recognized?
Doesn't sans recognition each feel demolished?●
How can I, while each's lit, absorb your light?
Can either you on me get your reflect?●
Do you bear me if I'm Not your reflection?
Do you feel lit if lost in me in absorption?●
Don't we together live on sufferance?
Can we yet possibly survive in severance?●
How'll we survive, Not in need of each other?
Isn't it Need of Survival we're together?●
Doesn't living on each other feel to be true?
Don't you depend on me and I on you?●

Hasn't interdependence formed Humanity?
Isn't it the core of Human Unity?●
Should The United be selfishly diverse?
Don't we desire beyond survival purpose?●
Don't our desires aim at the superfluous?
Don't we each wish to make our living glorious?●
Isn't over-ridden the path to self-glories?
Doesn't the path undermine our famed Theories?●
Doesn't it encourage social harakiri?
Isn't suicidal the trend to vainglory?●
Isn't wishful living living to nowhere?
Can muscles fly with wings of the daydreamer?●
Isn't Mind nourished on liquor of daydreaming?
Aren't people drunk of self-aggrandizing?●
Doesn't self-aggrandizing effect deprivation?
Doesn't it of Means of Life deprive the Nation?●
Don't those deprived fall off the make of the fabric?
Can the fabric threadbare keep on holistic?●
Isn't our society a holistic collection?
Isn't selfishness unholistic transgression?●
Doesn't it transgress existence of the whole?
Isn't waylaid Humanity's peace-filled-World goal?●
Can World ravaged by wars at all have peace?
Haven't wars umpteen to count been left unleash'?●
Don't morbid wars get to each height and low?
Aren't they o'er power, pelf, goods, Gods and ego?●
Don't wars, 'gainst self, cross peers and unequals?
Aren't all engaged in battles, bouts and brawls?●
Does any get from wars any respite?
Doesn't each each day get umpteen things to fight?●

Isn't it because each feels unsettled ever?
Aren't we harassed by things, all inner, outer?●
Don't we if we don't fight feel left behind?
Haven't we been of no-fighting-no-Life wined?●
Can one once wined ere get one's thirst satiated?
Can one from slippy slope be diverted?●
Is to any one noticeable the Diversion?
Can head look 'way, on beeline of obsession?●
Aren't covered all sides with blinds of fad culture?
Doesn't sole allure of fame ahead appear?●
Don't we all rush at lures-- each like a drugger?
Aren't who can't rush aside thrust to backwater?●
Aren't many trampled under heavy feet?
Aren't heavy the Few who're fit to jackpot hit?●
Is vogue not now survival of the fittest?
Isn't it rigged survival by the mightiest?●
Aren't mighty always favoured for survival?
Doesn't now survival mean o'er others control?●
Don't we for pleasure wish to control others?
Don't we seize their pleasure by fraud or force?●
Hasn't Humans' taste of pleasure gone synthetic?
Isn't it synthesized by the crooked Esoteric?●
Doesn't Ruling System favour mighty few?
Doesn't it for the few bleed many, me and you?●
Isn't it recipe for failed civilization?
Doesn't Humanity slip to Mass Destruction?●
Mustn't we stop playing the game of brinkmanship?
Mustn't we level out our playing field for fairplayship?●
Isn't fair-playing field our Dream Civilization?
Will we now draw it in our imagination?●



                      DREAM CIVILIZATION 

Isn't it the Civilization of equals?
Aren't all equals unshakled of tugs and tussles?●
Isn't the society unbiased, egalitarian?
And social, liberal, well-judged, each Human?●
Aren't blended into One all folkways, mores?
Into One Creed aren't sieved all social theories?●
Aren't polities all soaked in Cosmopolity?
Aren't fragments formed One-Fabric Humanity?●
One-- all fragmented fabrics of religions?
Of cultures, languages, wonts, ambitions?●
Isn't Oneness bent o'er saintly use of Science?
Isn't Science on All bestowing Beneficence?●
Isn't Science in place as the true Benefactor?
Isn't Benefaction curing the ills of Nature?●
Aren't droughts, diseases, cyclones, floods, all dead?
And quakes, fires, landslides, heat and cold waves, qietened?●
Isn't Earth filled with the climate of Canary Island?
With waters of Magallanes, Dunsmuir, Iceland?●
Isn't Earth breathing the air of New Caledonia?
And that of Southern Ocean, round Antarctica?●
Haven't barren and waste lands, arids, turned  arable?
Aren't forests, grasslands, pastures, sweetly  plentiful?●
Hasn't Nature turned a blissful home for All?
Aren't actions, words, affairs, appeals, all natural?●
Aren't artificial matters shaken off for good?
Aren't Human Arts with Nature's Soul imbued?●
Isn't Nature ever-feeding, ere-lactating?
Isn't Each for her in depth of love and longing?●
Isn't Each One to her Soul belonging deep?
Aren't All in her Abode One Cult, One Kinship?●

Isn't Each in Heaven of Nature blooming timeless?
Hasn't Nature turned Angel in their defence?●
Aren't All in saintliness of Life, Existence?
In freedom from fears, pains, worries and wants?●
Aren't All in there non-individualistic?
Aren't All empathetic, helpful, holistic?●
Are All not free from doubts, discriminations?
Are there not All sans castes, creeds, ranks, religions?●
Aren't All of same Belief, same Faith, same God?
And opposed to me-you, my-blood-your-blood?●
Aren't All without hatred, ill will and rancor?
Aren't All courteous to, in love with, Each Other?●
Aren't all practices free from cant, corruption?
And all affairs averse to exploitation?●
Aren't All equal on corpse of diversity?
And All in merger of self-identity?●
Isn't each One with the Other in Union of Self?
And in Belongingness Life of Each safe?●
Aren't grief and grudge for All irrelevant?
And Pleasure, Play, absolute in place of plaint?●
Aren't Cure of ailments Body, Life and Mind?
And Health in Bloom of Permanence enshrined?●
Aren't jobs and trades available to the optimum?
Aren't they in control of a Novel System?●
Aren't People sure of their due employment?
Isn't unemployment a myth, unlike the present?●
Aren't ranks of private, public, all equal?
Aren't competitions holistic, ethical?●
Isn't market scraped off crooked competitions?
And steady, stable, by prices and productions?●

Isn't market price unseeing of Government pays?
Aren't private pays at par with the other's raise?●
Aren't both sectors in joy of similar status?
And cross all sections parallel all prices?●
Aren't values of services, goods, all same?
Aren't products, supplies and demands in rhythm?●
Isn't market free from rigging, monopoly?
And distribution system from market bully?●
Isn't market free from corruption, exploitation?
And from all hoards, wastes, woes, adulteration?●
Isn't market only a medium of barter?
Isn't it all stable, standardized and fair?●
Isn't it empty of monkey with the balance?
Aren't from unfair accords All with riddance?●
Isn't there a neutral market regulator?
Isn't Government genuine facilitator?●
Aren't benefitted equally all stake holders?
And leveled all-- producers to consumers?●
Aren't there things same for goods and services?
Aren't they all similar for costs and prices?●
Aren't goods of luxuries same as essentials?
Aren't they same as consumer's, capital's?●
Aren't free from difference costs of productions?
Aren't out of clashing prices in consumptions?●
Aren't goods modest for All, also services?
And loathsome All to o'erconsume produces?●
Aren't goods enough for needs, to Life's essence?
And 'so for growth, for Supremeness in existence?●
Isn't Life's existence carefreedom of fulfillment?
Aren't Livings noble and to sublime extent?●

Isn't Each with Life and Love in the eyes of All?
Isn't Each in praise of All, in true survival?●
Aren't All with caution for Each-Other's needs?
And Each by the Other's side with prayers, deeds?●
Isn't Each One to produce, consume, of own?
And same for All-- production and consumption?●
Isn't it the same--the Lives and Livings of All?
Aren't All with same achievements and same goals?●
Isn't Each assisted by the Other to produce?
And Each against assistance 'No' to bonus?●
Aren't All in One secure of Life and Future?
Isn't free of evils the Mind while Life's secure?●
Is Mind of Each not fearless, stress-free, happy?
Isn't Each One's Body from each malady free?●
Aren't All in speech of same language, same voice?
And left, abandoned, varied faiths and biases?●
Aren't All resistant to social discriminations?
Is free not Humankind from segregations?●
Aren't customary kindred doctrines, habits?
And unitary egos and acts of all units?●
Aren't vanished all opposing groups and parties?
And lines bet'n all secondaries, primaries?●
Aren't exchangements of aids, values, direct?
And direct each relation and each act?●
Aren't All in need to understand Each Other?
Ain't patient Each to each dissent of the Other?●
Aren't One's dislikes and likes those of Another?
Aren't All in love for Oneness, None to differ?●
Isn't Each One's self the Self of Humanity?
Isn't Each One heart and soul absorbed in Unity?●

Isn't Each One's one-of identity issueless?
And Each in practice of values for Oneness?●
Isn't One the spirit of belongingness?
Isn't Each in the belongingness rid of stress?●
Isn't stress of struggles of Life served the end?
And righteous living over Truth of Life bent?●
Isn't Truthful Life sans conflcts, competitions?
Aren't All averse to boastful recognitions?●
Aren't competitions shunned as breeders of vices?
And All 'gainst Life of creating rags for riches?●
Aren't riches cast of as sinful possession?
Isn't there Each Human an egalitarian?●
Aren't Human Livings all austere, of Sense?
Aren't All against deriving pleasure from sins?●
Isn't source of pleasure freedom from stress of struggles?
Isn't end of struggles end of living hassles?●
Isn't Life sans hassles calm, composed, creative?
Isn't Mind, of mundane system, no more native?●
Isn't there in Mind a psychic transformation?
And birth of conscious method of evolution?●
Isn't Mind aroused to Super Consciousness?
And Death-bound Body's journey about-face?●
Isn't Mind for Life's Supreme State, Brain in tow?
Aren't Mind and Brain as One on the Ultimate Go?●
Aren't Humans Master of their Life and Action?
And Supreme Steerer of their Re-Creation?●
Hasn't Life embarked upon a great Transition?
Isn't the Transit at Human Transformation?●
Isn't Transformation next to Shaped-up Dream?
Won't Humans Transform to beat Age and Time?●




Won't Body be immune to banes and bugs?
Won't Body Boon free Mind from mental blocks?●
Won't Mind when blocks removed explore The Hidden?
Won't Facts explored render the soul Enlightened?●
Won't Soul Enlightened make out Universe?
Won't it from Universe see Earth, her Course?●
The Course of geologic Time, whole in Vision?
With Origins of Lives, and Anthropocene?●
Won't Anthropos reveal Secret of Homos?
Won't Humans of Creation be truly Conscious?●
Won't Conscious Mind lead us to Truths of Creation?
Won't sight of Truths set us for Creational Action?●
Won't Creative Actions get Mind reawaken?
Won't Reawakened Mind stimulate our Brain?●
Won't Stimulated Brain show Crux of Creation?
Won't Crux be found reserved in Center of Brain?●
Won't Brain be found as Mass of Macrocosm?
Won't Brainy Mass be known as Big-Bang Atom?●
Won't we by Brain control the whole of Creation?
Won't we have in our hand the Key of Re-Creation?●
Won't we by Brain make Body indestructible?
Won't Life by Brain be made imperishable?●
Won't Life be found as Creation's Supreme Form?
Won't Life by Brain get rid of mortal System?●
Won't System of Birth, Growth, Decay, Death, alter?
Won't Brain for Life be Death-proof Transformer?●
Won't Brain detect Secret of Transformation?
Won't Life ere Death go through Regeneration?●
Won't Life be on forever continuance?
Won't Life be of Same Soul, Same Self, Same Mass?●

Won't Mass of muscles, blood, bones, endless live on?
Won't Life be free from each fatal contagion?●
Won't Body be impervious to injuries?
Won't Aging be out of Nature's decrees?●
Won't Life be Timeless as Eternal Nature?
Won't Living be Non-stop as light, air, water?●
Won't Life be able to Exist through Universe?
Won't Living be fuelled by her Endless Force?●
Won't Force of Universe Inspirit Body?
Won't Body be sustained by Force directly?●
Won't Direct Force flow through the Body Circuit?
Won't Body against destruction be Insulate'?●
Won't Life be like indestructible Energy?
Won't Life survive no Earth, no House, no Belly?●
Won't Life no more be bound by Mundane Limit?
Won't Life of mortal foods be independent?●
Won't Body feed on things of direct source?
Direct on light, air, all unseen resource?●
Won't Body structure change in our Organism?
Won't there be a change in work of metabolism?●
Won't change anabolic, catabolic laws?
Won't Force be drawn from Naught like Cosmos draws?●
Won't Human Work have different Objective?
Won't it be Other than till Death to survive?●
Won't it be Working for Eternal Living?
Won't timelessly survive each Human Being?●
Won't Timeless Humans have New Living  System?
Won't Living System be o'er to Supreme Form?●
Won't Life be The Construct of what's not organic?
Won't Inorganic Matters be the Basic?●

Won't Basic be the Ideatic Reality?
Won't Ideation force out drab reality?●
Won't fade of drab objects make Life Genuine?
Won't Genuine Life be clear of things malign?●
Won't Body be Free from the malignant?
Won't Body empty of mortals, filth, be Buoyant?●
Won't it mean growing beyond the Bound of Earth?
Won't Humans grow to Universe' height and girth?●
Won't Each eternally be Powered to Live?
Won't Each on Air, Light, Space endless Survive?●
Won't Living be supported in Any Form?
Won't water, foods... all nutrients Shapeless come?●
Won't Shapeless be all Materials of Living?
Won't Humans feel Existing out of Nothing?●
Won't Nothingness be spirit of importance?
Won't Life in Nothingness have Cognizance?●
Won't Cognizance of Life acknowledge Self?
Won't Each have their Distinctive Goal to bring off?●
Won't Distinct Goals for Whole be of a Need?
Won't Needs for Whole have Wholesomeness to Breed?●
Won't Breeding be on Cosmos to Sustain?
Won't Life by Cosmos be in turn Entertained?●
Won't Life be a Heaven when Entertained by Cosmos?
Won't Heavenly Life be free from Deathly Curse?●
Won't Humans be able to Regenerate them?
Won't Generation of Self be in a new frame?●
Won't we, like God, be in Form of Formlessness?
Won't we be Transparent like jellyfish?●
Won't we be present everywhere in Space?
Won't we like God all travel ubiquitous?●

Won't traveling by us be as fast as light?
Won't Body be Unburnt, unlike meteorite?●
Won't Body thwart the pull of gravitation?
Won't it, like heavenly bodies, move but not burn?●
Won't Senses be sans mortal sensitivity?
Won't Mind perceive an Innovated Reality?●
Won't Reality be else than what Senses find now?
Won't Reals if Life could go endless, show it how?●
Won't how it'd endless go be Work of Brain?
Won't Brain change Universe' dormant terrain?●
Won't Brain be able to dig out Stealth of Nature?
Won't Brain remake her as Life's Eternal Savior?●
Won't Nature be Designed reverse to Death?
Won't Brain make Universe a Deathless Earth?●
Won't Life be Immortal Universe at Best?
Won't Work of Universe then come to Rest?●
Won't she when Life's Death-proof complete her Course?
Is Deathless Life not the Goal of Universe?●
Hasn't she for her Goal Created Human Species?
Won't Humans Re-Create her, their own Esses?●




Is Life not Soul of Creative Universe?
Does Universe not run the Creational Course?●
Isn't Course of Creation for Life's Immortality?
Aren't Humans Angels of the Odyssey?●
Do Angels pave not way to Heaven's Trove? 
Does Human Life not toward the Trove evolve?●
Aren't we abreast of Universal Evolution?
Isn't for OUR sake the Universal Exhibition?●
Why Exhibition if YOU Live Not to See?
What's Sun and Moon, what's Stars, what's Earth and Sky?●
What's Bird that sings, what's Snow that falls and melts down?
What's Lee and Lawn? What's Blooms and Berries grown?●
What's Sea that shines o'er the sunny horizon?
What's Plants and Pastures yellow, red and green?●
Why's Maldives' Beaches of bioluminescence?
Why's Mexico's glittering white expanse?●
Why does the Verdon flow with turquoise waters?
Why's Ha Long's Blue adorned with limestone towers?●
Why do Glowworm Caves twinkle like night sky?
Why's lasting Bow in Skogar's sunny days?●
Why does Mosazir Lake put on pink summer?
And Panjin Beach as splendid crimson color?●
Why's mesmerizing mysterious Lake Hillier?
Why's the sea sinking into the Well of Thor?●
Why's Earth mosaicked with grand Iran's terraces?
Or Turkey's, or with dunes of Maranhenses?●
Why's Cristales' Liquid Rainbow, or of Heavens?
Why's there in Heavens, Earth, so many events?●
What's good of celebrations in the skies?
Of lustrous meteor showers or star nurseries?●

What's worth if God of War and Lord of Rings meet?
To naked witness the Planets' celestial summit?●
Either of twilight in the Night Sky's mystery?
Or Creation's more brilliant artistry?●
Who'll visit whole Exhibition of Nature?
Who'll notice grand Exhibits and adore?●
What worth do have things beautiful and bright?
Aren't things all dark to us in sleep, at night?●
Isn't Creation dark and dead sans Soul for Sight?
Doesn't Death deliver Creation a Big Nought?●
Doesn't for Undying Life run our Universe?
Is Human Brain not Product for the purpose?●
Doesn't Brain have at its centre Pineal Gland?
Isn't sole to Brain the Seat of the Soul 
Isn't the Seat of the Soul known as The Third Eye?
Doesn't in The Eye the Creational Vision lie?●
Does Brain not have limitless Probing Force?
Hasn't Brain begun decoding Make of Cosmos?●
Isn't Cosmos made of Cosmic Particles?
Don't Cosmic particles design the Brain Cells?●
Is Brain not home for countless Cells of Neurons?
Aren't there as numberless Atoms-- in trillions?●
Don't Quarky Particles make up for Creation?
Don't Neurons determine how Life does function?●
Isn't concentrated whole of Force in Brain?
Isn't Brain Abode of each Atomic Grain?●
Isn't Brain made of Atomic Particles?
Doesn't Brain, like Universe, devise miracles?●
Doesn't Brain by Science devise Cosmic Byproducts?
Doesn't Science change Cosmic fictions into Facts?●

Aren't Agelessly outreaching Acts of Science?
Doesn't Science each time give Earth a new Alliance?●
Doesn't Earth's contact increase with Cosmic Bodies?
Doesn't Science make friends and decimate enemies?●
Hasn't Science destroyed bullying asteroids, comets?
And befriended Heavens, Moons and Planets?●
Hasn't Science incised into the Core of Cosmos?
Doesn't It research on Life's Creational Source?●
Is Source of Life on Earth not Automatic?
Is Life's decay and death not Periodic?●
Can't Life which's Periodic be Permanent?
Can't Fragment be connected with Fragment?●
Can't Body each be a Deathless Home for Life?
Will Science not give each Body a Permanent Fief?●
Isn't Body made of World's entire Elements?
Doesn't Universe feed Body on her Ingredients?●
Doesn't she, yet, feed on herself to create us?
Aren't we each created as a Moving Universe?●
Can't Creatures be Eternal like their Creation?
Don't Creatures by, with, for, their Creation function?●
Are Creatures for Creation or Creation for Creatures?
Aren't they together Bond of Cosmic Fixtures?●
Doesn't Cosmic Bond contain a Secret Signature?
Isn't it Spirit of Life that dies never?●
Isn't Life as Cosmic Spirit ever present?
Isn't Spirit, with no Birth and Death, e'er  permanent?●
Isn't Spirit when inhabits Body temporal?
Isn't it when free from Body Celestial?●
Isn't it when Celestial Omnipresent?
Isn't it lying in Universe' each Fitment?●

Aren't Cosmic Fitments composed of Elements?
Aren't these Elements both Life's, non-life's Components?●
Aren't Charges wrought by Elemental Variation?
Aren't Varying Elements an Animation?●
Don't all have Life-- from Particles to Planets?
Aren't there in Stars, Galaxies, Life's Elements?●
Don't Quarks behave as Life's tiniest form?
Don't Neutrons, Protons, act by Male-Female  norm?●
Don't like our Body Electrons hold the Life in?
Can't like Electrons Body be Divine'?●
Can't Body be long-lived like Particles?
Can't Body have its Own Energy Circles?●
Can't Body inside originate Elements?
Can't Body by its own go far extents?●
Can't Body be Evolved against erosion?
Can't Death be put back by a substitution?●
Can't Body have the System of Renewal?
Can't Body by itself Act Mechanical?●
Doesn't Body have its own Immunosystem?
Can't System have Supreme Mechanism?● Doesn't  Mechanism lie in Human Brain?
Mustn't Brain be functioned for The Ultimate Gain?●
Isn't The Ultimate Human Immortality?
Won't Human Brain expand to Infinity?●
Won't Humans be able to control Space and Time?
Won't we set up in Cosmos our Regime?●
Don't we campaign on Cosmic Mass and Matters?
Haven't we brought into Lab the Genome Factors?●
Haven't we begun Remapping Human Genome?
Haven't we begun Decoding Cells of Stem?●

Don't we experiment to modify Stem Cells?
Can't Cells be our Immortal Sentinels?●
Hasn't Brain made Science as Ready Reckoner?
Doesn't on Vehicle of Science advance The Moderner?●
Isn't our advancement toward Foolproof Living?
Isn't Living targeted at Freedom from Dying?●
Hasn't Science emerged as Divine Liberator?
Won't it liberate us from the cycle of Nature?●
Doesn't Nature cycle the New to Old to New?
Isn't there for cycle-free Life a Scientific Clue?●
Doesn't there in Brain The Clue to E'erlife exist?
Don't Cells on different Aliments subsist?●
Don't come from foods these relevant  substances?
Aren't there for Aliments other relevances?●
Can't they be obtained Direct from Light and Air?
Can't Process be like performing of software?●
Can't Life's Elements come without reservoirs?
Can't Life be gathered from Infinite Source?●
Aren't Matters which confine Life purely finite?
Can't Life be Straight from Vitals that's Infinite?●
Won't Life from the Things Infinite be Infinite?
Isn't Life, cause made of 'cycled things' now, finite?●
Don't cells of plants, animals, grow and die?
How'll Humans who feed on them Deathless be?
Mustn't we Unleash our Brain to change the system?
Can't Science Restructure structure of the organism?●
Hasn't structure Changed from Microbes to Mamals?
Hasn't Single Cell been Life of a Trillion Cells?●
Isn't Life being found in many forms and functions?
Haven't they been made by Natural Selections?●

Aren't these Selections a Scientific Process?
Hasn't Cosmos from her Creation been on Progress?●
Isn't Human Brain a Product of the Process?
Doesn't Cosmos by our Brain expedite Progress?●
Isn't Progress directed at Prolonged Living?
Hasn't Cosmos for this created Human Being?●
Don't Humans prove that they're Agents of Change?
Doesn't Cosmos offer them her Whole Melange?●
Isn't Human Telescope now inspecting it?
Don't Lenses look to find Creational Secret?●
Haven't many Secrets been exposed by Humans?
Don't we apply our Finds for Clan to Advance?●
Isn't our Advancement utterly Re-Creational?
Isn't our Re-Creation Wise as what's Creational?●
Aren't Wise Human robots, rockets and planes?
Don't by the day More Wise, More Able, grow Humans?●
Doesn't Future Life appear to be More Creative?
Won't Creative Humans replace those who're naive?●
Isn't hindrance to Re-Creation Human naiveness?
Doesn't naiveness hold back our Re-Creational Progress?●
Isn't naiveness caused by mental delusion?
Doesn't our deluded Mind take naive conclusion?●
Aren't we conclusive of our Life and Death?
Don't we so take the event of Death as Truth?●
Isn't it Right Time we threw away our naiveness?
Isn't it Right Time we gave our Life its Due Place?●
Isn't Human Life the Life of Universe?
Doesn't Universe breathe, see and think through us?●
Hasn't she Created us with much of Faith?
Doesn't she want us we Fill her Length and Bredth?●

Hasn't she made her The Home for Humanity?
Doesn't she desire for our Immortality?●
Hasn't she for this Devised in us the Brain?
Mustn't we Utilize the Brain for our Supreme Gain?●
Isn't our Supreme Gain our Immortality?
Isn't Work for this Gain our Supreme Piety?●
Must Humans be unthoughtful of this Purpose?
Mustn't we for our Deathlessness be Pieteous?●
Must we think us mortal while Made Otherwise?
Must we resign whole Brain being left for Use?●
Is Human Species till yet not immature?
Doesn't Use of Brain make us More Strong, More Mature?●
Isn't our Brain now Evolving at Fast Pace?
Doesn't Brain make us Expert to Tame the Space?●
Don't Kepler's, Hobble's, sight many Exoplanets?
Aren't they all Habitable for 'Homo Genus'?●
Won't we by Brain ere 'colonize' the Cosmos?
Won't we one day be Stately Ubiquitous?●
Isn't Human Life of barely a few lakh years?
Isn't it too short of time lived dinosaurs?●
Didn't dinos live one-sixty million years?
Won't Humans be Immortal ere that course?●
Won't Humans be Impervious to any Impact?
Won't Cells advance against Death to Enact?●
Won't Human Brain give Cells the Hydra Power?
Don't Hydra Cells ere age Regrow, Repair?●
Won't Human's like them Stop to age and die?
Don't Scientists to this question 'Yes' reply?●
Doesn't Science to its affirmation Invent?
Aren't its Invents from dogmas different?●

Isn't dogmatic our outlook toward Life?
Musn't we abandon our resigned belief?●
Isn't crime, against Truth, our resignation?
Do we accept not Death by our submission?●
Isn't submission of Self due to rejection?
Doesn't our rejected Mind look for redemption?●
Isn't this translated as our quest for pleasure?
Isn't it a quirk our questful Mind is bent o'er?●
Isn't quirky Mind an unintelligent Mind?
Is Mind which lacks Intelligence not blind?●
Can Mind when blinded Visualize the Path?
Doesn't Life en route Destination depath?●
Doesn't our deviated Mind commit offenses?
Don't these offenses cause impermanence?●
Does Life not die as snaps Energy Circuit?
Doesn't Body cease to be and forfeit Spirit?●
Isn't Spirit in Body an Energy Fragment?
Can't Body if Energized Uncut be Permanent?●
Isn't Permanent the Existence of Energy?
Can't Permanently Existent Body be?●
Isn't Body tansible form of Energy?
Is Life not Energy-Body Synergy?●
Isn't Synergy a Balanced Chemical System?
Is Death not crash of System's Equilibrium?●
Isn't there A Little bet'n living and non-living?
Isn't there A Secret bet'n living and dying?●
Won't Brain a day find out The Little Secret?
Won't we from dying to Deathlessness Convert?●
Must we not let our Brain to flourish with Science?
Must Mind not Quest for The Creational Nuance?●


                              1694 Couplets
                              3388 Questions 

The language of the human species is creativity. The universe has created them to look at her and understand her and to look into her and re-create her. 
                                                               -- Author


Credit Source

1. On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin
2. The Descent of Man by Charles Darwin 
3. A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking
4. Savitri  by Sri Aurobindo
5. Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari
6. Homo Deus by Yuval Noah Harari
7. Freedom by Geremy Griffith 
8. The Book of Questions by Pablo Neruda
9. The Book of Humans: The Story of How We
     Became Us by Adam Rutherford
10. Life and Energy by Isaac Asimov
11. The Greatest Show On Earth by Richard 
12. The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins 
13. The Big Bang and Relative Immortality:
     Seminal Essays on the Creation of the Universe
     and the Advent of Biological Immortality by
     Sebastian Sisti
14. Immortality: How Science is Extending Your
      Life Span--and Changing The World 
      by Dr. Ben Bova 
15. The Scientific Conquest of Death: Essays on
      Infinite Lifespans by Immortality Institute
16. The Theory of Everything by Stephen
17. The Secret of Life, Death and Immortality
      by Henry Fleetwood 
18. The Brain: The Story of You, by David
19. YouTube lectures by Physicists,
    Astrophysicists, Theoretical Physicists,
    Philosophers, Cosmologists, and Biologists, like
    Jiddu Krishnamurti, Bertrand Russell, Richard
    Dawkins, Carl Jung, Sam Harris, Rupert Spira,
    Neil deGrasse Tyson, Eckhart Tolle etc.

About The Author 

Prof. N. P. Samal teaches Humanities in a professional degree college and is a poet and author. He has authored three books Creation and Crunch, a collection of poems, Mama Rhymes, a volume of 100 moral poems, and  The Sermonic Verses, a volume of 100 sonnets. He has two blogger sites, and, and has been blog-publishing, mainly poems, essays and articles, since 2018. His blogger sites get hundreds of views worldwide everyday. Prof. Samal is also a lawyer and motivational speaker. 

About The Book 

Expert Reviews 

                                  -- Sequel --
                CRUSADE AGAINST DEATH                         TOWARD THE ULTIMATE PHENOMENON


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