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Showing posts from August, 2019


Bend the twigs, they will easily bend; No blow, no tool, no rule, they will easily bend. Use I not force, my frowns  well correct them; Their pains yet I bear, and they grow  on my own stem. I stress not them, nor hound to grow them right; I just grow me to take them up and raise their height. I sulk when they break laws, when they tell lies; Then they apologise, as tears  flow from my eyes. We are bound in love, and I've banished the rod; When they get goodness of knowledge, I get my God. I walk with them for their fame in sun and rain; Whenever they stoop, I tell a joke and they walk again. Ever am I bonded to them by genuine piety; And in my students is my life,  soul and gaiety.                        by  N P Samal       Asst. Professor, IGIPS, Bhubaneswar 


Love lop-sided however, love is love unrequited although it feels.. Love is love that begs not a return, Nor perishes under the weight of non-gratification. Love is not love that nests in self and feeds on lust. Love is love that celebrates well-being  of the beloved. One word she utters, i send back an essay of Creation, A drop of love from her melts me into a sea of passion, And after her each exit, i feel her  everywhere around me -- The moon, the moonless, and the sun... Disproportionate however it seems in reciprocity, Inequitable however it feels in sensitivity, Love is love as i sit musing on -- In tranquil 'mesmersys' -- The word, the moment, and her love albeit a little.                                --- N P Samal


She demands love, she demands hate; She commands attention, she commands exit; She seeks affection, but spurns contact; She offers worship, but showers curse; She loves authority, yet grinds mastery; She shows loyalty, yet hides pedantry : She behaves i am hers Yet i wonder : Do i belong ? She behaves she is mine Yet i wonder : Do i won ? The exotic love goes by condition, The sanctity of love follows sanction... This is the way our love travels -- So closed together, yet strictly single, By her warnings against parting Or advancing further...                                 --- N P Samal


In colours, in their spread, In the blue, in the red, In the light, in the shade; O'er the line, on the plane, In the dust, in the rain, In foam, in fizz, in fountain; In the vein, in the breath, In the spread of the gleaming teeth, On the skin and beneath; By the calm, by the freaks, On the soul, on the cheeks, By the chawls, by the bricks; In the glee, in full heart, With love, with peace, with art, No creed, no class, no caste; With the friends, with the foes, With the rich, with the lows, With men, women, far or close; Did revel, did reveal, All the good, none evil, Down the road, in gay will; By virtues, by morals, In the bright pictorial,  In the holiness of 'gulal'; I did play with fetish, For my God, in His bliss: That is me, that's my wish!                           -- N P Samal               


Now i am writing poems.. I've written a thousand And hide it never that The end of each poem is  A stride back to life n cheer And between each beginning  And ending, there lies An immortalising buffer !!                     -- N P Samal


I kill'd a tiger, then another And then i turn'd a serial killer.. Over each death i proclaim'd  A name from my clan revenged And mine a great avenger... But now i do reveal The breeding scratches on  My body are signs of mortality By violence of the remaining...                          --- N P Samal


One day there sat a crow At my study window  Long after a sparrow And ask'd if i could now Feed her on my noodles chow - For taste i beat my brow When grains plentifully grow - Before i took some to throw... Today a pigeon at window, I wonder if one day, somehow, These birds will also go - Same like sparrow and crow !                        --- N P Samal


I see your smile... I see your smile each day - Many a time a day... I see your smile in floral blings  Gleefully flying with tiny wings.. I see it settling on shrubs and on trellis Then gliding around with scents of  roses and lilies... I see your smile... I see your smile near and far, Everywhere in nature's innards - On breast of mountains At  foot of fountains On sands of summer sea On turf of autumn lea Along the dark wood's skyline Along banks of sweetly flowing riverine... I see the flights of your smile  In cheeriness of solar light In tranquillity of starry night  With tender breaths of spring With freshness of jasmine... And so you smile..Everywhere.. Everyday..Many times a day... And then,  I see your smile   Before my very eyes  I see your smile  In my courtyard's foliage... I see its labial gesture Of love, of charm, of rapture As blooms of smile frolic in pleasure Wi...


When home i am in hours of  yogic tranquillity I find in me a breath and mind touching Eternity And with rhythms of gymnastic pro-activity My body organs form an  indestructible unity Immortality of water, air,  and light permeates With well-being of the whole  in-animates and animates And with the wings of tireless muscles and far-reaching spirit I feel invincible over age,  time, and enmity Of violence, sloth, hatred, and  others of the kind... Thus i live to conquer death with 'Strong body and youthful mind' !!!                                  --- N P Samal


So simple is death So ready... So rife... Yet goes it... Simpler...Readier...Rifer...  With great aplomb... With total ease... By days, by hours, by jiffies... By sophistication, by precision... Will blush The flaps of a flying bat, The flicks of a spinning vane, The jets of Victoria At swiftness, sprays, and pops of death  From guns, from drones... From bugs, from thugs... From floods, from fates... Death's manic run, For i mperial pride, has barged  Into harbours of life,  Has slither'd into life's hideouts... Has razed life's barriers and forts... Has reach'd life's extreme spots... The might perish, the right succumb. The gods do fall, do fall the demons, The kings, and the commons, The foes, and the Samaritans... Victors, and 'so, victims, The haves, and the paupers, The all-powerful monsters... All crush'd under the feet of Death... Imperious it does run, As its pandemic march tramples Plains and terrains, Vales and cit...


My freedom is not limitless, But in a limit I Find my independence... Unbound and free I live, within The limit of spirit - the soul - Free from body, from objects, and From the evanescence... When I look at my freedom, I find my home In the light of the sun, In the flow of water, In the flight of wind... I am bound by nature - The universe, the sky, the earth, Beyond the death and birth - I am incomprehensibly tangible; Un-apprehensively existent... I am unlimited in the limit of the macrocosm; I am free with freedom from an ephemeron; And I am out of the transcendental serfdom... And so, I limit not within The shell of self, of conceit, of ego... Of wants, of wealth, of wishes... Of caprice, of bigotry... Of caste, of colour... Of conflicts, of clashes... Of flesh, of bones, of biases... And so, I've broken free from The bondage of spite, of angst... Of schism, of untruth... Of pains and sorrows Of body and of mind... And when I feel my free...


When Mama appears, giggles the earth            With floral enchantries,          And hugely gets parturient         With grains and greeneries; When Mama moves, follows the Ganga                Of values and piety       Profoundly with many glories               For peace and unity;    When Mama speaks, sings heartily           The spring enchanting note      And resonates the earth, the sky        With love strong, and afloat; When Mama smiles, pours the Creator                 His blessings all over         With patriarchal benevolence             For progress and treasure; When Mama cries, emerge the tides        ...


You are 'long no line while wait I and pine, As tears hide your imprints from sight of mine ! O my dear love, wherever have you gone ? And gone like a 'fay' - unheard, unreach'd, unknown ? How cruel time play'd its gambit and you quit, While I was world, and this world at your feet !, Your disappearance like that of the sun O'er winter'd earth, has drop'd me woeful, lorn ! Endures the ditched soul banishment's each sting, Will i see hearty ingress of the spring ? Unsure, yet runs my morbid love with flight Of moments of sheer longing day and night !... You love me you no more, nor let me adore ! Why made promise ? Why yet then you ignore ? And all for, being a human, I just err'd ! Why forgiveness then so divinely law'd ? If tiger ate me, I would tell in mirth How timid a pray I was to your wrath ! If I was run o'er, how careless, you would guess, A wanderer was I to your rashness ! Yet crave I your philanthropic ret...


I know not what it was under; I wanted not to know before I got married at thirty four To a dame of  'feminine order'. I had heard that it was a fever - Almost a week - little less or more, That once a month occurs the fever; Once i had heard it from my mother. Now i see Akshay Kumar's pannier Delivering something from door to door - The Padman what cine fans say, Can fix the sickness at coins' pay. Then ask me if now i do know ! And i do say i do not know. And till my death i shall not know What is not apt for me to know... Some secrets are secrets, however, As in my living it does not matter; And i shan't know if that reel Kumar Comes to our door to sell that soft bar ! But i do know things will get septic If harmless secrets are made public. So i know not my dame's 'pious' seals, And so, my nose gets not 'impious' wrinkles. Will you, so, gentlemen please stop to fret Over this sanitary secret ? -- And put your ...


I feel a first each time she comes And sits close by--a hand perched soft On my comforting thigh, and hums Some popular number; on the loft Of my designer upper chest Her snuggled head at peaceful rest! I feel a last each time on hers Saying 'Bye', soaked in delights of smile-- The lustre alike nowhere glitters-- The charm none else would so beguile As I do kiss her hand with a drop or two Of my accumulating tears of woe! I serve her like a servant And love her like a savant  When like a cunning bolt she appears, Carrying all celestial grandeurs, Before vanishing into illusion,  As swallows me a deathly oblivion-- Gutted, forlorn...And I do yearn, Heavy with loads of infatuation! Then... When the night is dead and deep, When the recliner's arms Have pulled me into sleep, That vibrates my cell phone, Flashing up her fond name To my eyes flung open. Started I scoop up the phone  To my ardorous lips and ears And hear that very question: 'What...


Let women fly to limitless sky, With innumerable wings stars nigh; And farther 'way from veils of serfdom To fore'er life of cheer and freedom. Too far too high, and they will fly to find That awful vast is not freedom defined; And over there they'll stop to look back then If behind them to guard are there the men. Humans are free to limit of their freedom For they are bound by the societal thraldom; Desires force to break through humanised bans, Then end up moving as 'urban pagans'. Yet, women can't by any sweat be string'd kites, Nor men can anchor and limit the flights; Women are free by their own rights n roles, So men to adhere to theirs for divine goals. At their own risks women wrest away freedom, And that men persecute women - their Selfdom; Creators are they of themselves together, They mutually grow or rot together. None has brought none-- woman man, man woman, Yet then to live the life alone none can; Each makes for the...